Falls Arrest

Blake: I laugh to Orlando childhood story's "S-so you prank your step father by putting a S-Snapping turtle in the toliet!?"

Orlando: I try to hold in my laughter "Y-yep. Let me tell ya he wasn't too happy about it...mostly my step mother." I busted out laughing to re- picturing my step mother reaction to the prank "Enough about my child hood. What about yours, what was your like?"

Blake: After he ask me that I immidetly stop laughing remembering my child hood "...Not...great."

Orlando: I realize the question hit her hard I'm guessing it wasn't good "What happen?"

Blake: "Bad things..." I took a sip of my drink

Orlando: "What kind of bad things?"

Blake: I gotten alittle aggravated when he ask me another question "Terrible one's..."

Orlando: I notice what I'm doing was being pushy with her and also she was getting aggravated with me aswell "I'm sorry didn't mean to be pushy."

Blake: "Right..." After taken a bite from my sushi a waitress is coming towards Orlando side from our table

Waitress: "Hello sir will you...like another drink?"

Orlando: I notice the waitress place her hand on my left arm while she trying to feel my muscles "Yes I will sure like that." After she pour me another drink in my cup she put on a shock look towards me

Waitress: "Oh my! Do you work out?"

Orlando: Of course she will strike me a conversation but I came on this date for Blake better make this sort "Yes I do." After giving her my simple answer she lean into my ear starting to whisper

Waitress: "I notice you haven't been able to talk to this girl...maybe you can leave with me. You do seem that kind of guy after all and I like that."

Orlando: Hearing her ask me such a question did made me mad to where I clinch my drink in a tight grip even for how she thinks of me

Blake: Seeing her so close to him make me feel so sick inside, I just wanted to grab my bottle and smash her head over it for some reason, but for Orlando? Never!

Orlando: "You know." I lean away from the waitress, then look at her cold "For you to think of me like that make me sick. So I appreciate you don't ask me such a question nor think of me that way...beat it." The waitress look at me shock, then walk away speechless while I look back at Blake "I'm sorry you had to see that, Didn't want to let that ruin our date but mainly upset you."

Blake: it surprise me on how Orlando rejected her...for me "N-no it fine." I feel my cheeks heating up a bit I look down feeling blushful

Orlando: For the first time I got to see her blush it was so adorable not to avoid"Hmm, you know your very adorable when you blush like that." I put on a nice smile for her along with my flirty tone of voice to tease her "Sure love to take a picture of that."

Blake: "W-wha I-I. I'm ready to go to The Tukson Book Trade!" I got up from my seat looking away to hide my face

Orlando: I giggle to seeing her like this "Sure I'll pay for the food. You can wait for me at the door." I got up from my seat to head to the cashier

Blake: Once Orlando walked off I took out my scroll to look at my face, I notice my bow was crooked abit so I fix it so Orlando won't see it werid"....Did I just fix myself for Orlando?" I started having some weird thoughts of him smiling and...carrying me like a princess, I started walking to the door with steam coming out of me while my face heated up bright red

Orlando: while I was talking to the cashier I notice Blake was steaming up

Cashier: "Uhh excuse me sir, is your lady friend alright?"

Orlando: "Well I hope she not running on a train track because of me, literally." I turn back to the cashier to start paying

Snow: As me and Weiss are walking through the park I have my hands covering her eyes "We almost there." I felt excitment coming down my spin to show her my surpise

Weiss: "Snow I appreciate the thought you put in but is it really this far?" After 5 more steps he stopped "Why we stopped?"

Snow: I smile excitedly to show her my surprise "We are here." I slowly moved my hand from her eyed for her to see

Weiss: Once I gotten to see what in front of me my eyes widen "Wow... Snow..." What I saw was a picnic, seeing a basket fill with sandwiches, chips, popsicle sticks, and some over delicious food "Snow did you do all this?"

Snow: I rubbed the back of my head feeling nervous abit "Y-yea I hope you like it."

Weiss: I felt so excited and happy I quickly wrapped my arms around Snow hugging him gratefully "I've always wanted to go out on a picnic when I was a child. Thank you Snow."

Snow: I grabbed her around her waist with both of my arms to embrace our hug "Your welcome Snow Princess." I notice some people around the park were looking at us with an "aww face" this made my chest burst out as if I got caught off gaurd

Weiss: A thought occure to me making confuse we did recently "Hey Snow."

Snow: I snapped myself out of my thoughts to answer her "Yes Weiss?"

Weiss: "This is very sweet of you and alot good thought you put in but...didn't we just ate hotdogs few minutes ago?" I look up at Snow to see his face

Snow:...WHAT AN IDIOT I AM! "I-I-I uhh I a-actually...Sorry" I felt so embarrassed realizing we just ate minutes ago back at the benche and all that effort I put in was a waste "This is probably was a wast of time..."

Weiss: "Hey it the thought that count so don't get all sad because of it." I pull out of myself from his arms, then grab his hand to led him to the picnic, him and I sat down together side by side "Plus I...always wanted to have this with you."

Snow: I smile to hear those words from her "Then if it make you happy then I'm happy to see my gorgeous Schnee smiling."

Weiss: Hearing that sweet nick name he gave me made me felt my heart skip two bests at once "Y-you dunce...L-let just eat!" I grabbed a sandwich to put in his mout, but instead it made me dropped the sandwich all over his cloths "Oh Snow! I-I'm sorry!" I grabbed the napkins, then started cleaning the mess off of Snow cloth

Snow: "H-hey Weiss it ok." I grab her free hand to get her attention "It fine."

Weiss: I look up to realize how close me and Snow are...our face can touch each other noise's "Snow..." We stare at each other for what felt like forever, then...we started leaning in closer each other...and closer...and closer till our forhead touch...I slowly close my eyes getting ready for our lips to touch

Snow: My heart keep on skipping a beat as if it was force to run more laps then it needed till I begin to slowly close my eyes to get ready for our lips to meet but...before anything happen a nut fell right on our heads "Ow!"

Weiss: I look up to see a squirrel knocking nuts down...That complet...stupid...animal...HOW!?-_-

Snow: I see Weiss making a face fill with rage like a hot boiling water with smoke coming out of her while she stare at the squirrel "L-let us finish our food Weiss hehe." I laugh awakwardly of what nearly just happen I honestly can't believe we nearly...K-k-kiss!

Weiss: Once I made eye contact with Snow my face immediately went from the heat of the sun to the color of a simple pink rose all over my cheeks "Y-y-you dunce!" I flick his head with my finger receiving a "ow" from him

Ruby: As me and Nero are walking together I started to notice he been spacing out "Something wrong?"

Nero: I look back at Ruby with a small blush "O-oh no it nothing. It just I keep on thinking about something is all."

Ruby: I put on a curious look while smiling"Hmm, about whaaat?"

Nero: "Just...been thinking about how much fun we had today. It feels great to go out with a beautiful girl like you. I put on a small smile as I look to meet her eye's

Ruby: seeing Nero smiling like that made my heart started beating and my cheeks going redder then the color of my hair "O-oh! It no problem really! I j-just thought you were really, really cool s-so I didn't mind going out with you today! I-I mean it not everyday I get to go out with a g-guy but i-if y-you don't mind I will like you to take me on a flight tonight i-if that ok!..." For a brief moment there were silence till I realize what I said "WAIT! I-I-I d-didn't meant t-"

Nero: I laugh more to her reaction I even started to lean lower because of my laughter "Oh boy! I-I never thought a dork like y-you will be so h-honest." After my laughter I took a deep breath to stand up stright "Your really cute when your like this you know that."

Ruby: I cover my face with my hoodie to hide my blush "Ohhhh! Y-Your...and your handsom."

Nero: After a while of looking at her I started to notice my behaviour...I never acted like this towards anyone before this laughter, smiles, my heart beating, brightnesses, and...happinesses "H-hey Ruby." Before she turn around she end up tripping down towards the floor "R-Ruby!" I quickly kneel down to meet her level to grabbed her hand

Ruby: "I-I'm fine, I'm just alittle clumsy is all. Haha." I laugh it off my embarrassment till I notice Nero is holding my hand"What was it you were gonna say...Nero?" I stare at his red eyes as I slowly gripped his hand

Nero: Seeing her face up close was like seeing the stars at night that you never wanted to look away from, once I removed her hoodie with my free hand I felt her hand gripping mine I look at her deep in her eyes "Well...I was gonna say I'll...take you on a flight tonight...if...that what you really want...Ruby."

Nero&Ruby: Their stares felt like a trance that they can't get away from...Soon they started to lean closer to each other face

Orleans: As I was witnessing the scene from one of the buildings Yang is holding me down with her hand on my mouth to keep me silent" "HMMMMMMMM! HMM, HM, HMMM, HMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!"

Nero&Ruby: The closer their face get the faster their heart beat everything and everyone around them are not even their first concerns the only thing that keeping them in this moments was their hands gripping one another tightly remaining connected

???: "Freeze!"

Nero: Me and Ruby instantly get knock out of our...Cough Cough...moment, then we look at the direction of the voice to see two police officer's pointng their guns...at me

Ruby: I looked at Nero with a worrying for him"Nero..."

Police 1: "Get up slowly!"

Nero: I didn't listen to his demands as far as I know I did nothing wrong "No."

Police 2: "Listen we aren't gonna ask twice!"

Nero: After seeing them getting all furious with a gun in their hands I slowly got up with my hands making a fist "Is that a threat?"

Police 1: "No but it will be if you don't do what we say. Boy!"

Nero: He pull the hammer back getting ready to shoot "Well this 'Boy' wouldn't need a gun to finish a rotten maggot."

Police 2: "Nero Zexal. You are arrested for the crimes of robbing every dust stores in vale. We have a warrant to take you in. Come peacefully."

Ruby: I look at Nero confuse "Nero what is he talking about?" There were a silnce between us, he didn't answer me in the very end which gotten me scare"Nero?..."

Police 1: "Come on freak! Or do you not understand human language?!"

Nero: "What you mean?" Something tells me he knows more then what I think he does

Police 2: "Nero Zexal aka...Red 
Brazil, son of Beriloz the first huminod Grimm and your mother Lucia Heart one of the oldest and best hunteresses...Well once anyways."

Nero: "...What...?" My heart starting beating in painic, I couldn't think of anything to do "Ruby..." Thoughts occure to me of what others think of her now, after seeing us together like this

Ruby: I slowly stood up from the floor conern for his safety and now everyone knows who he is, they will probably make things worst for him "Nero." I grabbed his hand tightly to make him feel comfort

Nero: Feeling her hands made me felt at ease...till I heard whispers around us...

People 1: "Is that girl holding his hand?"

People 2: "You don't think they are together? That isn't right, what if he hurt her?"

People 3: "Him and his family should be getting rid of, that poor girl deserve a better boy."

Nero: I look down at Ruby holding my hand, having people seeing this...it just make me feel wrong inside

Ruby: I felt his hand slipping out of my hand due to what they were saying making him feel bad "Nero!" I quickly got on my tipy toes to wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him in a hug holding him tightly "Listen to my voice."

Nero: hearing her whispering in my ear made me feel much better so I wrapped my arms around her waist tight

Ruby: "Tell me what you need me to do. What ever it is I'll do it."

Nero: "...ok." I pull out the tracker device professor goodwitch gave me, then I secrectly handed to Ruby "When Neon come I want you to use this as your last resort."

Ruby: I took his device, then look at him worrying "What about you?"

Nero: "Don't worry. I can't go back to the academy without knowing what going on. Not when you will get hurt in the processes, so I'm gonna have to go with them to find out more."

Police 1: "Hey love birds as touchy as this look I still got a bullet in the chamber!"

Nero: I turn around to look at him "I got a pack of Beowulf that are starving to get theyirhands on a old man." This cause the officer to choke in fear

Ruby: I pull on Nero jacket, once he turn around I give him a small kiss on the cheek

Nero: My face went instent red with flames filling my heart "R-Ruby!"

Ruby: I held my hands together while looking at him with a blushful inncent face "F-for good luck." I smile at him of course the crowd's wouldn't stop taken picture's, but didn't matter one bit to me

Nero: After rubbing the spot on my cheeks she kissed I put on a nice wram smile"Sorry for worrying you eariler. I hope I didn't scare you."

Ruby: I nodded while I played with my hair being shy"D-don't worry. I understand why you be all quiet like that, j-just don't do that again next time." I chuckle due to the kiss on the cheek I gave him eariler

Nero: After I gave her a thumps up I then turn around to start walking towards the offciers "Get this over with I'm not much of a Opera person." After they put the hand cuffs
they stuff me in the police car

Police 2: "Can't believe what we are gonna be bringing to the cell block."

Police 1: "Hmph please. Wouldn't been better we have caught more of them no telling which one this monster can do."

Nero: I notice they pull up a black and white photo of the crime scene in the photo there my brother Neon carring a bag of dusts for sure Weiss won't be to happy about that

Police 2: "Well let just take this to jail time. I just hope we got a cell for it kind."

Nero: "Wonder how you find out I still exist."

Police 1: "Oh! Well thanks for asking, you see you left alittle DNA sample at the crime scene which we so happen to keep it at our station."

Nero: Hearing that it tells me Neon plan this little frame

Ruby: After they drove off with Nero I ran to a less people place to make a call to his brothers or sister but before I do I saw Orleans standing in front of me with Yang "Yang?"

Yang: I went up to Ruby hugging her concern "You ok Ruby!"

Ruby: After Yang let go of me I look at her pointing at the spot Nero got taken away still abit worry "I'm fine, but it Nero."

Orleans: "We know we saw the whole thing." I cross my arm trying to figure out the possibility's of the outcome

Ruby: I look at her confuse "Wait you were following us?"

Orleans: I look at Ruby with a 'Uh oh' look to being caught red handed".............What? did you think I was just gonna let y'all run off with my brothers!!!"

Ruby: A thought occure to me that she might have seen me and Nero nearly k-kiss! "WAIT! Did you saw us n-nearly kiss!?"

Orleans: I grabbed her by her shoulders to make her look at my eyes twitching with insanity "You better be glad those police officers stop y'all because in 2 seconds I was gonna shoot out your jaw so you can KISS YOUR SELF IN THE MIRRIOR!!!"

Ruby: "W-well I uhh. T-that will have been u-unecessary. :|"


Yang: I stood around speechlesses so I pull out my scroll to call the others "I'll just make the calls."
