The optimist

Tommy woke up and tried to move, but realized he was tied to a chair. Charlotte slowly woke up next. She was still just in her bra and underwear as she looked at Tommy. Sabini walked in with another man.
"Well I'm glad you two finally woke up." Sabini said.
The two stayed silent as they tried to remember what happened. Sabini stood in front of Charlotte.
"Would they still let you model with a broken nose?"
He hit her across the face and she just looked at him.
"You hit like a bitch." She said.
He hit her again and then once more.
"Hit me...don't hit her...hit me. I took your club." Tommy said.
"No, Tommy." She whispered.
"It's okay."
"Awe...aren't you two cute." Sabini mocked.
He hit Tommy a few times.
"Stop." Charlotte yelled.
Sabini roared with laughter and then started to hit Charlotte again. They hit her in the arms, stomach, and face. She never fell apart. She just looked at him. Sabini grabbed her throat.
"I'm going to have fun with you, bitch."
"Leave her alone." Tommy yelled.
Sabini hit Tommy multiple times and then he started towards the door.
"I'll finish you two off later...I have dinner plans."
He turned and shot Charlotte and then he walked out. She looked down at the gunshot wound in her thigh.
"It's okay. I'm okay. We just have to get out of here before I bleed out."
"How are we going to get out of here?" He asked.
"The idiot used rope...rookie mistake."
He gave her a weird look. Their hands were tied behind them. Charlotte started to move her wrists as much as she could and eventually she got out. Tommy was impressed as he watched. She untied her two legs and struggled as she got up. Charlotte limped over and untied Tommy. He stood up and gave her his jacket to cover up with. He also took his tie off and bent down.
"This will hurt." He said.
Tommy tied his tie around her leg as tight as it could go. He slowly stood up and made eye contact with her. They both had bruised and bloody faces.
"There's a guard outside the door. Can you take him out or do I have to do that too?" She joked.
"Cute." He said sarcastically.
She quickly opened the door and Tommy pulled the guard in and knocked him out. He looked at her.
"Let's go, Wilson." He said.
She smirked because she liked that he called her by her last name. It was cute. They cautiously walked out and up some stairs. Hopefully they would run into a guy with a gun, but they weren't that lucky. A man grabbed Charlotte from behind right as they got upstairs. She put her hands on his and then elbowed him right in the ribs, just like she did to Alfie. He jumped back and she grabbed his arm and kicked his leg so he fell to the ground. Charlotte used her little maneuver and broke the man's arm. He screamed in pain and then Tommy kicked him so it knocked him out. He gave Charlotte a look like how did she know how to do this.
"I'm not just a pretty face."
Tommy shook his head and they walked into a dinning room. They could see the door, but heard Sabini walking in with what sounded like a female. They knew he had a gun, so Tommy pulled Charlotte into the closest door he could find. It just happened to be another closet. An even smaller one. He had his arm around her stomach as she was against the back wall. She winced as she slowly turned around. His hand was now on her waist. He looked down at her gunshot wound and saw all the blood. The tie didn't stop the bleeding like it should've.
"We need to get out of here, now." He said.
He let go of her and turned around and peered out the tiny window on the closet door. He saw Sabini and a woman sitting down for dinner.
"Fuck." Tommy whispered.
He turned back around and looked at Charlotte.
"His dinner plans are here aren't they?" She asked.
He nodded and she closed her eyes. Tommy walked over and held her arms.
"You need to sit down."
Tommy helped her down. He sat down and leaned against the wall as he carefully put her legs over his lap. He put pressure on her wound with his right hand and put his left arm around her as she leaned her head on him.
"I think this is the nicest you've been to me." He joked.
She laughed.
"I am nice."
"I'll believe that when I see it."
          "Well I don't think you will ever get the chance to see it." She said.
          "You're going to be okay, Charlotte. You're not dying."
          "I didn't peg you for the optimist."
          "Oh I'm not. I'm Tommy Shelby. I don't laugh or smile. I'd rather be feared than loved." He joked.
          "I don't believe that. Everyone wants to love."
          "Except you right?" He said as he looked at her.
He shook his head.
          "Alfie said you used to smile and laugh a lot."
          "I did."
          "So did I...and then I went to war. We all got to leave France, but none of us came home."
She ran her hand over his face as they made eye contact. He leaned his face against her hand and then kissed it.
          "So is this a moment?" He asked.
          "Nope." She joked.
He gave a small laugh. Tommy knew there was something about Charlotte the first day he met her. She was different from any other girl. Different from Grace.
          "I'm not letting you die." He said.
          "The bullet hit the femoral artery. It's the biggest artery in your leg. Tommy, there's nothing we can do. It's okay."
He swallowed hard and about an hour went on as they talked. Tommy asked her a question, but she didn't respond. He looked down to see her unconscious. Her face was pale and her skin was cold.
          "Charlotte....Charlotte. You're okay. You can't got us this far."
          "No...I'm not letting this happen."
He looked at her face and then he leaned down and lightly kissed her lips. Tommy picked her up and he looked out and saw Sabini walking away. He waited a few minutes and he carefully made his way out of the house. Hours later Charlotte woke up in her bed.
          "Tommy?" She said quietly.
Alfie got up and sat on her bed.
          "What time is it?" She asked.
          "Two in the morning."
She uncovered her leg and looked at it wrapped up.
          "Tommy was here, but he left." Alfie added.
          "Is he okay?"
          "Is that care I hear?"
Charlotte rolled her eyes.
          "He was pretty beat up, but not as bad as you."
She took a deep breath and then covered back up.
          "Tommy said that you got out of the ropes and then untied him."
          "You have to be careful, Charlie. They'll find out who you are..they'll find out your father is the prime minister of Australia."
She turned her head away from him.
          "I don't care anymore, Alfie."
          "So you're ready to tell them every detail of your complicated life then?"
          "Noah will show up to find you, Charlie. Are you ready to tell them about him?"
Charlotte just closed her eyes and eventually Alfie left. She would never admit it, but she really wanted Tommy to be there. Charlotte didn't want the Shelby's in danger, but she didn't want to leave either and she definitely didn't want to tell them about Noah.
