A family

          "Get out before I kill you." Tommy spit at Grace. 
She smirked.
          "We will talk later." She said and then walked out.
Grace was walking home, but stopped in front of Charlotte's house. She walked in and saw a dead Noah.
          "I called you to kill the baby and you couldn't do it. You lost to a 100 pound girl. Some big gang leader you are." She said.
Grace saw the gun that was used to kill Noah with and she smirked as she picked it up.
          "Looks like I'll have to take care of it." Grace said and then left.
The night went on and the doctor finally came out to the waiting room and everyone stood up.
          "They said the father of the baby was out here?"
Tommy stepped up.
          "Are they alright?" He asked.
          "We gave her some pain medication. Her nose was broken, but we already reset it and it looks like it did before. One more hit and she would be in surgery right now for a facial fracture, so she's lucky there. She has a broken hand, wrist, collarbone, and elbow..so she is casted most of the way up her arm and every finger but her thumb was casted together as well."
          "Jesus." Polly said.
          "The baby...is the baby alright?" Tommy asked.
          "I don't know how it happened...maybe she broke the fall with her arm...but your baby is completely okay. It's a miracle."
Everyone sighed of relief.
          "Her bruises will disappear in a week or two and she will be very sore and in a lot of pain." The doctor said.
          "Can we see her?" Tommy asked.
          "I'll let you come back, but not everyone yet. She needs to rest."
Tommy nodded and followed the doctor. He got to the door and saw the cast that stopped right below her shoulder and the sling because of her collarbone injury. Tommy slowly walked and sat down on the bed.
          "The baby?" She mumbled.
          "The baby is okay. The doctor said you saved it by breaking the fall with your arm." He said trying to make her feel better.
He lightly held her face and she looked away from him. Charlotte didn't have that person that was her safe place or a person of comfort. She never did until she met Tommy, but that changed because of Grace. Alfie was her best friend, but it wasn't the same.
He grabbed her free hand and she pulled it away as she looked at him. A tear fell down her cheek.
          "I want to go home, Tommy."
          "Okay. You can't go to your house tonight, but we can take you to Alfie's or Polly's."
He nodded as he stood up.
          "I will have her bring you clothes and then we will go." He said and then walked out.
          "She wants to go home. Can she stay at your place?" He asked Polly.
          "Of course."
          "Take John and Finn and go get her some clothes."
Polly nodded and the three walked off. Alfie walked to Charlotte's room and sat down on the bed. She leaned against him as he hugged her.
          "Will you stay at Polly's tonight?" She asked.
          "Of course."
He pulled away and lightly held her jaw.
          "I hope they still let you model with this face." He joked.
She hit him and he laughed.
          "Shut up." She said with a small laugh.
          "You know you have two little boys out there that were basically crying over you." He said.
          "They aren't little boys. Michael is 18 and Finn is 16. I'm not that much older than Michael. Just five years."
          "That's right. So I'm going to start calling you little girl."
          "Okay, old man." She said.
          "Still quick witted as ever."
Charlotte looked down.
          "I killed him...I killed someone." She said quietly.
          "Hey. It was you or him...alright? And you did this world a favor."
She looked up at him.
          "No more running, Charlie...you're finally free."
She gave a small smile and then Michael, Tommy, and Ada walked in the room. They all talked while the other three were gone.
Polly, John, and Finn got to the house and Polly was stunned when she walked in. She bent down and looked at Noah.
          "She put up a fight."
          "Yeah she did. Look at his bruised face." John smirked.
Polly nodded and then went to gather some clothes. Finn walked over to the steps.
          "John, where's the gun? Wasn't it over here?"
          "Yeah, use your eyes, Finn." He mocked.
          "No, seriously...it's not over here."
John walked over and his eyes went wide. They looked for the gun everywhere but couldn't find it. Polly came out with a bag and saw them running wild.
          "What the fuck are you two doing?" She yelled.
          "The gun is gone." John said.
They all got back to the hospital and Ada and Polly helped Charlotte get dressed while the men were outside.
          "Someone took the gun, Tom." John said.
          "You're sure?"
          "Yes, we looked everywhere." Finn said.
Tommy ran his hand over his face and then pointed.
          "Not a word to Charlotte. She doesn't need this stress."
They all nodded and then the girls walked out. Michael took off his coat and put it around Charlotte.
          "Thank you." She said.
Tommy cut his eyes at Michael. The whole group started to load up in the cars and Tommy was standing outside.
          "Are you coming, Tom?" Finn asked.
Tommy put his hand on the back of his neck.
          "I...I can't."
Charlotte made eye contact with him.
          "I'll be over first thing tomorrow morning." He said and she looked down.
The cars drove away and they reached Polly's new house. They took her upstairs and she got in bed. Alfie sat on the couch that was in her room and she gave him a look.
          "Oh..I'm not leaving." He said.
          "Neither am I." Ada said as she grabbed a blanket and sat down beside him.
          "I'll go get more blankets and pillows." Polly smiled.
Michael and Finn were on the floor on each side of her bed and John was leaned against the bottom of the bed with a shotgun in his hands.
          "What the fuck is that for?" Ada asked.
          "I'm case someone comes in. Use your head, Ada." He said.
Charlotte looked around at all the people that cared for her and she smiled. She may not have that one comfort person, but she does have a whole family. They all talked until they fell asleep. Tommy walked in the living room the next morning and Polly was drinking coffee.
          "You're just digging a hole deeper and deeper with her." She said.
Tommy just looked at her.
          "She won't be able to forgive you for things if you keep this up...and at this rate, you're going to lose her sooner than you think."
          "Where is she?" He asked as he rubbed his temples.
          "They're upstairs...still asleep."
Tommy walked upstairs to see John asleep with a shotgun in his hands, Michael and Finn passed out in the floor beside her bed, and Ada was oddly cuddled up with Alfie on the couch. He looked at Charlotte peacefully sleeping and then he walked out and back downstairs.
          "You keep acting this way and you'll drive her straight into another man's arms." Polly said.
          "What like Michael's?" He spit.
          "If that's what she wants." She said casually as she sipped her coffee.
