
                 Grover Underwood smiled at his girlfriend. "Juniper I'll be back. I promise. I just need to organize defenses okay?"

Juniper sighed. "I guess so. Just be careful okay?"

Grover nodded. "I just need to find Rachel. I just don't get how she went missing."

Juniper nodded. "Did you check her house?"

Grover nodded. "He cussed me out and said us 'Mythics' were no good."

Juniper sighed. "Mortals."

Grover kissed his girlfriend. "I have to go look for her. The last time I saw her she was really worried about Percy and she had an art block."

Juniper sighed and watched her boyfriend off.


Grover sighed as he walked. How did everything seem to be going horribly. His two bestfriends were gone.

Rachel was gone. Tyson had been kidnapped. The gods had gone silent.

Everything was horrible. Campers were constantly complaining about how Percy was gone so they wouldn't win the war. But he didn't care about that. He just wanted his friends back.

But it was okay. He had to stay strong. Other than Nico he was the only og questor left.

And Nico had hardly left his cabin in  days. And whenever he did he was very angry and only really glared around the room.

Grover felt bad for Nico. A lot had happened to him.

Him and Will were constantly getting in fights. They weren't their normal fights.

It always had something to do with 'him'.

Things just weren't going well. Chiron had to ask Nico to stop training for a while because he seemed to really overdo it.

Anyway. Grover trudged and trudged until he stopped in his tracks.

He saw a very familiar female walking with a bow drawn.

It was Pheobe.

Pheobe looked over and glared at Grover. "I know you! Grover?"

Grover walked over to the supposed deceased hunter of Artemis. "How are you here? You died."

Pheobe sighed. "I don't know. It was like one second I was in Elysium and now I'm here and some voice was telling me to find Percy."

Grover sighed. "Good luck. He's been kidnapped. Hey have you seen a redheaded girl who has paint all over herself?"

Pheobe rolled her eyes. "Oh my gods I know who Rachel Elizabeth Dare is. But no."

Grover shrugged. "Everyones going missing these days. Not to mention Beckendorf just died and Silena's gone."

Phoebe's eyes widened. "Oh my god that's horrible! Does she know?"

Grover shrugged. "Nico said he spoke to his ghost but I wasn't there." Pheobe nodded. "So what have you been doing?"

"Well with Percy and Annabeth gone and Nico locked up in his cabin I've basically been running the place. I have to replace Percy teaching and stuff. And Annabeth for sorting or whatnot."

Pheobe sighed. "Do you have any information on the hunters of Artemis? I was going to try to find them."

Grover shrugged. "All the gods have been silent. More of my kind are dying everyday. But Nico told me that Bianca and Zoe are alive."

Phoebe's eyes widened. "They are? Do you know where?"

"I don't know. Nico won't talk to anyone but Will and me. But he won't tell us where Percy is. He always says. 'Percy wants to be there. Let him. He won't help us in the war. To busy worrying about himself." Grover said.

Pheobe sighed. "Well I was going to hike into camp in cabin 8 for the night. So I'll see you later."

Grover nodded. "Okay. Hopefully the next time you see me Rachel's with me."

Pheobe and Grover walked passed each other.

Grover sighed and kept trudging along.


            Grover looked at the place before him. It was a whole castle.

Grover sighed and walked in. Almost immediately he ran into an older woman.

She had long red hair identical to Rachel's. She looked like she had a lot of work done.

The woman looked at Grover. "Are you Grover?"

Grover raised an eyebrow. The woman smiled. "Rachel had a vision. She assumed you'd come."

Grover couldn't help but smile at how much this woman accepted our world.

Rachel's parents had been so angry when they found out.

The woman frowned. "Are you ok?"

Grover nodded. "Yes ma'am. Is Rachel here by any chance?"

The woman nodded. "Yep. And please no ma'am I'm her aunt not her grandma. You can call me Ally. Ally Athena Dare."

Grover couldn't help but smirk. This woman was so much like Rachel it was frightening.

Grover nodded. "Well um Ally, would it be a problem to talk with Rachel? A lot is going on at um camp."

Ally nodded. "Yea. Come on. And don't be so formal! I'm 29 not 59 gods."

Grover eyed the woman. "Can you repeat that Ally?"


Grover raised an eyebrow. "How do you know that phrase?" He asked. Ally sighed. "My days."

Grover stopped in his tracks. "Ally are you a demigod?"

Ally shook her head. "I was a hunter of Artemis."

Grover sighed. "What happened?"

Ally sighed. "I was raped. Artemis understood but it was to late. I wasn't a virgin. So of course I had to go. I'm mortal. Unfortunately."

Grover nodded at the newfound information. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

Ally shook her head. "Don't be. I wouldn't have found my husband. I wouldn't be able to be here for Rachel. Things worked out how they were supposed to."

Ally stopped at a room. "I'll leave you to talk." She said as she trudged away.

Grover knocked on the door. "Rach it's me Grover."

Rachel swung the door open and smiled. "Grover! What are you doing here?"

Grover sighed. "I think I should come in."

Rachel let the half goat walk into the room and sit on the floor. "Percy's missing. And as of now so are Thalia, Annabeth, and Silena."

Rachel's eyes widened. "Oh gods!"

"Zoe and Bianca and Pheobe are alive. Phoebe's at camp but Zoe and Bianca are with everyone who's missing."

Rachel put her hand on Grover's shoulder.

"Nico was with them but he shadow travelled back here but he won't talk to anyone. He's injured two kids training and him and Will are fighting." Grover added.

Rachel sighed. "I shouldn't have left. I was only thinking of my safety."

Grover raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I left because I got attacked twice. And the second time an Apollo kid was with me. He was only seven."

Grover's eyes widened. "It really is Tartarus on earth right now."
