
It didn't make sense.

How could Nico love me? He was always so closed off. I had always assumed he just hated me. "Percy I'm so sorry." Luke said. I rolled my eyes. "You've been apologizing for 30 minutes! It's fine!" I replied.

Luke didn't seem to hear me. "I should have asked before I did such a thing. But you were moaning and groa-." He stopped himself.

I glared at him.

Luke just cleared his throat and continued. "And I just got so jealous." He said.  I glared at him. "That's your problem! You act as though I owe you something! But I don't! No one does!" I yelled.

Luke looked at me in confusion. "What do you mean?" He asked.

I just crossed my arms. "You don't deserve sympathy! Or a redemption ark! You chose to join Kronos! You let h8m drive your ass insane! You! Not me! Yet you're forcing me to suffer because of your fucking choices!" I yelled.

He looked down. "Percy you don't understand." He said.

"Well than make me understand! Because I can't go on like this!" I screamed at him. Luke hesitated. "Percy I don't want to do this." He said.

I glared at him. "It's not about what you want! Why me! Why do this to me!" I yelled. Luke shook his head. "I-." Was all he said. That pissed me off. "Please tell me Luke." I said in a lower voice.

Luke wouldn't look at me.

"I'm not asking you to let me go. I'm not even asking you to take the handcuffs off. But please just tell me why you kidnapped me." I pleaded.

Luke sighed. "I did it because I- I love you. Fuck it! Percy I love you! More than Annabeth or even Thalia!" He exclaimed. I stared in shock. "I had no idea Luke." I said. Luke turned and undid the handcuffs. I stared in shock.

Luke looked past me. "Yaria you can land there." He said. 

Yaria nickered. "Ya'll a fucking soap opera!" She said as she landed. As soon as she landed Luke slid off her back. He raised his hand out but I refused to take it.

As soon as I got off the horse Luke grabbed my arms. "Percy I love you. And I want you to love me back. But I get that this wasn't the way to do it. But I can't take you back. I know you want me to but I just can't. I know you hate me but just know that I will always love you." He said.

Before I could say anything he was gone, setting up our camp.

Yaria looked at me. "Don't be a brat. Go help!" She demanded. I groaned and went to go help. The whole time I didn't look at Luke but he kept glancing at me. Finally I sighed and turned to him.

"Stare much." I muttered before turning back to the camp I was setting up.

Luke smirked. "Just getting lost in those captivating eyes." He said. I rolled my eyes. Luke sighed but didn't say anything.

Finally the camp had been finished. Luke put his hand on my shoulder. "Good job princess." He smirked.  I scoffed and pried his hand of my shoulder. When I stepped into the camp my eyes widened.


Luke came in with a smirk. "Well I only packed one 'cuz we will be sleeping together." He said. I scowled. "No way! Not going to happen!" I yelled. Luke just smirked. He put the handcuffs back on us.

"We are shackled are we not?" He asked. 

I glared and laid down on the sleeping bag. Luke slid in next to me. I raised my hands in the air, not sure where to put them. Luke glanced at them. You know you could put your arms around me while I put my arms around you. And we can keep each other warm. I heard tonight was going to be cold." He said.

I glared at him. "No fucking way. I'd rather freeze." I said.

Luke just chuckled. "Alright. Love you." He said.


Luke was right. It was a cold night.

I could feel myself shivering. I looked at Luke. The bastard was not sleep. He was waiting to see if I'd do it. I glared at him. He looked all stupid standing there. Yeah, stupid and warm, comforting, cuddly.

Grudgingly I wrapped my arms around the blonde.

Almost immediately Luke pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest. Luke looked at me. "I love you princess." He said. I rolled my eyes. "And I hate you." I said back.

Luke just sighed.

And together the two of us fell asleep in each others arms.

I had many uncertainties and questions. Many things I could push down, many problems and solutions. But there was one thing that I had no uncertainties or questions, couldn't push down and hide, a problem with no solution.

I was falling for the son of Hermes. I couldn't escape. I couldn't keep my distance. I was stuck here to deny my feelings. As I always would. I would never admit that I loved him. I didn't care how many times he told me he loved me. I was a prisoner here not a guest.

I would get away from here. I would move on.

I would find someone new and forget all about the traitor son of Hermes. But the more I told myself that the more I knew I was lying to myself.

I would never get over him. Even if Annabeth and Silena and Thalia found me. I'd probably kill myself and end up in the Fields of Mourning. I hated Luke. I hated him for making me fall for him.

But that didn't matter. Because I knew in that moment I would never be over him.
