Ch.11 Different

Kitty teleported the gang in front of the Mangled Mermaid.

"There we go" Kitty said as the gang went inside the pub.

"Nan" Alistair called.

"You're back" Nan said as she came out from the kitchen.

"And look what I've found" Alistair showed her the rabbit doll.

"Alice's old rabbit toy" she gasped.

"I'm gonna give it to my mom when she get's here" he added.

"If, she get's here" Lizzie stated.

"Well Nan" Alistair said "I had another nightmare".

He told her the nightmare of him going crazy in the cell.

"Oh dear" she gasped.

"What is wrong with me?" he asked "Am I actually going, crazy?"

"What do you mean by that?" Maddie asked.

"I don't know" he said "It feels like I'm, different then before".

"Different?" Dina asked.

"I mean before this happened, I used to feel like myself. But now, I feel different".

"In a good way or a bad way?" Tammy asked.

"I don't know".

"Alistair" Cari said "You're not different, you're still the same person before, it's just in your head".

"But it feels like I've lost something".

"I think you've lost your muchness" Maddie said.

"My what?" he asked.

"Your muchness. My dad would tell me that whenever I feel different".

Alistair sighed.

"It would be nice if something would make sense for a change" he said.

"Alistair" Nan said "Why don't you go lay down, get some rest?"

"But what if I get another nightmare again?" he asked.

"Just lay down and rest your mind" Nan suggested.

Alistair gave one last sigh as he carried the rabbit doll with him and went upstairs to his room Nan provided him. He let himself fall on the bed and look up to the ceiling.

"I am going, mad?" he asked himself.

He looked at the rabbit doll, he touched the stitches on the body. He remembered his mother telling him how she loved the rabbit so much that she caused a tantrum when a nurse filled in the missing eye, she kept throwing a tantrum until the new eye was removed. He then felt his eyes start to close, no, he had to stay awake, he didn't want another nightmare. But he felt so tired and he began to fall asleep.

Another nightmare, he was in the asylum again, this time he was strapped onto a chair with a metal headpiece strapped onto his head. The doctor and the nurse were next to him. The doctor then turned a handle which caused a shock to go through the chair and into Alistair's body. The shock wasn't that strong, but it still hurt.

"I think he needs more" the nurse suggested.

"Good idea" the doctor said as he turned the handle some more which caused a more stronger and painful shock, Alistair tried to get out of the chair but the straps held him.

His mother was giving electroshock therapy when she was a patient at the asylum, but the shock didn't do any curing to her.

Alistair cried in pain as he felt the shock go through his body. He then felt himself waking up, when he finally woke up, he found himself squirming in his bed as if he could feel the shock. He stopped squirming and sighed in relief. Sweat ran down his forehead as he was still clinging on to the rabbit doll.

"Mom" he said "Please hurry".

He continued to lay in bed, thinking about how he different he feels, and how Dr. Bumby returned. He brought the doll closer to him, feeling scared to fall asleep.

"Poor Alistair" Maddie said as the gang had dinner "He doesn't feel like himself now".

"Yeah" Bunny said "And those nightmares he keeps getting are driving him crazy. He might end up in that asylum".

"I just hope he'll get better" Kitty said "And I hope Alice get's here soon, she could help him, wonder what's taking her so long?"

"Why don't we call her?" Tony suggested.

"Oh yeah" Lizzie gasped "Let's call her and tell her to hurry up".

They went to the wall phone and looked at it confused.

"Nan!" Maddie called.

After Nan dialed the number, Maddie held the ear piece in the center as they circled it and waited for Alice to answer.

"Hello?" they heard her say.

"Alice" Maddie said "It's Maddie and the others. We need you here now, somethings wrong with Alistair".

"What do you mean?" Alice asked.

"He says he's not feeling like himself" Lizzie said "We think it's because he keeps getting these nightmares".


"He get's these nightmares of him in the asylum" Cari said "His last nightmare was about him going mad in a cell. Maddie says he woke up screaming".

"Oh no. Well where is he now?"

"He's resting" Bunny said "Nan said he should rest his mind".

"Alice" Maddie said "We're getting worried about him, we're scared he might actually go crazy and he'll end up in the asylum. So can you please hurry up and come here?"

"Yeah" Kitty agreed "He doesn't even want to have dinner with us, I think he's suffering from depression cause he can't figure out how Dr. Bumby came back and why he keeps getting these nightmares".

"Alice" Tony said "Is your madness genetic?"

"What?" Alice said.

"Tony" Tammy said "I don't think you can transfer madness, can you?"

"So can you please hurry up and come here?" Maddie asked Alice.

"I'll try to hurry" Alice said "But I'm kinda lost in the Jubjub forest right now. I'll try to come as fast as I can".

"Ok, bye Alice" Maddie said as she hung up.

"So now what?" Marchness asked.

"Should we go check on Alistair?" Bunny asked.

"I don't think so" Cari said "We should let him rest for now".

Later that night, Alistair laid in his bed and let his mind flow through. He looked at the plate of food Nan had given him earlier, but he didn't finish it. He looked back at the rabbit doll. He needed answers. He needed to go back to the house, even if there's ghosts in it, he needed to search more. He looked at the wall clock, 11:50 pm. He'll make his move in the early morning.

6:15 am, Alistair got out of bed and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and began to write a note. He put the note next to the rabbit doll on his bed and grabbed his sachet. He then opened the door and made sure everyone was in bed and asleep, he then quietly went out of the room and to the entrance of the pub, he unlocked the door and headed out.
