
The next morning, Alistair woke up refreshed, he didn't have another nightmare. He later joined his friends on the bleachers in the football field.

"So" Kitty grinned at Alistair "How did you sleep?"

"Great actually" he said "I didn't have another nightmare".

"Well good for you" Maddie smiled.

Everyone then noticed the knight on the field setting up the field for the next Hero training practice.

"Hey narrators" Maddie said.

Yes? Yes?

"I was wondering, who's the knight out there?"

Maddie, we can't tell you

I would tell, but I can't

"Is it because the knight wants to keep his identity a secret?"

Well yes

"Hmm, wonder why".

Darling watched Maddie talk to the so called 'narrators' through the knight armor she was wearing, she was glad the so called 'narrators' didn't tell Maddie who the knight was.

"Hmm, did you say something narrator?" Maddie asked.

Uh, no

"So narrator" Kitty said "Are you thinking about writing another story about us?"

Uh, I don't know actually, I can't think of a story to write about you guys, mainly because I need a new antagonist , and I can't seem to think of one

"Oh" the gang said, a bit sad.

But maybe I'll get an idea soon

Why don't you ask the readers to help you like you always do at the end of every story?

Oh I forgot about that. So all right, readers, you know how it's done. I can't seem to think of another plot to write about the Wonderlandians, so if you've got a plot that can help me, feel free to tell me, I mainly need a new antagonist

"Hi readers!" Maddie waved "I believed we met before when you help me send the Jabberwocky back to Wonderland when it was taking over the school".

(If you've read 'A Wonderlandiful world', then you know what she means)

(But if you haven't, then you should try to read it, even though we kinda gave away what happened)

"Well if you haven't met me" Maddie said "Hello! It's nice to meet you"

"Narrator" Alistair said "Go ahead and take your time with a new story, we can wait"

"I can't" Kitty said.

I will take my time, until then, I should go

"Well see you next time narrator" Maddie said "Hey, do you even have a name?"

Uh, you can just call me narrator

"Yeah but, what's your real name?"

Um, I don't want to give out my real name

(Readers, her name is on her profile)

(Sighs) You guys, just call me narrator

"All right" the gang sighed.

So readers, if you have a plot that I could use, you know what to do. I don't know if I'm even gonna write more about the Wonderlandians, I might take a break

Well that's ok

You know Brooke, this story would have to be the most dramatic I've ever written about the Wonderlandians

I know, and I really enjoyed it, so you don't know if you'll write more of the Wonderlandians?

I don't know, I mean, writing a story is hard work, and I've got other stories to write

Oh, well that's fine, you go ahead and write your other stories, I'm sure the readers will enjoy them

Thanks Brooke, so until then readers, have a good day, and I'll hopefully see you soon, bye

