
Patton's POV:

After the funeral, the group had gone over to me and Remy's house. 

The sky was a lazy purple, dusky and dark indigo around the edges, stars just starting to peek over behind the gauzy blue curtain of the sky. The moon was already out, but the sun was just ending its sunset, traces of blood orange spilling over the horizon like beautiful waves over a silhouetted landscape. 

I was lying half-asleep on the couch, curled up and snuggled beside Logan, who was gently stroking my hair. Remy and Roman were playing a game of chess while Janus shouted tips and threw pieces of crackers at Roman, simultaneously trying to stop Remus from pouring the entire box of crackers over his brother's head. Virgil was holding a cup of hot chocolate while Emile was drinking a hot coffee, both watching the game with rapt attention. 

"Ha! I won," Roman cheered, knocking Remy's king over. "I'm better than you." 

Remy gasped in mock offense, giving Roman wide, disbelieving eyes. "No way," he retorted, flicking Roman's king over with his finger. "Now I won." He crossed his arms, batting his eyes innocently and sending Roman a smug smile. 

"Sore losers aren't fun to hang out with," I called sleepily from my perch on the couch, yawning a little in the middle of my sentence. Logan rolled his eyes as Remy laughed, pushing the game pieces back into the box and closing it up. 

"Still more fun than you," he shot back. 

I was too sleepy to take any real offence at that, settling for mumbling out a sleepy retort instead. Janus snorted out a laugh from where he sat at the table, plucking the cracker box out of Remus' hands and pushing it back into the cabinet; and prompting a melodramatic whine from the other. 

"I'm not going to let you pour crackers over your brother," Janus sighed affectionately, playfully shoving Remus away. 

"Please don't," Roman called from the living room, rolling onto his stomach and stretching with a long yawn. 

"You can throw them at Roman," Janus amended, shooting Roman an exasperated yet amused look, wrinkling his nose. "I have no problems with that. Actually, please do throw them at Roman." 

Remus didn't need to be told twice, and Roman had to quickly duck behind a throw pillow for cover as almost half the box was promptly chucked in his direction. 

I yelped in surprise and nearly fell off the couch, catching myself just in time. I rolled back onto the couch, sitting up with a yawn and a stretch and surveying the damage. Logan reached over and pulled me closer to his side letting me sigh happily and lean into his shoulder. One thing I hadn't known at all about him-- when he was sleepy, he tended to be much more cuddly than when he was fully awake. 

Roman apparently hadn't been able to hide from all of the crackers, as he was now trying fervently to dust them out of his hair. My brother was collapsed on the floor, laughing so hard he was having trouble breathing. He sat up, rubbing tears out of the corner of his eyes and taking deep breaths. "You-- you have a cracker right there," he managed before lapsing back into another bout of giggles. 

Logan squeezed my hand and I pressed a kiss to his cheek, managing to pull the blanket closer onto my chest. I quickly stifled another wide yawn as I felt it bubbling up in my chest, shooting a quick glance out of the window. 

The sky was dark and richly blue, the entire landscape of Clarke bathed in midnight blue. Stars dusted the corners of the sky as a soft fog set in, puffs of mist disguising the horizon. I looked back at my friends, all of which were smiling happily. 

"Do... you guys want to sleep over tonight?" I asked, casting a glance at Remy as I was saying it. He paused, then nodded at me to continue, now picking up the chess set and slotting it back in the cabinet. 

"I mean, we're all still pretty nervous from what just... happened, and I thought it might be nice to take a break from everything," I added, looking nervously around at my friends. 

When nobody spoke for a little bit, anxiety started to creep up like vines around my heart. Just as I was about to apologize, Logan spoke from beside me. "That would be very nice, Patton." 

I turned my head, eyes wide, to see Logan giving me one of his small, adorable smiles. His hair was slightly messed up and his glasses were a little lopsided, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. His eyes had dark circles under them, but they were still sparkling as he gazed at me. 

"I'd like to stay over too," Janus purred from where he sat perched on the table, legs swinging casually back and forth. He was eating what was left in the box, his dark eyes holding a fond smile. "Sounds fun." 

Virgil yawned, rolling over on the chair where he sat. "Saves me the trouble from having to go back home," he said, shooting me a grin. He looked just as, if not more, tired than Logan, his eyes surrounded by shadows and his hair scruffy and mussed-up. "What do you say, Ro?" He looked over at Roman, who was still trying to get crackers out of his hair. "Babe?" 

"As long as I don't get attacked by crackers again," Roman grumbled, sighing. He brushed some more crumbs out of his honey-brown curls and glanced in the window as if it were a mirror. "I think that's the last one. Is it?" He glanced up at Virgil, frowning a little. 

"Your hair looks almost as good as mine," Virgil teased, batting his eyelashes at his boyfriend. 

"Remus, Emile?" I looked over at the other two, tilting my head slightly to the side with a small smile. "Are you guys going to stay?" 

"Thought it went without saying," Remus chirped, ruffling Janus's hair. "I go where he goes. It's just that simple." Janus sent Remus a fond look and pulled him in for a kiss, which eventually devolved into a sweet hug. 

Emile nodded somewhat shyly, taking a sip of his coffee and blowing gently at the mug. "That sounds fun," he replied, setting the mug of coffee on the nearby table and hugging his knees to his chest. "But, Patton... where would everyone sleep?" He looked around curiously. 

I thought for a few seconds before grinning. "Don't worry, kiddo. We can all sleep here, in the living room. Remy and I have a few more couches that we can drag in here and use, as long as nobody minds." I glanced around, bouncing slightly in excitement and nervousness. 

"That's fine, Pat," Virgil replied, drumming his fingers on the coffee table. "I get to sleep every night on what feels like a stone mattress. I bet this will be a glow-up." He pulled a quilt off the back of the chair he was perched on and wrapped himself in it, sighing happily. 

"I might not be used to it," Janus added, still nestled close to Remus, "but I'll make do." He shrugged easily, shooting me one of his half-smirks. 

My heart felt like singing. I was practically buzzing with happiness, wrapping my arms around Logan's shoulders and pulling him into a tight hug. He yelped a little but then laughed, pulling me closer. 

"Keep your PDAs for the bedroom, babe," Remy called, but a smile was on his face. 

Emile rolled his eyes and almost pounced on his boyfriend, tackling him to the ground in a close hug. "You're cuddly too, Rem, don't even try to deny it." 

Roman took one look at his friend's undignified blush and burst out laughing, prompting Remy to blush even harder. "Hey," Roman panted breathlessly, "you laughed at me." He fought another bout of laughter as Remy scowled, Roman's face screwing up with the attempt not to laugh. 

"Sleepover night!" Remus laughed in excitement, his eyes already sparkling. "Snacks?" 

"I think there are enough crackers on the ground for a week," Logan pointed out, scanning the room with an exasperated, yet fond, smile. 

"Snacks," Virgil insisted, giving Logan a playful nudge. 

I called after Remus as he darted happily into the kitchen, "Chocolate is on the second cabinet!" 

"That's my stash!" Remy protested, now trying to sit up with Emile's arms still firmly wrapped around his shoulders. He eventually gave in and flopped back on the floor, laughing. 

"Not yours anymore," Janus shot at my brother, batting his eyelashes innocently. "Ourss," he purred, a playful hiss coming out in the last word. 

Emile giggled, letting go of Remy and sitting up. "Should we put on a movie?" he asked, glancing over at the shelf full of movies, a TV set up on top of the shelf. My eyes lit up as I nodded, happiness sweeping over me in waves. 

I looked over at Logan, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "This is wonderful, isn't it?" I asked, but I didn't even need an answer. The look of happiness in his eyes was enough for me. 
