The Truth

A week later April came over to her house so she and Leona could walk to school together since Raph wouldn't be able to drive her to school to thanks to a dentist appointment. They were almost ready to leave.

"Well have something to eat, take a piece of food with you." Alopex pushed as she held up the fruit bowl. Both girls took an apple each.

"Can April come for dinner tonight?" Leo asked hopefully.

"Of course she can, but only if it's okay with you're mother." Alopex said to the red headed girl. April nodded and the two of them left...


That the family and April were sat at the table eating a salad Alopex had prepared. The mutant fox looked up and saw Leo hadn't taken a bite of her food.

"It's no use pushing the food around your plate Leona, it's not going to magically disappear." She said sternly.

"I'm not."

"She wants to be a supermodel." April smiled while Leo glared at her.

"No I don't, I just don't want to be fat. Is that a problem?" She snapped.

"There's nothing on that plate now eat it up." Tigerclaw said.

"Just leave me alone! You're on my case all the time!" She cried.

"No we're not, we just don't want you to be ill." Alopex replied calmly.

"I will be ill if I keep stuffing myself like this!"


But Leo refused to listen to her parents anymore. Leo shot up from her chair and matched upstairs angrily, leaving a speechless family and friends behind...


The next morning Leo came down the stairs, still in her pyjamas.

"Don't forget your gym kit, just been washed and ironed." Alopex said as she handed the young turtle the clothes. "And please have some breakfast, I don't want you to go to school on an empty stomach."

"I don't think I feel well enough to go to school." She groaned.

"What's wrong?"

"I've got a stomach ache."

"Well I'm not surprised, it's probably because of the little amount you've been eating!" She scolded her daughter.

"Alopex! Why don't you go to work and I'll take care of her?" Kitsune offered.

"I don't want her missing school because she's not eating properly!" She exclaimed.

"It's got nothing to do with my eating!" Leo glared at her mother as Kitsune wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Alopex glared at them before grabbing her coat and heading for the door.

"Make sure she eats some breakfast!"...


That night the girls sat down for dinner together since Tigerclaw had to pull another late shift at work.

"You've hardly eaten anything." The fox said as Leo pushed a carrot around with her folk.

"Well I don't want to upset my stomach again." She glared.

"You don't have to stay if you're finished." Ktsune said calmly and Leo stood up.

"I'm going to April's then."

"Do you think that's wise after the way you've been today?"

"Oh leave her alone Alopex, the fresh air will do her some good. Just make sure you're back in a couple of hours." Kitsune argued and smiled at her. Leo smiled at her grandmother before leaving for April's...


"Where is she?" Alopex growled as she paced around the living room. "We said to be back in a couple of hours." She glared a her husband, who was sat on the couch watching TV.

"Well her curfew is 08:30 and it's another half hour until then." He sighed.

"Well you don't seem very worried."

"I don't like to worry when there's nothing to worry about."

"I think there is something to worry about when your daughter's not eating enough! Don't you even care?!" She cried.

"Of course I do! I just don't want to jump to any conclusions; so she's not eating like a horse but she's not underweight and she's still young."

Suddenly the front door opened and Leo walked in with a smile before heading upstairs to her room for bed...


The next morning Leona came down the stairs and saw Alopex sitting by the table with father next her.

"I'm off, I'll see you later!" She called and headed for the door

"Never mind dashing off, you can come and have some breakfast first." Alopex said calmly.

"I haven't got enough time, I'm going to be late." She said, remembering that she had to meet Raph around the corner.

"You've got plenty of time and you're going nowhere until you've had something to eat."

"Then I'll get something to eat on the way there."

"Well just in case it slips your mind I'd like to see you eat something now." Alopex glared slightly at her daughter. Tigerclaw sighed in annoyance at his wife's stubbornness.


"I've just about enough of this!" Alopex shouted as she shot up from the chair, grabbed Leo and forced her to sit down. "You are going to eat something even if you have to sit there all day and we're going to do this every mealtime until this nonsense stops!" She snarled in anger...


Raphael sighed as he looked at his watch again as he waited for Leona. It wasn't like her to be late and was starting to get worried.

All of a sudden he saw Tigerclaw walking hi way and the big cat didn't look happy.

Raph panic and drove to school to get away from the tiger mutant. But Tigerclaw didn't even look at him and just kept walking...


After Tigerclaw had left for work Alopex was getting ready to leave while Leona sat on the couch after her mother practically force fed her a bowl of cereal.

"I thought you said you were in a hurry?" Alopex said when she saw that Leo hadn't moved from the couch.

"I've left some homework upstairs."

The fox just nodded and left for work. As soon as the front door shut Leo quickly ran upstairs. Not even a minute later Alopex came to look for her keys. As she looked for they she snapped her head upstairs when she heard a gagging noise.

"Dear Gods no." She whispered in fear as the toilet flushed and Leo came down the stairs. "What's going on?" She asked.


"You've been sick." She said and Leo nodded. "You make yourself sick."

"No I didn't, anyway it's your fault for making me eat when I wasn't hungry." She glared at her.

"Do you realise how dangerous this is?!"

"Will you stop going on at me!"

"I might as well for all the good it will do! If you won't listen to me then maybe you'll listen to a doctor." She hissed and went for the phone.


"I'm not waiting until you're four and a half stone and your bones are frail! I mean it Leona, someone has to make you see sense!"...


"Saiyo Leona?" The doctor called and Alopex almost dragged Leo into her office. "Take a seat." She smiled as they did and she also sat down. "What can I do for you?"

"Leona's not eating properly and I'm worried that it might lead to something more serious." Alopex explained.

"And you don't agree with your mother?" The doctor asked Leo.

"I have been trying to eat less but that's only because I'm getting fat." She sighed and Alopex rolled her eyes.

"You can see she's not fat doctor, they've just got it into their heads that they need to be as thin as a rake."

"Teenagers, girls especially, are very conscious of their figures, but that doesn't really make them anorexic." The doctor explained.

"So I'm worrying about nothing?"

"The best way to maintain your ideal weight is a combination of a health diet and plenty exercise, not by skipping meals. What's your general health like? Have you had any illnesses recently?" The doctor asked kindly.

"Well she was ill yesterday." Alopex pointed out.

"What were you feeling then?"

"I just didn't feel right. My stomach was hurting and I kinda felt tired and dizzy, like I was gonna faint." She explained.

"You never told me this." Her mother frowned.

"Well why don't you go behind that screen for me Leona so we can take a look at you, just to be on the safe side?" The doctor asked and Leo obeyed...


Half an hour later the doctor returned and Alopex was anxious. "What is it then? What's wrong with her?"

"I'd like to wait until Leona is dressed before a say anything else." She said but they didn't help the fox at all. "Come and take a seat." The doctor said when Leo walked back into the room. "Are you happy to talk with your mother present?"

"Um, yeah." Leo replied in confusion.

"Is there anything you'd like to tell us?" The doctor asked but Leo shook her head, still confused.

"Will somebody tell me what is going on?!" Alopex pleaded.

"The reason Leona has put on some wait recently is because she's pregnant."...
