
It had been two days since their talk with the school and Leona Saiyo was finally ready to return to school. Alopex, Tigerclaw and Kitsune were all sat in the kitchen, eating their breakfast, as they waiting for Leo to get ready. Alopex looked at the clock before walking to the bottom of the stairs.

"Hurry up Leona, or you're going to be late for school!" She called up, before looking at her husband with concern. "Maybe this is a bad idea honey, maybe she's not ready to go back to school just yet."

"Alopex, this is exactly what she needs. A bit of routine again." He replied before taking a sip of his coffee.

Suddenly Leo came down the stairs, dressed in the largest clothes she had, yet they were still tight around her middle section.

"Mom, it's really tight and it makes me look fat." She whimpered angrily. Kitsune quickly mouthed 'hormones' to her son-in-law.

"You're not fat." Alopex laughed softly as she gently rubbed Leo's large baby bump. "That's your baby growing."

"Yeah, that's a good sign; it means it's healthy." Tigerclaw smiled as he joined them at the bottom of the stairs, but Leo still looked miserably. "Oh come on!" He laughed and gave her a hug.

"I feel sick."

"It's just nerves, and your father is going to drive you to school; don't want you getting tried before your lessons start, do we?" Her mother reassured as Leo put her coat on. "And if you do feel funny at all just ring either me of your father and we'll come on get you."

"And if anyone gives you any trouble just go to your English teacher, it's what she's there for." Tigerclaw sighed.

"Here's your bag sweetheart. Have you got everything?" Kitsune asked.

"Yep; I'm ready."...


Raphael groaned as he looked at his alarm clock. He knew he was going to be late for school but he honestly didn't give a crap. His father and mother refused to talk to him and his brothers weren't much better. Donnie kept giving him disappointed and disgusted glares whenever they made eye contact and Mikey wasn't as giddy as he once was, as if he didn't know how to approach the situation.

Suddenly his phone buzzed, meaning he got a text from someone. He looked at his phone and saw it was from Casey.

-Hey dude, guess wat? Leo's coming back 2day!

Raph almost dropped his phone in shock. He want to talk to Leo so badly yet his father's warning kept echoing in his brain. He didn't know what to do...


When Leo got to school she immediately went to her locker to get her stuff ready for first period like she did every school morning. But as soon as she opened her locket a plastic baby doll tumbled out and onto the floor. As she bent down to pick it up she heard laughter from her left.

She looked in that direction and saw Karai and her friends grinning before walking away. Leo looked away and was shocked to find April standing in front of her. The red-head looked at the doll and then back at her friend with guilty eyes.

"This is because of you." Leo hissed as tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." April sniffed.

"Why couldn't you keep your big mouth shut?!"

"It was an accident!"


"Honesty! I was only trying to stick up for you 'cause Karai and her friends how fat and ugly you'd gotten, and then I said you weren't fat and... it kinda just slipped out." She mumbled before taking a step towards the turtle.

"I'm really sorry, I-"

"NO! DON'T TOUCH ME APRIL! JUST DON'T COME NEAR ME!" Leo shouted as she cried. She then grabbed the doll, threw it back into her locker and ran down the corridor, crying her heart out...
