The Miyamairi

Finally it was time for Yukiko's miyamairi and the entire house was bustling with excitement and worry. While Kitsune was helping Leona get dressed, Alopex was fussing over a small stain on Tigerclaw's tie.

"You're just going to have to wear another tie." She sighed in defeat when the stain wouldn't wash out.

"But I like this one." He argued and pulled the tie out of her hands before she choked him to death. Alopex just sighed and went back to preparing the food. After the ceremony everyone would be coming back to the Saiyo house for the party.

"Do you think we've got enough sandwiches Mother?" She called to the human woman just as the door bell rang and Leo went to see who it was.

"Hey I'm the stylist, you're the caterer." She grinned as Leona came back, looking very uncomfortable.

"Um... Mom, Dad, it's for you." She gulped as a mutant couple stepped in. The man was a mutant tiger and the woman was a mutant snow leopard. These were Tigerclaw's parents, Fuman and Ken'o Saiyo.

"Mother? Father? What are you doing here?" He asked the two new comers.

"We heard that this one got knocked up and you were having a miyamairi for it, and it is tradition for ALL the family to be present for it." Ken'o huffed as she looked down at Leona, who glared back at her.

Tigerclaw's parents had never approved of nearly anything their son did. They disapproved of Alopex before she was born out of wedlock and they weren't happy of him raising a child that wasn't even his.

"I see that not everyone is here." Fuman said, looking around the house.

"What do you mean?" Tigerclaw dared to ask.

"Well, we just assumed that Leona would be inviting her biological family as well, who knows, they might even more accepting of this pregnancy, after all, didn't your mother have you when she was 15?" Ken'o sneered at the turtle.

Before Leo could bite her back Yuki started crying from upstairs.

"Ah, is that the new golden sprog?" Fuman chuckled as Leo went to see to Yuki. Once she was out of hear shot Tigerclaw turned to his parents.

"I'm warning you two right now. You ever call my granddaughter anything like that again or you ruin this day you'll be out that door faster than a bullet have I made myself clear?!" He snarled at them.

"It was only a joke son." Fuman smiled as he and his wife made themselves at home...


Later that day everyone were just finishing up. Leona had dressed Yuki up in the traditional kimono while the adults were making sure everything was ready for the party. Yuki's kimono was a deep red silk with many pink and white flowers on it.

Just then the door bell rang again and Kitsune answered.

She returned with April O'Neil and Casey Jones. Casey was wearing a sharp black suit with a white tie and April was wearing a yellow mini dress with a sparkling silver belt buckle.

"Hey, how is our goddaughter-to-be?" April smiled as she tickled Yuki's stomach.

"She is great, aren't you?" She cooed to her baby. "What did you say to your mom?" She whispered to her human friend.

"Told her I was going out with Irma all day." She replied.

"My Dad's cool with me being here just as long as I'm back before 7." Casey added as he tickled under Yuki's chin

"Your going to be it's godmother?" A voice suddenly said from behind them. They turned around and saw Ken'o glaring at them.

"Yeah, what about it?" April challenged.

"I'm not really surprised Leona got pregnant, judging to what she's been exposed to." She huffed as she looked at April's outfit before walking away.

"Who's that bitch?" April asked Leo.

"Dad's mother, she won't let me call her grandmother." Leo sighed before quickly changed the subject...


At last they all made it to the temple in one piece. They all stood around the shrine while they waited for the priest, who was running late doing another ceremony.

"This place is wicked!" Casey explained as he looked around all the paintings and antiques.

"Don't touch anything Jones." Tigerclaw glared and Casey flinched in fear as the girls burst out laughing. Just then the priest finally arrived.

"Thank you for being so patient everyone, let's get started then, who are the godparents?" He asked and April and Casey stepped forward.

The priest smiled at them.

"Let's get started."...


After nearly a very long, painful hour of sitting in the temple the ceremony was over and everyone and the priest went back to the Saiyo family home for the party.

"So is she sleeping alright?" The priest asked Leona as April rocked Yuki gently.

"Most of the time, but the problem is when she does wake up she stays awake for the rest of the night." Leo smiled.

"So do you think your parents will let you go to Irma's sleepover?" April asked her while the priest when to talk to Leo's mother.

"When is it?"

"This weekend, you should come."

"I wish." She laughed.

"It's nice to hear her laughing like this again, seems like a lifetime ago she was a normal teenager." Alopex sighed.

"She's handled it very well, you all have." He smiled at the fox.

"Hey, have you seen what they're up to?" Kitsune suddenly said, pointing at the three teens. Alopex saw that Leona was pour a glass of champagne for herself, April and Casey.

"Leave her be, Mother." She replied as there was a loud knocking on the door.

When Tigerclaw answered it he grunted as a blonde, green eyed, human woman pushed passed him and stormed into the living room. This was April O'Neil's mother, Karen.

"What did I tell you?!" She shouted at her daughter.

"Oh Mom, please, not here." She begged.

"You're not even a good liar! Gone to the mall with Irma, she called round my house 'is she back from that Japanese christening yet'?!" Karen yelled as loud as she could.

"Just calm down." Alopex said calmly.

"You all should be ashamed pf yourselves if you think this is something to celebrate!"

"Yeah we'll have something else to celebrate in a minuet, you leaving." Tigerclaw snarled. Karen glared at him before marching over to her daughter.

"Have you been drinking as well?!" She exclaimed as she snatched the glass out of her daughter's hand and gave it to Leo.

"Why do you always have to ruin everything?!" April screamed at her.

"Because I don't want you ending up like this little slag here!" She spat at Leo and grabbed April's arm, before turning to the priest. "And you're not fit to call yourself a priest if you're part of this lot!"

"I wish your mouth was as small as your mind; there's only one person who ought to be ashamed here." The priest glared. Karen hissed before dragging April out the front door, followed by Alopex and Tigerclaw.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, making a fool of yourself and April." Alopex glared when they were on the streets.

"And how can you go through with this charade?!" Karen exclaimed. "A miyamairi?! That's supposed to make all this right?!"

"The reason we've given Leona's baby a miyamairi is our business, we don't need to explain ourselves to you!" Tigerclaw shouted.

"You're all nothing but hypocrites, if you had gotten to that kid of yours in time you'd of made her get rid of it so don't pretend everything's fine 'cause your fooling nobody!"

Alopex and Tigerclaw wanted to argue, but they couldn't.

Instead they just went back inside...
