The break-up

   It had been a long time coming and you knew that, and although you did, the words that came out of your mouth made you want to turn inside out.

   Here is what happened..

   Five months ago you had caught Regina walking hand in hand with RobinHood. She had a smile on her face, one that she swore only you could bring to her face. Now you wouldn't think much of it but you knew Regina had lied to you, she had said she needed to work in her office but here she was walking down the sidewalk. Not wanting to confront her or him you left and waited until she returned to your home, but she never showed. That was only the beginning.

   She had continued to lie for the past five months, saying she had to work late, she was doing a stakeout with Emma and wouldn't be home until the morning, or that she had been in her vault and lost track of time.

   Finally you understood what you were worth and would call it quits on the four year relationship.

"Regina we need to talk." You said as you walked into your shared room.

Regina looked at you and smiled, "what's up my love?" She asked concerned.

You took a shaky breath and walked up to her, "I know you have been seeing RobinHood and lying to me about it."

Once the words came out Regina's face turned white and she stood up taking your hands into hers, "y/n, it's not what you think." She said.

You pushed her hands away "Then what is it? You have lied everyday for the past five months and I don't understand why I am not good enough for you!" You said as tears threatened to spill.

Regina began to cry as she realized how much she had hurt you, "I'm sorry, I was the stupid fairy y/n, she told me that he is my soulmate and I swear I was going to tell you I just didn't want to lose you yet." She said as she walked up to you and placed her hands on your waist. You quickly backed away as tears began to stain Regina's wrists.

"It's over, I don't want to be with you anymore." You said numbly.

  As Regina saw you walk out of the room she knew there was nothing she could do. She sunk into your bed and looked at the wall as she began to sob feeling the weight of what she had caused.

She knew you were gone for good.

This one is sad, yes I know. I always write happy things so I thought this would be different, my deepest apologies if I made you cry, I promise I do love you all<3
