Meeting you

   You had heard that the queen was in your village to get out of the wretched castle she lived in. You, unlike everyone else in your small village, decided you wouldn't cower behind four walls and went to the fruit market. You walked around for hours looking at the fruit and by the time you were done shopping your basket was heavy.

"Here you go!" The seller said as he handed you your basket of fruit.

"Thank you!" You said while giving him a soft smile and grabbing the basket carefully.

   Once you grabbed the basket you went on your way. Your feet began to ache as you walked along the rocky and mud caked path that led to your house so you decided to take a brake. You found a log and sat down and enjoyed the scenery.

   As you watched the birds, and felt the wind brush against your face you closed your eyes as you felt peaceful, that was until you sensed a presence beside you and opened your eyes.

   As you looked you saw a woman. She had raven black hair that fell around her shoulders. Her features were breathtaking, she had brown eyes, rosy cheeks, and had the most beautiful dress you had ever seen. As you studied her you realized who you were looking at, Regina Mills. You quickly broke out of your trance and bowed your head before looking up at her.

"Your going to get mud on your dress your majesty." You said with a shaky voice.

  Regina smiled softly and looked down at the ends of your dress, "I could say the same for you. What on earth is a pretty thing like you doing walking in the woods alone?" She asked intently.

  Her words made you blush, "oh, I live just over the ridge, I'm just walking home." You said with a shrug.

   Regina tilted her head and felt an emotion she hadn't felt in a long time. She hadn't realized how beautiful your e/c eyes were, how your h/c hair was in a loose braid, and how the slight bit of makeup you had on made you look outrageously beautiful until now.

"This might sound last minute, but would you care if I walked with you? I have nothing else to do and you seem like you could use the company, at least I need it." Regina said with a nervous chuckle at the end.

  You smiled and held out your hand waiting for Regina to take it. She did of course and you looped your arm in hers and walked to your home.

  The walk was surprisingly peaceful and though you wouldn't tell her, you felt Regina's eyes on you the entire time. You both talked about your lives, Regina had told you about her husbands "heartbreaking" passing, and you told her about your love for flowers. To you it seemed as if your flower talk was boring but to Regina it was the most refreshing talk she had had in a long time.

   As you made your way to your house Regina couldn't help but marvel at it. It was a quiet but large cottage and of course there were flowers everywhere. You quickly invited her in and once she came inside you shut the door and placed the fruit in a bowl to wash them off.

"You have a lovely home." Regina said with a smile.

"Thank you, I know it probably doesn't seem like much to you but I love it."

"Well I would pick your cottage over my castle anytime!" Regina added.

    You nodded and thanked her for the kind remark, but she was being completely serious. You both talked for hours until Regina's carriage arrived.

"Would you like to come visit me in my castle one day?" Regina asked as she turned to you. You could see in her eyes that she desperately wanted you to say yes, and you knew you couldn't deny her or the fact that you already missed her company.

"Yes I would love to!" You said smiling.

Regina couldn't help but smile back and she placed s soft kiss on your cheek before leaving( the kiss was platonic of course, nothing more 😉)

As you watched her carriage disappear into the distance you softly touched the spot she had kissed and couldn't help but smile.

A few weeks later  you were startled when someone knocked on your door. You carefully opened it to find a tiny man on the other opposite end of you.

"Can I help you?" You asked confused.

"Yes, I am Regina's father! She sent me to escort you to her castle, and just between the two of us she's very fond of you!" He added with a wink.

You eyes widened and you began to stutter, "Uh ye- yes ok- okay I um will come with you I gu- guess." You said while shutting your door and locking it.

"Wonderful, she has been waiting all morning!"

"All morning? Is something special happening today?" You asked as he helped you into the carriage.

  Regina's father got in the carriage and shut the door, "Snow is not in the castle, she has just been married and is on her honeymoon." He said.

  You nodded your head and looked out the window. Your view was unlike anything you had ever seen before. The mountains were lush and green, and the river that surrounded them was a deep blue. You looked off into the distance and saw Regina's castle. You gasped as you saw how huge it was. The carriage quickly came to a haunt and Regina's father got out.

"Well we are here!" He said as he opened the door and helped you out.

"The guards will escort you to her I must go attend to some business of my own." He said as he pointed to one of the guards.

"Follow me!" The guard said as he led you through the front doors of the castle.

He led you down a number of vast hallways and you saw countless numbers of guards dressed in the same black uniform. The guard led you to a mirror and said that he had to leave you. Confused you looked at the mirror and a face appeared.

"Hi, you must be y/n!" The mirror said.

"Yes, I am."

The mirror paused before talking again, "I loved the queen once. She bewitched me with her looks and then fooled me into doing her dirty work. I must say that if you think that she is actually interested in you, all your doing is fool-."

The mirror was cut off by a sweet voice that made you smile, "mirror that's enough! Besides, you have no idea about what or who I am interested in." Regina said as she walked up to the mirror.

As she looked at you she immediately smiled and a blush formed on her cheeks, "hi y/n!" Regina said as she brought you into a tight hug.

The gesture startled you but you quickly hugged the woman back happily.

"Hi!" You said as you pulled away.

Regina softly grabbed your hand and led you to her balcony. Her view was amazing as it overlooked the garden, although Regina's eyes were occupied as she could only focus on the beautiful woman she was looking at.

"Can I ask you something?" You asked as you looked at Regina.

"Yes, anything!" She said.

You smiled as you turned and looked at her. She was even more beautiful than the first time you saw her. Her hair was down and her face was practically glowed in the moonlight.

"That kiss you gave me as you were leaving, it wasn't platonic was it?" You asked.

Regina gulped and shook her head before stepping closer to you, "No I'm afraid it wasn't. I haven't felt this alive in a very long time. I've thought about you everyday for the past 4 weeks, your smile, the way your hair perfectly sits on your shoulders, the way your arm and hand fits perfectly in mine, I know I sound crazy but I really really like you, maybe even love you, so no, I didn't kiss you because it was s nice gesture I kissed you because I want to be with you."

Regina's words melted your heart and made you ferociously blush. You looked at Regina and you knew she wasn't lying. As she was about to say something else your lips met hers. She quickly reacted and cupped your face with her hands. Your hands moved from her shoulders and around her waist as you pulled her in to deepen the kiss. Regina, being the bold person she is, slowly moved you until your back was against a wall. You both kissed until your lungs burned for air and Regina reluctantly and slowly pulled away. She placed her forehead on yours and impatiently waited until you both caught your breath. This time it was your turn to be bold, when you felt Regina's breathing become normal again you pulled her in and began to kiss her again. You both kissed for many minutes until your lungs burned and you pulled away.

Requested by IgnoreMeSiriusly
