A quiet night

The day had gone by fast and before you knew it you were at home and it was close to dinner time. Since Regina wasn't home yet you decided to order takeout from Granny's as a surprise. While making your way to get the food you called Regina and asked about her day.

"How's your day been love?"

"Boring, I'm ready to come home."

"Do you know what time you'll leave work?" You heard her sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Um, not for another hour."

"Oh" you said softly. You heard other people begin to talk in the room your wife was in.

"Love I have to go, I have a meeting with construction, I love you!" She said as she hung up.

After your conversation you picked up the food from Granny's and drove home.  While driving you got a text from Regina.

     After this meeting I will come home!! See you soon 💜!!

You smiled as you read the message, then continued driving.  After driving for a few more minutes you had made it home. Once in your driveway you parked the car, grabbed the food and went inside. You quickly unlocked the door in a quick swift motion. Once inside you went into the kitchen sat your keys down and placed both yours and Regina's food in the microwave to keep it warm. Then you headed to the living room and watched TV while waiting for Regina.

About an hour later you had grown tired and fell asleep on the couch. When Regina got home she found you asleep on the couch and smiled. She knew she shouldn't of, but she grabbed her phone and snuck a picture of you.

"Your such a cutie!" She said as she sat down beside you and stroked your face softly. She knew that you wanted to talk to her so she decided to wake you up gently. She began to rub your arm and whisper your name.

"y/n!, y/n love, I'm home."

After a few more tries to wake you up, you finally woke up. You sleepily looked at her and stretched your arms.

"I have food for you in the microwave" you said half asleep. Regina smiled and blushed as she thought about how much you cared for her.

"You didn't have to do that"

"Yes I did, I knew you'd be hungry and you have to eat!" You said as you scooted closer to her and rested your head on her shoulder. Regina pulled your chin up and kissed you.

"Thank you!" She said as she booped your nose and kissed you again.

You both finally got up and went into the kitchen. You grabbed Regina's food and gave it to her and grabbed yours as well. You both sat, ate, and talked about both of your days before heading to bed and falling asleep.

I know this is short, but I really hope you enjoyed it!!

                                                        Much love,
                                                                Sidney <3
