talking to cookie

ryan pov:

after the date,i slowly walked home, dragging my bag parent see me and asked me a bunch of question including megan. they asked me 

what happened my mother asked

i didnt say anything

honey,pls tell us,we can help you dad said

no,u cant i said

why u so sad. didnt u go on a date mom said

yea,brother megan come as she saw me looking very sad.

i...i got rejected i sighed and went back to my room.they followed me and i opened the door to my room and sat on the bed.

so you asked her to be your girlfriend megan asked.she sitting on the chair that i used for the study table behind her as she facing me.

yea,megan i said

dont need to be so sad,u still young,there tons of girl out there for you mom said

but i really like her i said

then dont give up,u should try to get her heart and get the reason why she rejects you mom said.

yea,u shouldnt give up,son dad said

you right,i shouldnt give up i said

thats my boy mom and dad said,now go to sleep.

i went to sleep.i thinking what should i do to get cookie to love me.maybe i should get her a gift.

the next day,

i went to school and saw none of my friends except cookie.

cookie,where everybody

tina and tony is sick,lizzy is in the library. kat is with dave and danny i dont know what they doing. she answered

ok i said

cookie,about last night,i just wanna said sorry i said

no,its fine ryan.

can i know why u reject me i whispered

u would know why if u like me she answered and walked away.

cookie pov

i got a text from lizzy after.

she asked me to meet outside the library

i went there and saw lizzy sitting at the study table next to the library.

hey lizzy i said

hey cookie,lizzy said have a seat

what do u want to talked about i asked her

so cookie did u read this book before lizzy asked me

no,i didnt

i give u some time to read it and tell me what toy think about it,

ok i said

the book would help you get through the past and look into the future like how u looking into the past and thats why u cannot accept someone

you mean ryan

yes,u should be thinking about your future and not because your past u hate him and make him super upset.i could tell he is serious and kind.he also smart and should give him a chance.

why are u talking ryan and i and how did u know about what happened yesterday

ryan told me yesterday.he texted me saying you reject him when he asked you to be your boyfriend.i know love cant be forced but you should consider it. ryan is both of our friend and you should make him happy

true.i should make him happy not sad but i dont want him to get hurt and i already rejected him

u can try to ryan feel better and give him some confidence,cookie and can you at least think about it. lizzy said


thank you cookie

the bell rang and we went for class.

sorry for not writing a chapter in the past few days but exam are almost over so yay.hope u enjoy reading this chapter.bye bye
