red string

ryan pov:

on the phone with lizzy

ryan,i need to tell u something lizzy said

what is it lizzy i asked her

so u heard of the term red string before.

nope never heard of it.

so red string are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. This myth is similar to the Western concept of soulmate or a destined partner.

ok,so why is this important.

well,i can see red strings

wait what lizzy u can see red string.

yea and i can see u and cookie having them since around the end of middle school.

u saying,me and cookie are destined lover,that impossible.

first,u managed to be a neighbor of tina which is cookie best friend and it also the time where cookie is 2 days away from not going to school and u would missed her.u two did alot together.

true and she 2 days from not going to school

cookie is upset about her ex boyfriend and she sick because of that.if u come a bit later and doesnt helped her.she may hate u for even longer

what do u mean even longer

she dont hate u she hate boys as she broke up with her other boyfriend after middle school ended.

so u saying.she dont hate me she just dont want to be in a relationship anymore or be even close to a boy

exactly,to tell u the truth.cookie likes u since her birthday when u give her flowers.

i crying abit

lizzy why u telling me this

because i felt bad that u and cookie are in the situation u guys are in right day u would know so why not tell u earlier

what other red string u can see

well i can see angel and dave and but angel is gone.i also can see kat and tony goldy and unicornmann lizzy said

ok,umm lizzy what should i do now i asked her

u should asked cookie to be your girlfriend.

but i too nervous to ask her on a date

its ok ryan i understand,take your time

lizzy,i got a few question 


u said u like me,right

a/n pov

lizzy blushed

she say yea i did

ryan pov

if u like me why are u helping me and cookie

so u dont want me to help u

no no no i just curous

well cookie is my friend u are my crush make a lot of sense lizzy answered

and lizzy are u on our side or tina side

both i think


um ryan its getting late umm see u tomorrow

yep see u tomorrow too i said

i cant sleep at night,i put head on my pillow and thinking about what lizzy had said. cookie and i are destined lover,cookie came into my life and she kind of changed it in a way.i dont know what to do should i asked cookie on a date and asked her to be my girlfriend or we just be friends.i brain is in a mess.

i overslept again but this time i overslept until 9.even my parent cant wake me they decided to let me take the day off.i woke up and saw it 9.20.i panicked and called my mom when megan came in and said mom said u take the day off as u overslept 

okay i said

i asked her why are u still here today have school right

today got he sec 4 having oral so the school told us not to go to school

okay,um what shall we do then


that the end of the chapter.hope u enjoy this chapter and leave a comment and give suggestion on what should i do in this cook.see u in the next chpater .bye bye
