at cookie house

ryan pov

cookie asking to go to her house to work on the project.i so nervous and i just dont know why.i i think i starting to like her.she kind and pretty and she just so great.anyway i walk along with cookie or collins when walking to her house.we didnt talk that much until we get in the house

hi mom cookie said

hey sweetheart cookie mom said or lisa

umm hi i i am ryan i said shyly

so u the shy type,huh lisa said

uh no i um i i said dont know what to say i thought

cookie helped me oh he just a classmate of mine he called ryan and he dont talk to me very much or rarely go to a girl house before so i think he just a but nervous cookie said

oh is that what it is  lisa said

yea,um cookie lets go get some cookies and then work on our project

yum,cookies she said.she do anything to get cookies.we called her the cookie monster

after eating the cookie,we go upstair to cookie room

so what project are we doing i said

i dont know,u the smart one here cookie said

u pretty smart too,just that u dont use your brain and only think about cookies

hey she looked mad

i just kidding 

good she said

she looked like she going to kill me with those eyes.i think she glaring daggers at me.

lets stop with the jokes and focus so what project should we do cookie said as she gulped down her favourite chocolate chip cookie

ok,i thinking of a car i said

car?that too big she said like an idiot

no,a toy car like we could use rubber band as the engine and we could use bottle caps as the wheel i said

ohh ok,lets do it 

we started to worked on the project when cookie not looking and tripped over the bottle that we taking the bottle caps from.i tried to warned her to shouting look out but too late.i try to catch her and i did on the leg to butt section.i and cookie are blushing a lot and i feel very uncomfortable.i think she do too.i slowly put her down and had an awkward silence

i looked away,i never touch anyone before except my family,it felt so strange and awkward.

cookie broke the silence,uhh i..i think u should go and thank  u for um catching me she said still blushing wildly

yea,umm we worked on it tomorrow,bye  i said and run back home

i cannot sleep well as i cannot stop thinking about what happened in the afternoon.if i dont catch cookie she get hurt.but the awkwardness makes me shiver.the first person i ever catch is a girl who hates or dont i dont know but hopefully the next time we working on the project.that would not happened again

cookie pov

what.ryan catch me on the leg to butt area.he should just let me fall and go to the hospital again instead. i know he would not want that to happen.he is nice guy and a hot cute guy as well.maybe i should make a move on him. i dont know.

it so awkward.he put me down gently and we look at opposite direction.i just want it to end

ryan went back and i cant sleep tonight. i cant stop thinking about what happened.i think ryan does too.a boy i pretend to hate for a while now helped me.i dont know what to do and i think i starting to like him but i really shouldnt. i do not want tina to be mad at me.

a even longer chapter.i could go on forever.anyway thx for reading this.i spend a few hours writing these few chapter.hope u enjoy and made the next part soon bye
