CHAPTER 191-195

Chapter 191 - Jiang YaGe gave Li ShiZe a guilty look then left quietly. (1)

"Bi, have you figured it out yet?" asked, Su QinYing, Zhang Bi's mother as she walked up to him when he got home from his laboratory.

Her concerns for him, however, was nothing but an invisible pressure for him.

Zhang Bi received the White Jade Cream that could heal bones and grow flesh from Zhang ZhiYang a couple of days ago. He was very skeptical about this medicine that was raved about at the beginning, until he had witnessed its miraculous effect with his own eyes.

Their previous Bone Connecting Cream was nothing but useless garbage when compared to it.

His grandfather had given the ultimatum for them to figure out its formula as quickly as possible. But, without knowing even the ingredients, being able to figure out the formula was no small feat. But he had an advantage over his cousins. He was more talented in this area than the others and also had his own laboratory and own research team.

He had spent days in his laboratory and still couldn't figure out a single thing.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the irritation that was bubbling up inside of him. "We are getting somewhere."

Su QinYing smiled and looked at him trustingly. "You are the rare genius in our family that only happens once every 100 years. If you can't do it, nobody can."

Zhang Bi rubbed his temples and said, "Let me buy a few more bottles from Mr. Zhang."

At 2 million yuan a bottle, he felt that his heart was bleeding from it. That being said, the astronomical cost of them also made him feel better. If that's the price point that Fang JunRong would sell them at in the future, the price alone would deter many people. At that point in time, he would spread words that she was an unconscientious capitalist and that ought to bring her enough trouble. He didn't need to worry about Bone Connection Cream being threatened.

Su QinYing, too, found that cost of them astronomical but they had to spend what they had to spend. She said decisively, "Okay. I'll transfer more money to you in a little bit."

"Luckily you have a good relationship with Mr. Zhang." Her eyes were filled with pride when she thought about that. Not only was her son a genius in the medical field, he also had high emotional quotient that allowed him to make friends in high places. As long as he was around, her status at the Zhang's would be untouchable.

Even if that child was still alive, he still would not be able to pose a threat to them.

The more Su QinYing praised him, the more pressured Zhang Bi felt. He just wanted to go out and get some fresh air instead of staying home.

Once he had the money, he would ask to meet up with Zhang ZhiYang again so he could purchase a few more bottles of White Jade Cream from him. Nevertheless, Zhang ZhiYang had been busy networking with those in high places with the White Jade Cream and didn't have time to respond back to Zhang Bi.

A few days had passed when Zhang Bi was finally able to meet up with the high-spirited Zhang ZhiYang.

He had heard a lot about Zhang ZhiYang recently. He was very popular as of late and many would offer up money and valuables to him. Someone even saved him a mansion at the most popular district currently under development.

Those who did not have any insider information had no idea how Zhang ZhiYang became so popular all of a sudden and those who know of Zhang ZhiYang knew that all of his popularity came from the two medicines.

That thought lit a fire inside of him. If he could have it figured out, all of the glory would belong to him.

Zhang ZhiYang said, "I can give you 5 bottles at most. I don't want to deplete too many of my inventory."

The only reason he was able to get a good deal on them was because Fang JunRong had a fall out with his cousin. Who knew if an opportunity like this would present itself again? It may seem like he had a lot, but when others ask for two to three bottles at a time, most of what he had had been allocated.

But, because of them, his status had risen a lot within his clan. With the support of the others, dethroning his cousin would be just a matter of time.

He, too, hoped that Zhang Bi would be able to figure out the formula for the medicine shortly.

Zhang Bi gave him an appreciative look. "Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

Chapter 192 - Jiang YaGe gave Li ShiZe a guilty look then left quietly. (2)

Holding the bottles of medicines in his hands made him nervous. He worried about dropping them accidentally. Out of the five bottles that he has, three of them were White Jade Cream and two of them Detoxification Pills.

He hesitated for a little bit before he carefully placed a bottle of White Jade Cream into a box and drove over to a little district.

With the keycard in hand, he turned into this little district with familiarity and stopped in front of the second building from the end. Taking the elevator up to the 12th floor, he rang the door bell and waited. After a minute, the door opened and a delicate little face appeared.

Zhang Bi's lips curved. "YaGe."

Jiang YaGe was the one he came to visit today. A few days ago, he ran into Jiang YaGe and Li ShiZe. At the time, Li ShiZe was being surrounded by a few riffraff and being beaten up by them. Yet he was still doing his best in defending Jiang YaGe and not let her be hurt. He recognized the two of them and, when he saw the way Jiang YaGe looked when she was crying, he had a stroke of conscience for once and saved them.

Jiang YaGe and Li ShiZe moved from their original residence to this little district after the incident. Li ShiZe wasn't doing too well, his thumb was squashed during the incident and he was running a high fever.

Zhang Bi had brought over the Bone Connecting Cream from his family but its effect was very minimal. Now that he had the White Jade Cream in hand, he recalled the incident and decided to bring one bottle over.

There were reasons to him being so "altruistic". Partly he was interested in Jiang YaGe. She wasn't the fairest of all but the way she cried was very attractive. Secondly, Fang JunRong had been giving him hard times repeatedly and he had never once come out ahead. The idea of stealing her son's girlfriend made him feel better oddly.

Besides, sowing a good seed now might come in handy one day. As much as Fang JunRong hated Jiang YaGe, but Li ShiZe was still her son. She might say that she didn't want this son any more, but it was just a matter of time before she changed her mind.

Thinking of that, he was even nicer to Jiang YaGe.

"This is medicine that I got from home. Try it on your boyfriend." He handed the White Jade Cream over to Jiang YaGe and "inadvertently" made contact with her fingers.

Jiang YaGe felt a shock through her and pulled her hand back reflexively. Noticing that she was overreacting, she accepted the White Jade Cream and gave him an embarrassed smile. Her ears, though, was red and her cheeks burning.

Comparing to her young and vigor boyfriend, the charm of a mature man coming from Zhang Bi was much more irresistible to her.

Zhang Bi explained the usage of White Jade Cream to her tenderly and Jiang YaGe paid close attention as the talked. "This will really cure him?"

Zhang Bi was very patient. "Yes."

"Can you give me a couple more bottles? I'm afraid one bottle won't be enough." The bottle looked very small in size.

Even Zhang Bi was speechless for a little while. Did she really think that this is something that one could just pick up around any street corner?

He said nonchalantly, "This is a very rare drug and cost over a million yuan a bottle. Even I have very limited quantity of them."

Jiang YaGe stuttered. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Over a million yuan... she didn't think it was something that expensive. And, his giving her something so expensive without hesitation made her aware of his fondness for her.

Zhang Bi took off when Li ShiZe woke up and Jiang YaGe quickly went to take care of him and apply the medication on him.

Li ShiZe hadn't gotten out of bed in a few days and, as much as he was a handsome man, he still wasn't looking too attractive after being unkempt for a few days. Especially when he hadn't showered in a few days, there was a strange odor coming from him.

Chapter 193 - Jiang YaGe gave Li ShiZe a guilty look then left quietly. (3)

"Who just came?"

"A doctor who I had come check on your hand. He just brought over this medication," said Jiang YaGe.

She worried that Li ShiZe would ask more questions so she quickly opened up the bottle of medication and applied it on him.

Li ShiZe had been in pain the last few days. When the medication was applied, the cool touch immediately alleviated his pain and his brows unfurrowed.

His misfortune this time had a lot to do with Jiang YaGe. Jiang YaGe had wronged Wang Xiao in the past and, even though Wang Xiao was now in prison and was sentenced two 20 years plus a large payment, he still had a riffraff on the outside who was looking for troubles with Jiang YaGe.

The pain in one's hand was the worse. The pain, at the time, made him want to die. And that made him hate his girlfriend. Seeing how Jiang YaGe had been taking care of him day and night, he felt much better now.

With all of her flaws, but her feelings for him was genuine. She wasn't like those women who only approached him for his money.

As his hand slowly began to heal, the unpleasantness between them started to fade away and they were back to their original lovey-dovey state.

Unfortunately, lovey-dovey state was no good for the bills. It didn't take long for them to run out of money. Li WangJin had transferred ten million yuan to Li ShiZe before his death but, as the two of them were the culprits of Li WangJin's death, their reputation hit rock bottom. Many of their employees left the company and many companies cancelled their contracts. That had caused Li ShiZe to lose all the money that he had invested.

Li ShiZe was a sensitive and prideful one and could not stand being gossiped by others. As such, the two of them had moved away from where their old house was. Neither one of them were the frugal type and they even spend money on buying this house that they were living in right now. And that cost them almost all of their remaining money. Li ShiZe still owned the house that they used to live in, but a mansion that size would take time to sell.

Finally repairing the relationship between herself and Li ShiZe, Jiang YaGe didn't want to cause more conflicts asking for money from Li ShiZe. Then again, she also didn't want to sell any of her designer brand purses or clothes either.

This was the first time she truly experienced how awful it was to be poor.

She quickly recalled the down-and-out film emperor Fang JueMing who lived next door to them. She had run into him from time to time when she took the garbage out. Owing to the injuries in his hand, he hasn't had any work and had been mostly hiding out at home.

A camel that was starved to death was still bigger than a horse. As a once renowned film emperor who had won many awards so he must be rich. If she could help him heal his hand, what he would repay her should be sizeable. And he might even be able to help her when she wanted to join the entertainment circle in the future. She must plan for a safety net for herself.

Having thought of that, she looked for an empty bottle while Li ShiZe was sleeping and put half of the White Jade Cream inside of it.

Li ShiZe was only injured in his fingers. He shouldn't need all of the White Jade Cream. What was left should be enough for him. She only had their future in mind.

Jiang YaGe gave the sleeping Li ShiZe a guilty look and quietly walked out.

Chapter 194 - "Be careful next time." (1)

Fang JueMing looked at his own hand as though he was in a trance.

He still found it hard to believe. Jiang YaGe, who lived across from them, came over and gave him some medicine. He had already lost all hopes for his finger but, under her hopeful look, he gave it a try.

As someone in their circle, even though he had been down on luck for a long time, but he had still heard about incidents surrounding Jiang YaGe. All of them fairly negative.

But, seeing how she was able to give him such valuable medicine, she couldn't be that bad of a person. Perhaps she was just smeared by the others. He had seen many occurrences of that in this circle and was familiar with scandals that came out of nowhere.

The same had happened to him as well. He stuck his head out to do the right thing but, only because he had offended some rich kids, not only was his hand injured, he was even labeled as being stuck up and all sorts of other scandals were placed on him.

He couldn't clear himself on his own so he had no choice but to stay home like a useless bum, doing nothing all day long.

Perhaps Jiang YaGe suffered the same fate as him. Thinking of that, he all of a sudden had developed a slight compassion toward this girl who had been darkened to the equivalent of a piece of charcoal and could relate to what had happened to her.

If the medicines were truly effective, then she would be his biggest benefactor and he swore he would do what was within his power to protect her.


Even though Fang JunRong had been crazy busy with her work and didn't have time to pay attention to what had been going on with her barbeque pork son and Jiang YaGe, there were always those who would keep her up to date on the latest development with the two of them.

She rested her palm on her forehead when she learned that Li ShiZe hurt his hand for Jiang YaGe. Jiang YaGe was fairly talented in certain area for sure. As a chit magnet, there was never a shortage of accidents around her. In particular, it was always others around her who suffered the consequences of the event but never her.

It was her daughter Li XinYun in her previous life and Wang SiXian and Li ShiZe in this lifetime.

And they all said Li XinYun asked for it herself and the incident had nothing to do with Jiang YaGe. And that Jiang YaGe had already been feeling bad for a few days, how could Fang JunRong and Li XinYun hold Jiang YaGe accountable over it.

Now that they became the victims, Fang JunRong wondered if they would still maintain their disgustingly righteous stance.

It was just his hand that was broken. All he needed to do was to suck it up for a few months. Once White Jade Cream hit the market, he could buy it for himself. XinYun, in her previous life, was depressed and locked herself up at home since her face was ruined.

Recollecting herself, she turned to chat with her daughter tenderly over the phone. "You sure you don't need me to come pick you up? You must have a lot of stuff to bring with you."

XinYun had already finished her final examinations and the vacation had officially started. She was packing to move back home in the next couple of days.

"I'm fine, Mom. You are busy with your own stuff. Sister Zhong Yi said she will come pick me up. Their school started vacation before us."

Fang JunRong was quite happy that the two girls got along well. "Alright. You two be careful then."

After she hung up on the phone, she brushed her hair back behind her ear. She came today to an auction on stones and she only found out about it through Old Geng.

She didn't want to use the jewelries and gemstones that she owned to grow her mystical plants.

The auction had very high requirements for their guests and only wealthy ones would be able to attend.

Chapter 195 - "Be careful next time." (2)

After she had shown her invitation, she entered into the venue without further ado accompanied by Jiang DeXian. She and Jiang DeXian were a beauty with a handsome man. The two of them, at the venue, made a nice scenery. Fang JunRong even saw a few foreigners at the venue.

The worker took them to check out the materials for this auction first. There were two batches during this auction – a concealed batch and an open batch. Concealed ones could not see the jadeite inside. It was a true test of one's skill and luck. The opened ones had many openings that allowed one to see inside the raw material.

Many of the bosses brought experts with them and all of them pointed at the raw materials and were analyzing them.

Fang JunRong, who only had her assistant with her, was certainly a rarity. Given Jiang DeXian's look, nobody would think that he was an expert in this area. This field, after all, was a test of both skill and experience.

Fang JunRong had her reasons for not bringing an expert with her. There was mystical qi naturally in jade and gems. The purer they are, the more filled with mystical qi they were. She could more or less be able to sense the mystical air under the influence of her jadeite dimension.

All she needed to do was to buy the few that radiated sufficient mystical qi. She had no shortage of money and had set aside sufficient amount for this auction ahead of time.

She walked around the place and made a note on a few of the raw materials. It was not her intention to purchase all of the good ones. As the saying goes, when one eats meat, one should still save some soup for the others. Besides, the cheapest one of them cost 500,000 yuan. It was a lot of money even for her had she wanted to purchase all of them.

After she had finished jotting down her notes, she turned to ask Jiang DeXian, "See anything that you like?"

Jiang DeXian pointed at a few of them. "These few should be alright. Perhaps I will buy the cheapest one of them to try my luck."

Fang JunRong was a bit surprised. The ones that he had pointed at overlapped greatly with the ones that she had jotted down. She had the dimension but he relied purely on his luck.

That was some luck that he had!

She nodded. "You can try one." He had taken 50 million yuan from Zhang ZhiYang a while back and had no shortage of money.

The two chatted relaxingly as they browsed through all of the auction items.

She ran into General Manager of the Geng's Jewelers. He, too, was here to purchase raw material today. His plan, however, was to wait for others to purchase them in the auction first, retrieve the gems inside, then buy from them. That was, in fact, the plan of most jewelers there today.

Manager Leng said to her, "Your biggest opponent today was probably Duchess Capet of Country X."

Fang JunRong changed colors slightly. Duchess Capet was on the list of world's wealthiest people. It was rumored that her net worth was over hundreds of billions. She belonged to one of the oldest family of Country X and she was the sole heir of her generation.

Fang JunRong tallied up her net worth: and for sure she was no match of Duchess Capet. That being said, that may change 10 years from now.

Manager Leng said, "This Duchess had been trying a new beautifying regime as of late which required her to grind up gems into powder and applied them to her face and hair. As such, she has been traveling the world purchasing raw gems."

The sound of that made Fang JunRong's lips twitched. That was probably the epitome of wastefulness!
