CHAPTER 106-110

Chapter 106 - She has to drag XinYun into this? (1)

Fang JunRong felt for sure that after Li ShiZe was turned down by her, he would go back to Li WangJin for help. But then, she heard it from a friend that the one investing in Li ShiZe was the Deng's, and it was Deng Lan, the Deng's least favorite daughter, at that.

She didn't have a strong impression of Deng Lan from her previous life. She seemed to vaguely recall that Deng Lan was fond of her BBQ-pork son. She has a reasonable amount of a screen time in the novel. After the death of Fang JunRong, Jiang YaGe and Li ShiZe had gotten married and became a loving couple that everybody else was envious about.

During Jiang YaGe's pregnancy, Deng Lan appeared in front of Jiang YaGe and became one of her best girlfriends. Using her care for Jiang YaGe as a disguise, she would make up rumors about Li ShiZe and other women, which caused Jiang YaGe and Li ShiZe to fight all the time. Once, Jiang YaGe almost had a miscarriage from being too overly upset.

Unfortunately, she was too impatient. During a cold war between Jiang YaGe and Li ShiZe and when Jiang YaGe had turned to alcohol for comfort, Deng Lan tried to sneak drugs into Jiang YaGe's drink to cause a miscarriage, but she was caught red handed by one of Jiang YaGe's suitors.

After that, the misunderstanding between Jiang YaGe and BBQ-pork son was resolved, and they were able to see Deng Lan as who she was. Finally, the Deng's were pushed to bankruptcy, and Deng Lan had stooped down to become Boss Mei's mistress. She was beaten up by his wife, and videos of her were recorded and uploaded onto the web, destroying her reputation.

Fang JunRong hadn't expected that her rebirth would cause this type of butterfly effect and brought up the timeline of the meeting between Deng Lan and her BBQ-pork son. This time around, Deng Lan had become a business investor of his. She trusted that her BBQ-pork son would treat her differently than he had in her previous life.

Fang JunRong wasn't particularly interested in the drama between the three of them and stopped thinking about it after she had finished lamenting. Li XinYun, on the other hand, came and gossiped with her about it.

"Mom, do you still remember that Deng Lan girl? She attended my birthday banquet, and her attitude towards me was very odd. I've looked into it afterward. Turned out she was interested in Li ShiZe."

As she didn't want to forgive Li ShiZe, she didn't even want to refer to him as her brother but just referred to him by his name.

"Eh? What about it?" asked Fang JunRong, going along with her.

"Then she went and invested into Li ShiZe's project. She had been posting these pictures with Li ShiZe and her together, and they look sort of suggestive. And you know what else? She also hangs out with Jiang YaGe all the time, bragging that they are the best of buds."

"Did she not know about Jiang YaGe and Li ShiZe?"

Fang JunRong only knew about Deng Lan's investment in Li ShiZe, but not that, under the current situation in this lifetime, she would be hanging out with Jiang YaGe. That was so incredible.

Li XinYun opened up her friends' circle to show to Fang JunRong.

All of Deng Lan's posts as of late were centered around Jiang YaGe and Li ShiZe.

[I've just befriended Little Sister YaGe today. Little Sister YaGe is pretty and kind just like ShiZe had told me. She's so easy to get along with.]


[Little Sister YaGe made ShiZe and I some homemade cookies. She is truly clever and deft with her hands. The country owes me a cute little sister like her ~ She is so different than you know who. No wonder ShiZe dotes on her so.]

Fang JunRong frowned a little and looked over at her daughter. This "you know who" was obviously referred to Li XinYun. Her opinions toward this Deng Lan dropped all of a sudden. She couldn't have just stopped at praising Jiang YaGe? She has to drag XinYun into this?

Chapter 107 - She has to drag XinYun into this? (2)

Ah, but judging from the current situation, Deng Lan for sure had no idea about the true relationship between her BBQ-pork son and Jiang YaGe. How else would she be happily posting pictures of the three of them together and also getting along so well with Jiang YaGe.

"Would you consider Li ShiZe's behavior as wh*ring himself out?" asked Li XinYun out of the blue.

Had Li ShiZe not given Deng Lan a certain amount of false hope, Deng Lan would not have contributed so much voluntarily. Li XinYun used to look up to this brother of hers a lot. But ever since Jiang YaGe had entered into their life, her brother's image in her mind had begun to crumble.

Fang JunRong felt that her choice of words was very fitting. As far as his flexibility went, he was for sure the son of Li WangJin. But, by the same token, he would never fall for Deng Lan. He has a very strong self-esteem after all, and Deng Lan would doubtlessly become a smudge in his history in the future.

That being said, his life no longer has anything to do with her. All she needed to do was to wait for the drama to unfold.

Focusing on her own career was way more important than focusing on what was going to happen with Li ShiZe. Speaking of Jiang WenYu, he was for sure a one-in-a-million talent. His instinct when it came to technical research was unrivaled.

For example, the weakened version of the Detoxification Pills, albeit its efficacy was not as good as her full version, had been created successfully. Her original version was made from herbs from her dimension, and his version used the qixing and qingxia that he had grown in the real world.

He was also able to grow yunying using the same method, and they were able to make a batch of White Jade Cream successfully.

After Jiang WenYu had successfully created these two items, he had locked himself behind a closed door and started on his thesis.

Fang JunRong raised his salary as she considered her next issue – how to market her two new drugs? Especially her White Jade Cream. Its effect on handicapped people was unmatched. If she could push it out onto the market, many people could benefit from it.

If she wanted to open up her own pharmaceutical company, she'd need all sorts of certifications, and she'd need to register all of her drugs. The process was very involved, and they'd also need to go through clinical trials. It'd be at least next year by the time these drugs would be made available on the market.

Fang JunRong was stuck trying to figure this out. She decided to make a trip home and ask her brother for suggestions.

Fang XueBo was surprised when he learned about the two amazing drugs that she had. "So you want them to go to the market as soon as possible?"

Fang JunRong nodded. Yes, and the faster the better.

Fang XueBo asked, "You are not doing this for profit, are you?" He knew his little sister quite well when it came to this.

If her purpose was to make money, her Beautify Pills would be sufficient. That was the real money market.

An idea started to occur to her, and she had a cheerful smile on her. "I think I have an idea."

She saw her opportunity to be rebirthed as a blessing from heaven. She would like to collect some good karma as a return. As the saying goes, the rich should take care of others and the poor themselves.

"If your White Jade Cream is as good as you say they are, you should go look for Old Mr. Zhang."

"Uncle Zhang has a nephew who had injured his leg and has yet to recover from his injury."

The Uncle Zhang that Fang XueBo was talking about was a good friend of their uncle on their mother's side. He had helped them a lot after their parents had passed away. They would not have been able to keep their family assets from the other greedy clan members had it not for him.

"Okay, I shall go look for Uncle Zhang then." Fang JunRong nodded in agreement.

Speaking of, even if she wanted to turn her items in, she could also go through Uncle Zhang to make that happen.

Chapter 108 - She has to drag XinYun into this? (3)

Fang JunRong chatting some more about random everyday stuff with her brother; something about whether kids should go to study aboard, etc. Finally, she left him with a few bottles of White Jade Cream and Detoxification Pills. Naturally, the ones she left with her brother was the internal versions.

She received a message from Old Mr. Zhang a few days later, and they provided her with a meeting location and time.

Fang JunRong packed up a bit and brought with her her White Jade Cream. Just in case, she thought about it for a bit and then also packed with her a bottle of Detoxification Pills. She could use her dimension to transport things, but she was reluctant to make things appear in thin air in front of others. No reason others needed to know about her dimension.

The Zhang's were not in City S; they were 2-hour high-speed rail away.

Fang JunRong took the high-speed rail and browsed the news with her free time while on the rail.

It was mentioned in the news that Fang JueMing, the film emperor, injured his hand during an accident on his set and was taking some time off. She did not search for this specifically, but Fang JueMing was so well-known and has so many fans that this news went up onto the most trended right away.

She knew full well that that was no accident on the set. The truth was he had a clash with someone, and his fingers were stepped on and fractured intentionally. But the other party was a very powerful person in the entertainment industry and that had allowed him to cover up the news.

As much as Fang JueMing sounded like the victim in this incident, as soon as Fang JunRong recalled how he sided with Jiang YaGe and caused internet violence against her XinYun, she wasn't able to drum up any compassion for this man.

Two hours flew by as she was reading the news. When Fang JunRong got off the high-speed rail, the Zhang's had sent someone to pick her up. The Zhang was not located in the city. They had a big mansion on top of a mountain. Surrounded by a mountain and water, the air was very fresh and clear and made one feel very refreshed.

The one she'd be meeting with today was Uncle Zhang and his oldest nephew, Zhang ZhiSu.

After Uncle Zhang saw her, a smile appeared on his otherwise solemn face. "Xiao Fang, you are truly looking younger and younger. I have heard a lot about you recently. Even my wife has been buying that Beautify Pills that your company has pushed to the market."

Even as an old man in his 70s and 80s, it's still human's nature to like all things pretty.

Fang JunRong stroked her own face and said, "Well, partly it was because of my Beautify Pills and partly because things have been going my way lately." She had gotten a divorce, so she had been in a good mood.

"Had I known Aunty likes it so much, I should have sent a few boxes over."

Uncle Zhang was close to her family, so he didn't dwell on that. He quickly cut to the chase and said, "Is that medicine that you mentioned really as effective as you say they are?"

"I have tested on both rabbits and rats, and I've brought all the data with me. I have never tested on a human though," said Fang JunRong. After all, she wasn't qualified to do that nor did she want to break the law.

Uncle Zhang seemed more relaxed now. "ZhiSu is a good child, and we have always raised him as the next successor of the Zhang's. The accident last year was so tragic."

Zhang ZhiSu? That had suddenly reminded Fang JunRong of a different name – Zhang ZhiYang. She tested the water with him, "Does he have a brother by the name of Zhang ZhiYang?"

Uncle Zhang gave her a surprised look. "How do you know that?"

"I've heard of the name in the past and was just curious about it," replied Fang JunRong casually.

According to the novel, the future successor of the Zhang's was Zhang ZhiYang. Zhang ZhiYang was very close with Jiang YaGe and even took her as his adopted sister. Zhang ZhiYang, however, has a wife and kids. According to the novel, he only looked at Jiang YaGe as his sister. He was one of the major pillars behind Jiang YaGe.

Judging from that, something must have happened to Zhang ZhiSu; otherwise Zhang ZhiYang would not have been the successor.

Uncle Zhang didn't think too much about it. He took her inside and brought up something to her. "We happened to have a doctor coming over to check on ZhiSu today. Perhaps we can have the doctor take a look at your medicine as well."

"Who's the doctor?" asked Fang JunRong casually.

"Zhang Bi. You should have heard of the name before."

Fang JunRong paused in her way for a little. "Oh yes. His reputation precedes him." Supposed it was inevitable for her to run into him sooner or later.

Chapter 109 Sorry, that's my company's trade secret.(1)

Jiang YaGe's suitors all had character flaws. As far as film emperor Fang JueMing went, his issues were obsessive-compulsiveness and overly protective of those close to him. It was very difficult to change his mind once an idea was set in his head. When he saw Jiang YaGe as a goddess, he was willing to help her out without asking for anything in return. It didn't matter to him whether other innocents were hurt at the same time. Wang Xiao had no regards for the law whatsoever and had carried out countless criminal activities.

As for Zhang Bi, he might appear to be gentle like jade, but he was very vicious in his behaviors. He had no problem poisoning Fang JunRong and making her moody and have a short temper for the sake of helping out Jiang YaGe. In addition, he had also poisoned a few actresses who didn't get along with Jiang YaGe and caused them to have red dots on their faces. None of them ended well. They had lost their abilities to remain in the entertainment circle when their looks were damaged.

Jiang YaGe appreciated his help a lot. She even worked with the Zhang's and mainly used the drugs developed to build her network. Toward the end of the book, the alliances between these individuals became a fairly sizable force.

Fang JunRong's eyes darkened when she thought about Jiang WenYu, who was working on his thesis at home. She didn't need to do much against the Zhang's. Their biggest strength was their Bone-Reconnecting Cream. That was a product that was unrivaled by any other families, but her White Jade Cream was simply way better. As soon as she launched it to the market, it'd done enough damage to the Zhang's and that'd be the interest that she'd collect for herself.

This mansion wasn't small at all, especially with that man-made pool inside. The breeze coming from above the pool easily dissipated the annoyance in her. She walked for 15 minutes before she finally arrived at the building.

And that was the first time she met Zhang ZhiSu.

He was sitting on a wheelchair. With his head lowered, a sense of blue radiated from him. Yet, when he looked up at others, he was able to give one a feeling of calmness and gentleness.

He was younger than she had expected. Perhaps in his thirties.

"Miss Fang." He smiled. He didn't seem to be depressed from being wheelchair-bound since his accident.

Very nice. She liked the way he addressed her.

Zhang Bi, whom she had met a few times in her previous life, was packing up next to them. Obviously, he was wrapping up his visit. He looked up at Fang JunRong and gave her a smile that resembled a breeze in spring. He appeared to be very friendly.

Fang JunRong merely nodded a little at him and sat down not too far away from them.

He heard Zhang Bi say to Zhang ZhiSu, "We will continue with our treatment plan and change your dressing once a day. I will come and apply acupuncture on you once a week. We will see if any adjustments are necessary in a month's time."

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang," said Zhang ZhiSu.

Zhang Bi said a few more words and then took off.

Fang JunRong pulled out her White Jade Cream and told him about it's high level effect and usage. "I will leave this with you. You can decide on whether you will try it out."

She hesitated for a little bit then handed over the Detoxification Pills to him as well. "This is Detoxification Pills. A friend of mine had tried it before, and it worked pretty well. You are free to have others inspect them as well."

Zhang ZhiSu looked back and forth between the two bottles for a few seconds before he brought up a different subject. "You plan to sell these two formulas to the government?"

Fang JunRong nodded.

Zhang ZhiSu picked up the Detoxification Pills and sniffed at it. It has a strong herbal smell and is very different from what he had smelled before. The herbal scent was very light and even refreshing. Oddly, after he had sniffed it, he felt his head cleared and even the faint headache was lessened. His brows unfurrowed, and there was curiosity and some anticipation in his eyes.

Chapter 110 - Sorry, that's my company's trade secret.(2)

Zhang ZhiSu looked down at the bottle in his hand and noticed that the bottle containing the Detoxification Pills was filled to the brim. He put it away and thanked her.

And then.. there was nothing else. Fang JunRong walked out shortly thereafter. She couldn't tell where Zhang ZhiSu stood from his attitude, but she had done all that she could and all she had left to do was to wait. If this way didn't work, she could always look for an alternative.

As such, she left casually. Uncle Zhang even saw her out. As soon as she walked out, she saw Zhang Bi, who should have been long gone, standing under a tree and casually appreciating the flowers around him.

He tilted his head and smiled at Fang JunRong. "Boss Fang."

He walked over to Fang JunRong and his voice was mild like a spring breeze. "Is Boss Fang interested in working with the Zhang's?"

Fang JunRong didn't let anything show on her face. "Working with how?"

"The Beautify Pills that your company has released was simply stunning. It even contains an active ingredient that we couldn't figure out." He did not try to hide the fact that they have tried to analyze the composition of the Beautify Pills. Quite the contrary, his straightforwardness could very easily earn him brownie points.

As far as putting up the front was concerned, Zhang Bi was for sure the best one at it among Jiang YaGe's admirers.

Fang JunRong answered his question with a question, "So?"

"We felt that using that active ingredient only in Beautify Pills was a waste. We should be able to expand its usage."

If they could figure out a way to extract that ingredient and combine that with the other exclusive formulas that the Zhang's held, it would for sure be able to bring the Zhang's to a whole different level. And him, as the person who has made that happen, would be able to steady his status and become untouchable.

The idea of it alone made Zhang Bi's blood boil.

Fang JunRong would work with anyone but Zhang Bi! Zhang Bi was just wasting his own time reaching out to her. She said nonchalantly, "Sorry, that's my company's trade secret."

Zhang Bi would not give up on his attempt, "We would really love to be able to research on that ingredient and apply it on other types of medications, so that it can benefit more people. The Zhang's are very flexible in terms of the splitting of the profits."

He made it sound like if Fang JunRong refused to work with them, she'd be depriving the general public of something good.

Fang JunRong found his attitude very laughable. As far as moral-hijacking was concerned, he was about as good as Jiang YaGe was.

His family had been selling the Bone-Reconnecting Cream for over 10,000 yuan a bottle. And they have the audacity to brag about their high morals?

Zhang Bi's smile disappeared slowly.

Fang JunRong got inside of her car and said nonchalantly, "Let's go."

Watching the car driving away from him, Zhang Bi was very angry. He didn't feel remotely as nonchalant as he appeared. He felt for sure Fang JunRong would accept his win-win proposition. The fact that she had straight up turned him down allowing no room for discussion was unexpected to him.

He was, of course, not going to just give up easily. If he couldn't tackle this through Fang JunRong, there might be other options. Say, that daughter that she treasured so much, for example.

A minor girl would be much easier to take care of than Fang JunRong.


Ever since Fang JunRong had returned from the Zhang's, she dedicated herself to her work. She has not heard back from Zhang ZhiSu, and she had no idea whether he was analyzing the two drugs in the meantime. She was not in a hurry; she merely slowly but surely pushed forward her own work at her own pace.
