CHAPTER 161-165

Chapter 161 - "I don't want to see you anymore. Get out of my house." (3)

Fang JunRong must lament about how cold and pragmatic people were. Invitations sent to her were as abundant as snowflakes.

She picked a few of them to attend. Being a part of the vanity fair, she must not isolate herself.

For example, she was going to attend the birthday banquet of Geng Yuan, a tycoon in real estate, today. Geng Yuan properties, in addition to the ones within the country, could also be found in other foreign countries. It was Fang JunRong's plan to expand her market overseas next year. In addition, he also owned a chain of jewelry stores. It was said that he even owned shares to a few jade mines so he had no shortage of raw gems.

After she had received the invitation, she pondered over it for a little bit and decided to attend. Let it be shopping malls or gems, working with the Geng's would be very beneficial to her.

More importantly, this family did not have much to do with Jiang YaGe in her previous life so they were not on her blacklist.

As usual, she took Jiang DeXian with her. The benefits of having him with her was obvious. With him there, her number of suitors would be reduced by at least 90%. Jiang DeXian was very good looking and, just with him standing there, would already deter many others.

She brought with her a piece of jade. Before her divorce, just to be safe, she had stored all of her gems and jewelries in her dimension and she had never taken them out again.

When she organized them a few days ago, she noticed that perhaps they had been in the dimension for a while and there had been some changes to them. Not only were the jades more translucent, but they also made one feel very uplifting when wearing them.

She arrived at a moderate time and many of the guests had already arrived. Geng Yuan was 72 years old this year but still looked very spriteful. He greeted his guests with a smile and chitchatted with them.

Fang JunRong has not had too much contact with Geng Yuan in the past. Walking up to him, she gave him a tender smile. "Happy Birthday, Old Mr. Geng."

Geng Yuan smiled and said, "Ah, you are the little Fang's girl. I remember when your dad brought you here before. So many years had gone by between then and now."

His tone was a bit regretful. With his age, it wasn't unusual to refer to her as a little girl and his tone was also very affectionate.

Fang JunRong also lamented about her own parents. Her parents had passed away in an early age, but they had left a long of fond memories for her brother and her. She handed over her gift to him.

"This is a little something from me."

Geng Yuan smiled and said, "Ah, you didn't need to."

There was, naturally, a reason how Geng Yuan could have his accomplishments today. He was always friendly to everyone.

"Ah, you might not know this, Old Mr. Geng, Boss Fang is in high demand nowadays and it isn't easy to be able to meet up with her. We are only able to meet her today because of you." Came an unharmonious sound.

Fang JunRong looked over and quickly recognized her as Bai Shiyuan. She hasn't had a lot of contact with Bai Shiyuan in the past. Bai Shiyuan's family was closer to Li WangJin than to Fang JunRong.

She recalled Sun Mei mentioning her once. Evidently, Bai Shiyuan had ordered a batch of Cherry Blossom Pills from Li WangJin. Not only did she give away a lot of gifts, she also badmouthed Fang JunRong saying that she would eventually go crawling back to Li WangJin.

It was fun when she said those words but what happened afterward had really faceslapped her. Li WangJin's Cherry Blossom Pills was proven problematic and all the customers demanded refunds. Even Ayron's stock prices was affected and dropped nonstop.

On the other hand, Fang JunRong had been going up and up.

Fang JunRong hasn't even done anything to Bai Shiyuan and Bai Shiyuan was approaching her voluntarily. There was no need for Fang JunRong to hold back.

Fang JunRong smiled and said, "Oh, hi, Mrs. Bai. Say, how did the Cherry Blossom Pills work out for you? Perhaps you'd like to buy some more of them? I don't think they are that difficult to get anymore."

The Cherry Blossom Pills were perfect for someone like Bai Shiyuan.

Being mocked by Fang JunRong, Bai Shiyuan's face dropped immediately.

Chapter 162 - She only had one thought. Exactly how much did Li Wangjin pay these people? (1)

Bai Shiyuan never liked Fang JunRong all that much. She was too unbridled of a life.

For the past 20 years, Li WangJin had been establishing his nice-man image. He never had an affair. He was very respectful to Fang JunRong, always. Comparing to her own husband who was having affairs left and right, it only made sense that Bai Shiyuan was not a fan of Fang JunRong.

When the words of Li WangJin's affair broke, Bai Shiyuan didn't even have a chance to mock Fang JunRong before Fang JunRong had already took off with half of their assets. Her days were even more unrestrained than before. Not to mention the young and handsome little fresh meat by her side with his 6-pack. Her company was going up and up and making a reputation for itself.

In comparison, she made all of the others' lives seemed bitter. In the past, she'd at least have a few friends over the mahjong table to gripe about Fang JunRong with her. As it turned out, all of them, upon using the Beautify Pills, had switched sides. Sun Mei, was the worse of them all. Sun Mei used to look up to her but now she was busy hugging Fang JunRong's thigh and that made Bai Shiyuan even more upset.

She certainly regretted that Fang JunRong had subsequently found out what she had said about her. The Beautify Pills, after all, were very effective. So much that Bai Shiyuan decided to put aside their differences and invite Fang JunRong over as a way to make up to her. As it turned out, Fang JunRong didn't care about her at all and responded to none of her invitations. That upset Bai Shiyuan even more. When she finally ran into Fang JunRong, it was like running into an enemy and she couldn't help but made some snide comments.

Naturally, Bai Shiyuan acted that way because she was confident of herself. Geng Yuan was injured when he was younger and had only one son. His son passed away early and left him with only one grandson, who was a bit on the fragile side. Geng Yuan was extremely fond of this grandson. After finding out that this grandson had poor circulations and his hands and feet were always cold in the winter time, Bai Shiyuan went out of her way to get her hands on a piece of warm jade. It was warm when it was worn on a body and also good for one's health.

When she had it delivered, Geng Yuan's grandson liked it a lot and immediately put it on. Geng Yuan, naturally, was very friendly toward her immediately. That had given her a big head. As such, she felt very confident when she was picking on Fang JunRong. She hadn't expected that Fang JunRong would bring up the Cherry Blossom Pills right away and embarrassed her in front of everyone.

She had given a lot of them away as gifts and, after those people had used the product and had problems with their gas, they all complained to her about their gifts.

Her face darkened. Nevertheless, when she caught sight of Geng Yi, Geng Yuan's grandson, something seemed to have occurred to her and she said, "Nobodies like us certainly could not measure up to Boss Fang.

"I trust that Boss Fang must brought with her some amazing gift. Why don't you share with the rest of us what it is?"

She didn't believe that Fang JunRong would be able to bring with her a better gift than hers.

Geng Yuan frowned a little. He had always believed in maintaining low key and was not a big fan of arrogance like that of Bai Shiyuan's, especially when it was obvious that she was acting the way that she was because she trusted that he'd stand behind her. If it wasn't for the jade that she had gifted his grandson, he would not want to have anything to do with her.

He was just about to smooth the situation out some when he heard Fang JunRong saying, "Oh, nothing too impressive. Just a common piece of jadeite is all."

Geng Yuan sighed to himself: The younger generations nowadays. Each of them was more arrogant than the last.

Bai Shiyuan was ecstatic. This couldn't have worked out any better for her. Even the heaven was siding with her.

Fang JunRong looked over at Geng Yuan. "Do you mind if I just unwrap the gift now, Old Mr. Geng?"

Geng Yuan sighed again. "Sure."

Fang JunRong undid the ribbon slowly. The box was opened and the jadeite was there for all to see.

Under the light, the rich green color was breathtaking. There seemed to be light flowing inside of it and many who were there were mesmerized.

Many were shocked. A jadeite this color could easily cost upward of ten million yuan. This Fang JunRong was so generous. With the translucence of this jadeite, any other person would have kept it for themselves to make a piece of jewelry out of it. Fang JunRong, on the other hand, gave it away as a gift.

Bai Shiyuan's confident look stiffened. She comforted herself: As pretty and as expensive as this one was, could it measure up to her warm jade? The one that she had given to Geng Yi would be beneficial to his health when worn.

Geng Yuan liked the jadeite a lot as well. Even though he owned his own jade mine overseas, but a piece of this quality could only be encountered by chance. They were popping up more and more infrequently as of late.

With a slight smile on him, he took the jadeite over. When he touched it, his eyes widened from shock.

Wait, there was something going on with this piece of jadeite...

Chapter 163 - She only had one thought. Exactly how much did Li Wangjin pay these people? (2)

Jadeite is normally cold to the touch. Yet, this piece of jadeite felt warm to the touch, much like a warm jade. Having it in his hand, he even felt less tired than he was just a moment ago.

He looked at Geng Yi, his grandson, lovingly and said to him, "Yi, come over here."

His grandson was already 12 years old this year and he looked only around 10 years old from his appearance. Blinking his eyes, he walked over to his grandfather and took the jadeite from him.

"Eh?" He let out a happy cry and then placed the piece of jadeite against his cheek and rubbed up against it. He squinted like a kitten under the sun.

"Grandpa, I like this one." Geng Yi's voice was very crisp. He was well protected by his grandfather and still has a naïve and straightforward personality.

This was it! The jade was a bit on the heavy side and started to weight down on him after carrying it around for a bit, especially when he was already wearing one on top of that.

He quickly weighed his options, fished out the piece that was given to him earlier by Bai Shiyuan, casually handed it over to a servant waiting nearby, and carefully placed the piece given to him by Fang JunRong into his pocket.

He gave Fang JunRong a sweet smile and said, "Thank you, big sister."

Fang JunRong looked to be in her twenties to him, so big sister seemed appropriate.

Bai Shiyuan was stunned. Never in a million years would she had expected that the warm jade she has picked out oh so carefully would be abandoned just like that, especially when Geng Yi straight up replaced hers with the one from Fang JunRong so carefully. In contrast, it was like announcing that hers was nothing but garbage.

What's worse was that Geng Yi had addressed her as aunty earlier but he addressed Fang JunRong as big sister.

Her face started to burn as though she had been faceslapped repeatedly. She felt that many were looking at her, mocking her. That made her extremely uncomfortable.

Her lips moved. She was angry, embarrassed, at loss, etc.

Had she known, she shouldn't have picked on Fang JunRong. Fang JunRong was poisonous. Every time something had to do with Fang JunRong, she had never won the upper hand.

Geng Yuan straight up said, "This was the best gift that I have received today. Thank you so much."

Had Fang JunRong had any personal ask of him later on, as long as it wasn't too far fetch, he would for sure willing to grant her her wish. His grandson was very important to him and Fang JunRong's gift could not have been better.

Blow after blow later, Bai Shiyuan was very dispirited. Her eyes had lost focus but she refused to leave just to keep up the pretense.

At least, her gift was quite good too, just wasn't as good as Fang JunRong.

She quickly found a corner where she could stay in. She was no longer arrogant like she was just half an hour ago. Like a cock who had been defeated, she could no longer held her head up high.


In the time that followed, Geng Yuan did not overlook Fang JunRong even when he was interacting with his other guests. He even praised her date, Jiang DeXian, and said that he was very good looking and surely much more handsome than Li WangJin.

Fang JunRong agreed with him wholeheartedly. She could no longer recall what Li WangJin looked like when he was young.

Many others walked up to chat with Fang JunRong. Those like Bai Shiyuan was, after all, an exception to the rule. Being able to have their accomplishments today, most of these guests were not stupid. Fang JunRong was on the up and up, nobody would want to offend her now.

The banquet carried on lively and Fang JunRong, after eating a little, gave Geng Yuan a heads up and wandered into the garden.

Geng Yuan's garden was designed by professionals. There were mountains and water and unspeakably delicate and luxurious. The winding corridor, in particular, was an art form in and of itself that didn't come by easily.

It was a very different feeling to appreciate this garden at night.

Learning from her past lesson, she brought her jacket with her this time. It wasn't too cold with her jacket on. Most of the guests were inside the lobby and the garden seemed particularly serene with their footsteps being the only sound that could be heard.

Her irritation from earlier was beginning to quell.

When she was married to Li WangJin, she had attended banquets less and less. Many thought that was because of Li WangJin when, in reality, she just wasn't the type who enjoyed the scene.

After her rebirth, she started attending more of these banquets. She had a lot of respect for He JianBing in this respect. He JianBing always seemed comfortable and articulate in situations like these.

After walking for a little while, she planned to sit down for a little break. She appreciated the manmade mountain and rock from a distance as well as a pond next to them. The pond was sizeable and looked very clear.

She pondered having one like this built for herself as well so she could walk around one from time to time.

After resting for a little while and, just when she was about to get up, she heard someone talking.

"Truth be told, I am quite envious of Fang JunRong. She is a good role model for women, always one to be envied whether it was before or after her divorce."

Fang JunRong rubbed her nose. They just happened to be talking about her? That was too much of a coincidence. She wouldn't buy that this was just a coincidence. She continued to listen in on the conversation.

"Right? She was not like us at all. Just look at that Li WangJin. He regrets now and really wants to get back with her."

"Are you sure about that? I thought Li WangJin is still with that mistress of his."

"Your news is so outdated. I heard that Li WangJin had already kicked that tramp out of his house and he drinks all the time now. He even said privately that if only Fang JunRong is willing to get back with him, he's willing to transfer all of his assets over to her. How many men would say such a thing? I think he's truly remorseful now."

"That's good. He has learned of his mistakes and is willing to make amends. The two of them have two children together. They should get back together just for the children's sake. It's always better for the kids to have a complete family."

Hearing those words that entirely sided with Li WangJin, Fang JunRong only wanted to sneer. The only thought in her head right now was exactly how much did Li WangJin paid these two?

It looked like his debtors were not doing a very good job at collecting their debts.

Chapter 164 - She figured that things should quiet down a lot after today. (1)

The two women continued to lament over on the other side of the manmade mountain. Back and forth they were saying how great it was when a man knew to change his behaviors, that a couple was to spend their lives together, and that when a man was no greater sincerity than when one was willing to hand over all of his assets.

Truth was, she heard about all of these from time to time but most people would not specifically say them directly in front of her. She felt these people may not necessarily truly believe in these ideas either. They did, after all, live in the modern age. Most likely they were just envious of her nice new life and just wished that she'd fall back into the same trap as them.

She cleared her throat slightly to let them know of her presence.

Quickly, two women walked out from behind the manmade mountain. The two of them somewhat resembled each other. It was obvious that the two women were related.

Fang JunRong recognized them. The slightly older one was Dai JiaZhen and the younger one Dai JiaYin.

Dai JiaZhen feigned a very exaggerated surprised look. "Eh, Boss Famg, are you taking a walk out here too? What a coincidence?"

Fang JunRong said nonchalantly, "It is a coincidence, running into the two of you in such a large garden."

Dai JiaZhen pretended that she did not get the subtext in Fang JunRong's words. The look on her was fake like a mask. "Aye, that's why they say you should never talk about someone else behind their back. You've heard everything that we were talking about."

Dai JiaYin nodded. "We are very sorry." She paused, then said, "What we've said was how we truly feel."

She played the role of a mediator. "He already knew what he had done was wrong. Anyway you look at it, it's still better than someone that you know nothing about." She looked over at Jiang DeXian as she talked. Her meaning was obvious.

"Plus, when you have all the assets in your hand, it'll be much easier to keep him under your thumb."

"If only my husband has half of his sincerity, we won't be fighting day in and day out."

Fang JunRong maintained the slight smile on her face. It never changed a bit since the start of the conversation.

"How long would his money, minus his debt, last supporting that lifestyle of his? Getting back together with him? Was it that I want from him? His pocket change? That he is old? Or his beer gut?"

"I'm sorry. It's great that you enjoy eating poop. But don't think that everybody else are equally willing to eat poop just because you can."

Fang JunRong felt that she had been too overly polite in the past. That must be why everyone felt that they could say whatever they want in front of her. Did she really strike them as that much of a fool?

The two sisters' face darkened immediately from her words.

Dai JiaZhen's voice sounded like it was squeezed from some kind of a crack. "How could you be like that? We only have your best interest in mind. All men are the same. Even if you get married again, there's no saying that you will find someone better."

Dai JiaYin chimed in. "Exactly. If I were you, I'd for sure get back with him."

Fang JunRong snickered. "You mean it wasn't for what he had offered you?"

She looked over to Dai JiaYin. "Did you just say that Li WangJin is much better than your husband?"

Dai JiaYin hesitated but did not want to faceslap herself. "Yes."

Fang JunRong's smile deepened. "Well, if that's the case. You should just divorce your husband and be with Li WangJin."

"Since he's so good and you recommend him so highly, you should keep him for yourself. Don't let him go to waste now. Li WangJin even got together with Wang SiXian before. I don't think he's too picky. I'm sure you will do just fine." She would never have thought that someone would actually want a piece of garbage like Li WangJin. Could this be considered recycling of sort?

Chapter 165 - She figured that things should quiet down a lot after today. (2)

Dia JiaYin's face turned into the color of pig liver. She could no longer maintain her courtesy and she shouted out loudly, "Fang JunRong, don't push your luck!"

Fang JunRong, too, dropped her face. "Oh yeah? What I am doing doesn't measure up to what you two are doing. You hate your own lives and you want others to fall into the same firepit as you."

She snickered. "I hope that you will have the self-awareness to make yourself scarce in front of me in the future."

Having said that, she turned and started to leave. She had only taken a few steps before she turned back around and gave the two of them a very standard smile. "Of course, if any one of you plan to get a divorce and be with Li WangJin, do send me an invitation. I will definitely give you my best wishes."

Having said that, she walked away chicly from the two of them.

Aye. She came out for a change of scenery but now her mood was ruined by the two idiots.

That being said, she could also deduce that Li WangJin was really at the end of his ropes to have come up with such a method to get back with her. Who did he think he was?

She walked for a little while and, when she had gotten further away from the two idiots, she slowed down her steps and walked toward the club house.

"I didn't think you'd be so blunt," said Jiang DeXian. "Aren't you afraid they'd try to beat you up when they were enraged?"

Fang JunRong pushed her hair behind her ear and said casually, "But I have you here, no?"

She assumed Jiang DeXian, as a man, would at least be able to take two women.

Not hearing a response from him, she turned to him and asked, "Or is it your principles to not hit women?"

"No, if they start it, I'd, of course, fight back."

Fang JunRong nodded with satisfaction. She then asked him, "Are you any good at fighting?"

Jiang DeXian said in a deep voice, "Taking on about 10 Li WangJin should not a problem."

The smile in Fang JunRong's eyes thickened.


After they have returned to the lobby, Fang JunRong put her socializing mask back on and laughed and chatted with others. She had also finalized a few contracts in the meantime. After a little while, Dia JiaZhen and her sister returned as well. They had obviously recollected themselves and their anger outside was put away for the time being. They only occasionally gave Fang JunRong an angry look.

Fang JunRong narrowed her eyes and looked around. Alright, Dai JiaZhen's husband wasn't here tonight but Dai JiaYin's was.

Her husband Boss Ding was dancing with a woman. The woman's body was enchanting and her dance charming. She must be a female companion who came with one of the other bosses. Boss Ding had no problem resting his hand over some sensitive spots around the woman's waist.

No wonder Dai JiaYin felt that Li WangJin was not entirely hopeless. Comparing to her husband, Li WangJin instantly went from non-recyclable trash to recyclable trash.

Too bad Fang JunRong didn't run a dump. She didn't want any trash, let them be recyclable or non-recyclable ones.

She hesitated a little and walked toward Boss Ding.

Given how much Dai JiaYin had talked up Li WangJin, he must have offered her some handsome reward. Fang JunRong didn't believe that Boss Ding had no idea about it. He probably approved of it subtly. After all, it was a topic better broached by other women.

She was not one who'd discriminate against one gender. If someone needed to be embarrassed, it should be both of them.


"Long time no see, Boss Ding."

Boss Ding, who looked like he was thoroughly enjoying the dance, turned and smiled at her. "Ah, it's you, JunRong."

Even he must admit that Fang JunRong was an attractive woman. Let it be her delicate features, her fair and translucent skin, or the charm when she smiles, all of them could make one indulge.

Her assets were probably not the only reasons that Li WangJin wanted to get back with her. Her looks probably had a lot to do with it as well. Comparing to her, his own wife suddenly seemed like nothing but the maid who was responsible for adding firewood. If he was to try to convince Fang JunRong to get back together with Li WangJin, even he'd feel Fang JunRong was way out of Li WangJin's league. Nevertheless, the reward that Li WangJin had offered was very attractive... oh, nevermind, he'd just leave that task to his wife.
