chapter 10

Keith packed up his notes from his last lecture of the evening, he couldn't wait to get home. And it would be lights out.

"Hey keith~" a guy named lotor sauntered up behind him and snaked an arm around keiths waist, "a few of my pals are goin for a drink tonight, thought you might want to join." He purred giving keith a wink. Keith signed in annoyance and peeled himself away from lotor,
"Sorry but im not really into parties." He said bluntly while walking away from the white haired man
"Oh always the book worm~. Darling have some fun now and again!" Lotor said dramatically putting his hand on his heart.
Keith turned to lotor an annoyed expression stapled on his face "look man I already said no, so if you'll excuse me im going to my dorm." And with that keith stalked away leaving lotor in his dust.


Keith quietly opened the door to his dorm room (which seemed more like an apartment), as to not disturb any of his probably sleeping roommates, he slipped off his shoes and noticed a pair of blue And white sneakers. Ones that he didn't recognize, he wondered if hunk or Pidge had anyone over but quickly assumed that one of them just got new shoes.
Keith turned on the lights of the kitchenette, which was enough light to illuminate the rest of the dorm in a soft glow.
Enough for him to notice two figures curled up on Pidge's 'bed'
Curious he went to investigate, only for it to be lance and pidge, sleeping in each others arms.
Keith couldn't help the pang of jealousy that cut his heart at the sight, but he pushed that feeling down and covered the two in a blanket from hunks bed (because lets face it he has too many),
Keith sighed and turned the light off in the kitchenette and blindly made his way over to the bunk. And the moment his head hit the pillow it was, Lights out.


Lance groaned as at least three alarms went off at the same time, he sat up and distangle himself from pidge. He hadn't ment to stay the night, he looked around the room to try and locate the direction of which the alarms were coming from slightly annoyed that no one was woken up by them.
A groan from hunks side of the room startled him when a figure with fluffy black hair shot out of the bottom bunk and turned the alarm off that was apparently on the kitchen counter. With a glare the person turned around and froze at the sight of a disheveled lance looking at him sleepily.
"Oh uh, Lance! Hi. You're up" Keith exclaims nervously looking down at himself in his unpresentable appearance. "I didn't realize you were such a light sleeper.."

"Oh hey keith...KEITH OH MY GOD!" Lance scrambled up from Pidge's 'bed' and stood up, anxiously twirling his longish hair between his fingers "I didn't mean to fall asleep..haha.." he wouldn't look keith in the eye's.

"Oh its ok dude, relax." Keith chuckled "so are you two like, a thing or..?" He gestures to pidge who was still sleeping like the dead, keith didn't know why the thought made his stomach twist painfully.
Lance's eyes widened in surprise, all previous anxiety and fear left his eyes as he smiled widely, his eyes wrinkling at the corners. "Whaat?? God no!" He laughed "we're just really old friends, we caught up yesterday and fell asleep. Besides im pretty sure im gay." Lance continued cackling at the ridiculous thought of ever dating pidge. Keith stood there gaping at lance, like he'd grown another head.
Keith had never seen lance smile like that, let alone laugh...
Lance noticed keiths staring and quieted down "i-is there a problem with that..?" Lance asked mistaking keiths silence for judgment
"Oh what? No of course not!" Keith Said waving his hands out in front of him in defense "I was just shocked, I've never heard you laugh before.."-

"Good lord will you two shut up!" Pidge yelled at the two, throwing her pillow at them "just make out already and shut the hell up!" Lance turned bright red. Visibr even through his darker skin, keith groans. His face also getting visibly red
"PIDGE!" Keith said, still red in the face and refused to look at lance,
The girl cackled before returning under the blanket to continue her slumber.

"So uh...we have physics together soon could hang here and ill let you borrow the shower and some clothes so you don't smell like gym." Keith said lowering his voice to a whisper as not to enforce the wrath of pidge
"Oh uh. Sure...but I have a specific facial routine.." lance muttered, trying to make a good excuse to get out of it
"Oh you dont need to worry about that, I have a tone of different products in there." Keith say cheerily "you can just pick the ones you use and set them aside for when you stay with us." Lances face dropped slightly but covered it quickly with a small smile
"Th-thanks.." lance mumbled "you should really do something about your mullet though dude."
"Mullet??" Keith asked, shocked "its not a mullet. My fringe is too long for it to be a mullet." He stated, getting slightly annoyed
Lance raised his hands in defeat but a shit eating grin was plastered on his face, having found what makes keith tic
"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to make you question your life choices." Keith growled at the tanned male and threw a towel at his face "Oh what ever. Just take a shower you smell like ass and BO." He said in mock anger, pointing towards the bathroom. "Ill throw you some clothes to borrow in a minute." And with that he turn and started digging through the shared closet of the three.
"Thanks man.." lance smiled softly at keith and closed the bathroom door behind him (a/n s3 reference) .
Lance sighed in relief, having gotten through that interaction drained more out of him then he'd thought, lance locked the door to the bathroom door behind him


When lance closed the bathroom door keith turned back into his closet and frowned, everything was dirty except a pair of old pj shorts and a t-shirt that was too big for him.
"Wow, already letting him use our bathroom AND your skin care stuff??" Pidge said in sarcasm "It must be love." Keith snorted and looked back at the small woman
"Says you, you guys were practically spooning when I got back last night."

"Eh, id never be interested in him." Pidge said getting serious for a moment "he's like a sis-brother, He's like a brother to me. And no amount of time apart can change that." Keith looked at pidge, baffled by her sincereness, and warmed by her loyalty
"So I take it you guys haven't spoken in awhile?" He asked cautiously
" could say that." The girl picked her large round glasses up from the floor and carefully put them on before looking at keith again.
"He disappeared suddenly, about a month before you you never would have know or heard about him." She trailed off, looking into the distance like she was remembering something. "I, didn't know why he left without saying anything. It was just one day he was there, and the was like he vanished off the face of the earth. Of course its not my place to tell you why he decided to do what he did, just know that now that hes back I would do anything for that boy. And if you hurt him, mark my words you will regret it." Pidge stood from her spot on her widow bed and stood nose to nose with keith (a/n pidge is almost as tall as keith in this, and keith is 3 inches shorter than lance).
"I do not care that you are one of my closest friends, I will hurt you."

Keith took a step back and rose his hand in defense "alright, alright chiiill." Keith met Pidge's gaze "I would never hurt him, I may bot know him well, but I want to so I will do everything in my power to keep him here with you. With all of us." Keith smiles at pidge softly "I promise."
Pidge looked at keith for a second and smiled, before pulling him into a hug.
"Thank you keith." Keith chuckled and hugged her back
"Anything for my favorite gremlin." Pidge smacked Keith upside the head for that one before sitting at her desk and tinkering with forgotten projects

Keith went back to the closet and pulled out the only clean clothes before making his way to the bathroom. He knocked on the door, "Hey, uh lance. I got you some clothes." Keith called through the door
"Oh! Uh yeah just a sec!" Lance called back. The door opened a crack and a tanned hand peaked out, waiting to be handed the clothes, which keith obligated by putting them in his hand, their hands brushed slightly causing keiths heart to flip.
Lance pulled his hand back in and called a thanks and closed the door again.
Keith put his hand to his chest and whispered to himself "jesus, im too gay for this." He did I silent prayer.
His quiet words causing pidge to cackle from her desk on the otger side of the room.
"Shut it gremlin."


Lance looked at the clothes thatbhe had been given by keith and took a moment to look at himself, allowing some vanity to seep through.
"Damn...I'm hot." Lance posed in Front of the mirror and did finger guns at himself. He hadn't worn shorts in ages and frankly, it felt good, it showed off his long slender legs better than the slightly baggy jeans he usually wears.
Lance sighed as he squeezed into his binder and pulled on the baggy t-shirt before cautiously leaving the bathroom.
Keith looked up from his seat on the couch where he was playing overwatch, his eyes widened at the sight of lance.
" there something on my face..?" Lance asked playfully, with a hint of fear in his eyes, keith stared at lance for a moment longer, his eyes trailing subtlety over lances body. He couldn't help but notice his long slender legs, broad shoulders matched with slim but feminine hips.
"Oh uh...No, I was just thinking you look like less shit." Keith said, slightly awkward.
"Smoooooth." Pidge called from her desk at the other side of the room. Lance laughed, a real laugh, before taking a seat next to keith and leaned on the arm rest, staring at pidge thoughtfully.
"You got tall huh, pidge." Pidge looked at lance with a questioning expression before giving in
"Yeah, Im almost 5'9."
"EHHH?? Dude! Im 6 ft so you're almost as tall as me!!" Pidge chuckled
"Its actually keith whos closest to your height, hes 5'11." Keith looked up from his game at the mention of his name and gave them both a confused look
"I what..?" Lance popped up in Front of his face
"I thought you were taller than me," lance said "but I guess im actually really tall."
"Pfft, no hunks tall, but you're close I guess." Keith laughed when he came back to his senses, when had their faces gotten so close..?
Lan e blinked and pull himself away, a slight blush tinting his face.
He huffed and crossed his arms "hunk doesnt count, he's not human." Keith snorted and turned back to his game, actively trying to ignore lance and all he questioning and fight picking.
Pidge looked at the two bickering like an old married couple and sighed quietly to herself.
This was going to be a long 4 years.
