Chapter 2

-This chapter has been edited-

Keith yawned as Pidge, Hunk and himself made it to their shared room. The three had been surprised to see they were all roomed together, normally it's two to a room in universities like this instead of apartment like living spaces. Keith shrugged off the thought, thinking some rich entitled brat probably got a room to themselves. He scoffs to himself and pushes open the door to their room.

Pidge shoves past him immediately.

"I dibs the window bed!" She shouts, throwing herself and her bags onto the small bed. Hunk chuckles at her energy and moves to put his stuff on the bottom bunk.

"How inconsiderate of you Katie" Keith says in an offended tone. You didn't even ask if I wanted the window bed" she looks at him blankly.

"Keith would you like the window bed?" Her tone is almost robotic.

"Nah I'm good, I think me and my main man hunk will just share the bunk bed " Pidge groans and flips Keith off,

"I hope you get lost at orientation later today." She hisses.

"Love you too Pidge"


Lance sat alone in his first class, he was the first one to get there having had no trouble finding it, as well as being excited for his first day. Minutes passed and lance watched students slowly trickle in one by one or in groups. After a few more minutes the lecture hall was full and the professor arrived. He had short orange hair and an impressive mustache.
"Good morning class, I am professor Wibbleton, but you lot can call me Coran and welcome to your art history class. Now-" the professor was cut off by someone bursting into the room.

"Sir would you like to explain why you are late for class on the first day?" Coran asked the man, who looked at him startled, eyes gazing at the full room, face going even redder with embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry professor! I lost track of time admiring the campus- It won't happen again." The black haired man gave pleading eyes to Coran who just sighed
"Well you are lucky not all of the seats are taken." Coran said curtly and gave a brief non in lances direction, who was too busy on his phone to notice.
"take a seat please so we can continue my introduction." He smiled a thank you and made his way over to the empty seat by lance
The man sat heavily and put his head on the table.
"God I didn't think I was gonna actually make it in time." Keith muttered to himself. Lance looked at him from the corner of his eye and tsked.

Of course I'd be next to an idiot who's late on the first day Lance thinks to himself paying no real attention to the man beside him.
The man sat up in his seat and looks at Lance with wide eyes and taps him on the shoulder.
Lance looks at him with a glare.

"What I'm trying to pay attention to the lecture." He hisses, finding him to be vaguely familiar. The man smiles sheepishly.
"I just wanted to introduce myself." He mumbled "Hi, I'm Keith. I knocked you over on orientation day." He stuck out his hand.
Lance looked at him and frowned so that's why he was familiar..
He takes his hand begrudgingly.

"The names Lance." He replies bluntly to Keith, not wanting to take the conversation any further. Keith smiles and releases his hand.

"Lance is a pretty cool name, like that weapon." He says, trying to keep up the small talk. Lance groans internally.

"Yeah, thanks. I Chose it myself." He says forcefully. Keith laughs, confused.

"Oh, that's cool...." Keith replies, slightly confused, he looks away, sensing how uncomfortable the conversation was getting.

Who knew true beauty could be so cold.. Keith thinks to himself, trying not to let Lance's demeanor scare him off.

"So uh, sorry again for running into like that on our first day on campus." He says in sincerity. Leaning his head onto his had and staring at Lance intently. Lance looked at him with a frown, Keith's steal blue eyes seemed to bore into his soul.
He sighs defeated.

"It's okay, really. everyone was excited so it was bound to happen.". Keith brightens immediately, his dark hair falling into his eyes when he sits back up straight with a grin on his face.

"I guess I was a little excited-"

"Mr Kogane! is it?" Coran yelled up at him, a stern look on his face, the entire class fell silent and Keith freezes "it would be well appreciated if you could pay attention instead of babbling and distracting Mr McClain."
Keith cleared his throat in embarrassment.

"Yes of course sir, it won't happen again." The professor gives him a suspicious look before continuing the lecture.

He remained silent for the rest of the class, too embarrassed to say anything or even look at anyone.
By the time the lecture was over Keith had seemed to recover a bit from the shame of being called out. He sighs in relief as people start to filter out and he collapses his torso onto the desk In front of him.

"God that was embarrassing..." He muttered to himself.

"Can you move? I need to get to my next class." Keith looked over to see Lance standing over him with all his supplies already packed away in his bag and an annoyed expression on his face.
Keith sat up quickly and shoved his stuff In his bag, he gets up to let Lance through.
As Lance walks past him Keith stops his progress again.
"Wait!" Lance groans internally but stops and turns back to him "this might be weird to ask because we've only talked for a good ten minutes.. but uh- can I have your number?" He asks shyly hold his phone close to his chest.
"Yeah it is weird" Lance replies, not making any move to give his number or reject the question.
"Well yeah it's just- you seem like a cool guy and I wanted to-"

"Let me stop you there pal" Lance cuts him off "you don't know me, so I'm not going to give you my number. But you are seated next to me, so I'll agree to be your acquaintance." Keith blinks in confusion.

"Your... acquaintance...?"

"Well we aren't friends yet, so for now we're only acquaintances. I'll give you my number when we become friends. Deal?" Lance quirks an eyebrow, interested in seeing Keith's response to his little deal. Keith nods slowly.

"Uh yeah okay, game on!" He grins at Lance "I'll make you one of my friends and get your number." He says, making it a challenge. Lance laughs involuntarily at that.

"Well good luck."
