Desmond Miles X Female Reader



Author's Note: Hello, everyone! Here's another one-shot for Assassin's Creed, in honor of the main protagonist of the modern day world, Desmond Miles. For this fanfiction, the reader will have blood red hair that is dyed even though their actual hair color, hair length, hair texture, eye color, and skin tone can be anything of their choice (think Princess Ariel from the Little Mermaid).  I do hope everyone enjoys this fanfiction since it took me a while to make, so I humbly apologize for keeping all the fans waiting. I also spent a while editing and re-editing because I didn't want to hurt my video game babies.

I also wanted to say that my fanfictions for Assassin's Creed follow the canon story to a point. But for the purposes of this fanfiction, it will not follow all of the canon. For example, Clay Kaczmarek is not dead because from the one-shot I did about him, his red-haired wife/the reader saved him from Abstergo instead of Lucy Stillman. Also, Lucy did not die and Desmond will not sacrifice himself in this fanfiction because I don't want to hurt my video game babies. :)


Desmond Miles was the best decision that you had ever made, despite the dangerous consequences that followed being with such a man. He gave you many things that only a male in love could give a woman and it made you a better person because of what he did, but it also made him a better person because of it too.

Looking back on your past now, even if you were still so young, you were known as (Name), a normal girl with a normal life and normal parents who knew nothing of the Assassin-Templar War. You had a normal childhood of elementary, middle, and high schools and made it out alright despite never being picked on and despite not having a lot of friends, male or female, because you were an introverted nerd (which is why you skipped ahead a few grades) and an avid aficionado of entertainment media such as music, video game, television, plays, and film. That was, until you were recruited by William Miles by filling out a college scholarship after high school graduation, which you eventually won. His guise was that he was offering a scholarship to students who knew a lot about Colonial history and that you were the lucky one who received the five thousand dollars. But you weren't a village idiot and you could tell that he was different from other college scholarship representatives based on his mannerisms and his stoic demeanor, so when asked by you about it, William told you the truth. That's when he gave a long, detailed-oriented account of the Assassin-Templar War and that you were actually being recruited to join the Creed because you were a skilled actress (since William had seen your plays before in the local area and thought you were very talented), but William needed your help finding his son and you were around the same age as one 'Desmond Miles.' And seeing how genuine and vulnerable William was about losing Desmond when the boy ran away from home at sixteen, you decided to help him find his son in exchange for some financial relief for expanding on your craft at a college. With a handshake and a promise as well as a warning to keep this proposition secret from loved ones to keep them out of danger, William agreed to help sixteen-year-old you get into college without much monetary burden on your loving, hardworking parents.

So now, here you were in New York during the year 2007 at twenty years old, after completing your Fine Arts education to earn a Master's degree in Fine Arts (since you took college classes in high school and at a local community college over the summer before meeting William) and receiving Assassin training in computers, travel, climbing, espionage, and physical combat from William Miles. You finally had your chance at Broadway and you decided to go take it by being an actress by living in New York and keeping in close contact with your parents whenever able, despite never telling them of the conflict between Assassins and Templars. They would literally freak out or crap bricks if you told them that. Honestly, they would think you had gone crazy and try to take you to a doctor to get you off the alcohol or the psychoactive drugs. Personally, you had just moved to New York City and lived here for about two months by yourself in an apartment complex, but everything seemed to be going okay. You had a good-paying job and you could get alcohol on the job as long as you could still do your job, so it was all good for you. 

So, after taking a twenty-eight-minute cab ride from your apartment to the Broadway theatre, you met with the directors, producers, and crew of one Disney Broadway musical as well as the team for 'Into the Woods' with open arms and kind words. Then, you found a small seat inside the lobby with other hopeful actors and actresses as you practiced your lines and your songs in your head until you were called back into the room for your time to shine. Since you had great memory with words and language and watched Disney movies so many times until you were able to literally quote on command, you were sure you would get the lead in one and one of the main protagonists in the other play even though you were humble and nervous as a natural performer and empathetic human. After completing your two auditions, you were still shaking in nervous anxiety after completing your audition even though you thought you did your best. So you thought that if maybe you had one drink, you would feel more relaxed before you had to go to night shift at the same bar you were getting a drink from. When you weren't auditioning for Broadway plays, you were working at the bar five minutes walking distance from your apartment complex or looking for William's only son. So, after getting inside the bar with its bright strobe lights blinking on and off while the bands sang and smashed musical instruments loudly, you went into the employee locker room to change your clothes before you went to the bar to buy one drink, using a fake ID in the process to conceal your own identity from Abstergo and to receive the beverage. Sliding some green money across the wooden counter, you waited for the head bartender to take your order. And man, was he attractive! You didn't really know who he was because you had only heard about him from other coworkers or if you did see him, you were already onstage at the nightclub/bar doing your performances until closing since you were always the finale. But then, you would always help the head bartender clean up and lock up before he would walk you home so you didn't get robbed or something by a dangerous criminal. The mysterious bartender would even keep drunk men from harassing you physically and verbally before and after a musical performance or by slipping date rape drugs into your beverages without your knowledge. No matter what he was doing or how busy he was, you knew that the man always had your back. However, you two never thought to introduce yourselves even once because you were too shy and he seemed to be a man of many secrets but few words. But you did have to admit that he was extremely attractive, with his golden eyes sparkling under the glow of the flashing strobe lights, which complimented the subtle tan of his skin and the blackness of his short hair very well. But what interested you the most about this man was that he seemed to love eagles, especially since the tattoo of that majestic bird of prey was marked into his left forearm with other cool symbols and patterns for all time like some kind of Henna tattoo, and the fact that he seemed to be around you, even if you both barely spoke to each other in the two months that you lived here. He also appeared to be the same age as you. So, as soon as he saw you, he smiled warmly as he took your dollar bill and started to make change for it before you shook your head and waved your hand while you remarked, "No, you pocket the extra change. You work long hours and barely treat yourself in your own single-man apartment."

"Who said I was single?" The young man teased back with a grin and dark, raised eyebrows as you giggled with him and replied with a jovial tone, "Please, everyone here knows you don't have any girl in your apartment aside from you. That's why I want you to stop arguing and just take the darn money." Then, with a soft smile, you closed the man's outstretched palm before he stuffed the extra cash into the front pocket of his white hoodie and asked, "Your usual?"

"Actually, I was thinking about branching out and trying new things, so if you want to, you can surprise me." You replied with a wink before the man began making his speciality alcoholic beverage with a playful smirk on his face while he began interrogating you at the bar since you had some time to kill before you had to perform onstage, "So, any reason why you prefer me to surprise you instead of get your usual?"

"I'm a little nervous today." You explained as you rubbed your hands together as if you had lotion or hand sanitizer on them, a nervous tick of yours from youth whenever you felt anxious, before the young man whipped his head around to meet your (eye color) irises while he raised his dark eyebrows up, "And why would that be?"

"Well, if you're so inclined to ask, I auditioned on Broadway to be in one Disney musical in the Fall and 'Into the Woods' in the Spring. I just hope that I get the female lead for the Disney one and one of the main protagonists for 'Into the Woods,' but even if I just get a small part in either one or both, I'll be happy." You explained as the lead bartender's expression lightened as he heard your passion for your skilled craft while he continued to make his speciality drink for you before you continued, "I've always been dreaming of performing for people on Broadway since I was a little girl and now I'm finally here. So getting a chance to be in 'Into the Woods' or 'The Little Mermaid' means a lot to me after four years of studying to get a Master's degree."

"So will your parents come?" The man asked as he put some shots of grenadine into your glass while you watched his every move and nodded, "They came to many of my other plays before, so I don't see why they wouldn't now unless work or cost of tickets prevents them both from coming. After all, Broadway tickets can be a little expensive."

"I see...Well, I would come to see you if I knew your name so I could keep an eye out for ticket sales and your bio on the pamphlet." The young man replied as he winked and handed you a glass of his speciality beverage while he replied, "Voilà! Here is my speciality surprise beverage for you, an invention of my own mind...The Shirley Templar! It's basically just a Shirley Temple with a shot of gin. Hopefully, you like it."

After taking a sip of it, you found it to be very fruity with a little bite from the strong gin as you nodded and gave the man a thumbs-up while you replied, "Well, I can see now that you were hired for your looks and your smile by Bad Weather Nightclub, but also your creativity with drinks." Then, taking another small sip of the red drink, you started to stare at the young man as you wondered why he was using the word 'Templar' in normal conversation like a joke in order to advertise an alcoholic beverage at a Brooklyn nightclub before you started to get suspicious in order to trigger an investigation. So, deciding to finally introduce yourself to this man you spent lots of time with but never knew the identity of, you pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen from the back pocket of your jeans as you scribbled a name and a cellphone number down onto the ivory sheet while you handed it to the head bartender. Then you held your hand out to shake as you gave a gentle grin with the hidden motive of investigation in your eyes and in the words resting upon your tongue while you gave your real name to make the man trust you more, "By the way, the name's (Name)."

"Well, (Name), the name is Desmond Miles." The young bartender of twenty years of age replied as you saw something in this seemingly-normal man that you had never noticed before until you remembered William's voice in your long-term memory. Maybe this was the same Desmond Miles that he was asking you to look for. I mean, the age range and physical description William gave you was correct in regards to this bartender! The resemblance between William Miles and this Desmond Miles before you was so uncanny as well! However, if this young man was really Desmond, if he was really William's long-lost son, then he would probably do everything to mask his true identity to hide from his parents by having a fake ID on him at all times and making use of cash instead of credit or debit card to purchase things. So, you decided to leave it at that as you and Desmond chatted it up at the bar over a good drink until it came time for you to get onstage and perform some songs for the audience. And all the while while you were on and off stage, Desmond watched your back to keep any drunk patrons from hurting you until closing time. Once you two were alone, you could help Desmond stack the wooden chairs up onto the tops of the wooden tables while he wiped down the various glasses and the wooden bar counter. Then, you and Desmond would always lock up the bar and he would walk you home just to make sure you were safe, even though you both lived five minutes from Bad Weather Nightclub and lived in two apartment complexes that were across from each other with only the narrowest alleyway separating you two. I mean, literally, you could throw a single rope from his window to yours or vice versa and one of you could tightrope across to get to the other person's apartment window! And if anything was going down, you two could gaze into each other's apartment windows to see and hear EVERYTHING going on there! But tonight, you decided to invite Desmond up to your apartment this time so you could order a large pizza and watch some Disney films as practice for the Broadway productions, provided you got the parts. And since Desmond loved Disney films just as much as you did, especially the timeless classics, he agreed to come with you after stopping by his apartment to grab some extra clothes first. Once he was done getting his clothes and his masculine toiletries, you let him take a quick shower while you ordered the pizza and even went through Desmond's hoodie and jeans to gaze upon the contents of his leather wallet. Just as you suspected, Desmond had a fake ID and only carried cash with him, no credit or debit card. So this confirmed that he was indeed Desmond Miles, William's long-lost son, and the reason why you were recruited into the Brotherhood!

However, Desmond had to trust you a little bit more before you could even think of giving William the chance to know where his son was after suffering for four years because the younger man lived on the run. So you decided not to say anything just yet as you found 'Beauty and the Beast' in your collection of movies while you popped it into the television while Desmond went to the door to pay for the pizza with the extra cash you gave him at Bad Weather Nightclub for the Shirley Templar. Then, sitting on the couch together, you and Desmond ate the pizza as the dialogue and songs of the amazing Disney film buzzed in the background with its subtle glow illuminating your faces.

Since that first meeting and introduction, you and Desmond grew much closer as friends as you started hanging out at the bar more before your performances onstage for the nightclub patrons. You even found yourself receiving a strong hug and a Shirley Templar on the house from Desmond once you found out you got the lead of Princess Ariel in 'The Little Mermaid' and the part of The Witch in 'Into the Woods' three days after your dual auditions. So, needless to say, it warmed your heart to have Desmond sitting in the front row on Broadway to see you sing and act, only for him to bring you flowers after your performances in the Fall and the Spring once you took your final curtain call and three bows with your acting family. Literally, catching his golden gaze with your (eye color) one while you belted a Disney song or put your entire heart, soul, and emotions into every performance every night made you perform more strongly as you held the audience in the palm of your hand while the flesh of your neck and vocal cords glowed a faint white like the stage lights overhead. It always made Desmond so relaxed to be around you because your voice was almost magical. His favorite memory was when you were gliding across the stage while singing 'The World Above' in your blood red hair {which you dyed many times since it was actually (light/dark/reader's choice) brown} and mermaid outfit of a neon purple shell bra and a bright green skirt. There you were, belting the song at the top of your lungs like a curious princess hoping to discover things her family never let her gaze upon for fear she would be destroyed by such knowledge by people she didn't understand. Even your gentle smile of white underneath red lips and the dance your hands made in the air like a conductor leading a professional orchestra directed at Desmond while he sat in the front row seemed to lift his spirits from his own troubled thoughts and guilt at lying to you about who he really was.

But more importantly, Desmond felt like he could trust you with anything, even about his true past and why he lived on the run. He even talked of his childhood in South Dakota on The Farm and his training to be an Assassin by his parents before he ran away at sixteen, thinking his parents were conspiracy theorist wack jobs and that he needed a new change of pace. He even recounted his memories of his wonderful mother and even talked of the rare times he could count on his hands that his father wasn't too stern or cold-hearted to him when he was a kid but was instead very loving and kind. That's how you knew everything about Desmond, from the name of his mother to his favorite color to what his little kid self wanted to be when he grew up. All in all, it was very fascinating. But Desmond knew about you too and was entranced by your normal childhood aside from your intelligence that allowed you to skip a grade or two, wishing he could've known what that life was like rather than be trained to fight as a soldier in a war of Templars and Assassins, a war he never asked to join but was forced to because of his parents.

But the stronger the relationship grew in trust and passion, the more guilty you felt about lying to Desmond about the truth of your being with him. You also felt guilty because you knew Desmond just wanted to be normal but that his vast ancestry would never allow him that luxury unless you kept him hidden for just a little while longer by keeping quiet about where you both were. But you also didn't want to keep William and his wife from their son since they did love him so, even if their methods seemed to be very radical, and they just wanted to do what was best for the world that they and their son lived in. You couldn't separate a family because you fell in love with the one member they wanted to see again but you also couldn't take away a man's dreams because two parents weren't patient and instead forced their will onto their only child. You were in a jam because each group, Desmond vs. William and his wife, was right and yet siding with one group would result in crushing the hopes and dreams of the other. You hated being the third party being pulled from side to side of the argument, but eventually, you would have to make a hard choice and you would have to choose between William or Desmond. You also knew that whatever choice you made would change your life forever.

That's why you decided to call your most-trusted female friend, Rebecca Crane, at two in the morning while Desmond was asleep in your shared bedroom on your burner phone. So grabbing up a pair of underwear and athletic shorts along with Desmond's famous white hoodie to cover up your naked body, you scooped your blood red hair away from your face and flipped it over your scalp so it rested messily against both of your shoulders. Then, you dialed Rebecca's cellphone number and pressed your metallic device tightly against your ear as you heard the phone ring for a few seconds before you caught a glimpse of the familiar, jovial tone of "Hello?"

"Hey, Becca, this is (Nickname). I have some good news." You replied with a small smile as you walked towards the front door to make sure that Desmond didn't hear the private conversation among two agents of the Creed while Rebecca's peppy voice perked up more in recognition of you, "Oh, hey, girl! It's been two months since I last heard from you. How have you been?"

"Good, actually got onto Broadway and have been doing some shows. Earning some money, living it large the best I can in Brooklyn." You joked with a laugh as Rebecca laughed too, "Well, that's great to hear."

"Listen, I need you to relay a message to Bill..." Hesitating for a moment as you pleaded for God above to forgive you for betraying Desmond, you held the phone in your palms so Rebecca and Desmond couldn't hear each other with your hand over the miniature microphone before you raised it to your ear to explain the true reason behind your phone call, "I found his son." At once, Rebecca cheered on her end of the phone while she exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, that's awesome! Bill would love to hear that! Now, tell me, where is Desmond?" At once, before you could even get another syllable out, you stopped yourself by biting your bottom lip into oblivion while Rebecca kept calling your name to see if you were still on the phone with her. You didn't want to betray Desmond and rat him out to his father because you had fallen in love with him and you didn't want to be the one to hurt him by turning him in when he didn't want to be found. Therefore, you responded back to Rebecca as she kept calling out to you in worry before you gave a solemn reply, "Actually, Becca, I can't do this to Desmond. I can't betray him or else it'll make him run away again and Bill will never be able to find him. Please just tell his father that he's alive and safe with me and that we'll both be just fine."

"No, please don't hang up on me. Just give me your coordinates and I'll find you by myself. Maybe I can convince you two to come back." Rebecca pleaded as she tried to get you to talk to her before you shook your head on your end of the phone millions of miles away as you whispered, "No, Becca, please...I love him and I'm not gonna be the one to hurt him. Please, you know this better than anyone since you love a man within our Creed too. I can't do this to him...I promise to call you back later to get us when I explain everything to him and hope he doesn't hate me or try to leave me, but right now is not a good time. Please understand, Becca. I'm so sorry," After waiting a moment in tense silence for Rebecca's answer, you heard a soft sigh followed by a perky voice as the dark-haired computer genius and Assassin replied, "Yeah, I got you. You and him just take care of yourselves out there and keep away from Abstergo. Love you, chica."

"Thanks, Becca, I owe you one. Love you too, chica." You replied with a soft smile as you were the first to hang up the phone and end the conversation. Around the same time, you heard Desmond getting up out of bed as you saw him stark naked and rummaging around sleepily in your room for his boxer shorts, which made you giggle a little since he almost ran into the wall and the Chester drawers several times. Then, with a soft yawn as he pushed the door open, Desmond walked over to you with a sleepy smile on his gorgeous face as you stuffed your cellphone in your back pocket while you tip-toed over to him before you both wrapped each other up in the biggest hug ever. Resting his chin on your scalp, Desmond pressed the most subtle smooch against your blood red hair as he wrapped his large arms around your waist while you let his broad shoulder cradle your face and you let your own arms maneuver under your boyfriend's armpits so they could interlock in the pleasant dip his spine made under his flesh. Smiling together as you were both sleepy and still recovering from the events of the passionate night before, you and Desmond began to kiss as you decided to make breakfast together while your man remarked that you looked so good in his hoodies, even if you stole them from time to time when you thought he wasn't looking. This just resulted in you nudging Desmond's cheek with your fist as you two giggled before he pulled you into another tender kiss again with his arms around your waist. But never once did Desmond ask about the conversation you had with Rebecca and never did he mention such a phone call, so you figured that you were off the hook.

Eventually, you and Desmond decided to get married in Las Vegas after being together for a couple months because you wanted to keep the ceremony from prying eyes and no questions would be asked in the largest city in Nevada. But you also wanted to be married for another reason, especially since you were both expecting the pitter-patter of little steps in your New York apartment soon.  Since calling Rebecca on the phone in regards to Desmond, you had recently found out that you were pregnant with a baby. I mean, it was no surprise, given you and Desmond's history! At first, you were scared to have a kid with Desmond because you were scared of how he'd react and this was your first child. You were scared of something happening to you or the baby during the pregnancy or during the actual birth because of all the crazy stories you heard about it on the television or the Internet. But when you finally told him by handing him a pregnancy test while he was finding a movie for you two to watch while cuddling after work, the man was so ecstatic that he jumped off the futon, lifted you into his large arms, and spun you around the room. He was so happy to be a father and he was so determined not to make the same mistakes that his father did in his tight-leashed upbringing or not become a deadbeat dad who would always run from his problems and not raise his baby or take care of his wife. So he promised to do whatever it took to keep you happy and healthy during the pregnancy from getting you any food you wanted to satisfy your numerous weird cravings (even if it was past midnight and there was no one else in the store except the cashier) down to massaging your sore feet after you both finished work. He would talk to your growing belly every night before bed when he thought you were sleeping (even though you'd hear every word and smile while you ran your fingers absentmindedly through his dark hair as you woke up lazily to give him a kiss and ask him to please continue after you rudely interrupted) and help pick out baby furniture and baby names before he helped you set up the nursery. He even went so far as to paint the walls light purple (since you didn't know the gender yet but Desmond wanted a little boy) and build the white wood crib with the hanging mobile even though you would've done all that yourself. But the sweetest thing that Desmond would do while you were pregnant was make you feel beautiful, even as you wondered if you were still pretty to Desmond with a large belly as you ate whatever the heck you wanted and you wore sweatpants and hoodies everyday to either hide your pregnancy in public or feel comfortable since none of your old clothes fit you anymore. He always had the sweetest compliments and the most tender gestures for you to make you realize that you were beaming in your pregnancy and that he would love you no matter what happened.

Even during the day of the birth and you had no epidural or medical assistance because you started giving birth in the apartment before you two could leave (and you both were paranoid about Abstergo finding you and William finding Desmond through digital hospital records), Desmond was so attentive, getting you crushed ice from the fridge to chew on so your lips wouldn't dry and you wouldn't get dehydrated. The poor man even let you death-grip his hand until the long, drawn-out process of bringing a newborn baby into the world was over. Poor Desmond, he had to suffer your angered blaming of him for the pain as you cussed him out and said you hated him for about two hours before your hormones would make you sob as you apologized to Desmond whole-heartily and said you loved him and needed him as you squeezed his hand into oblivion for another two hours. But Desmond was very excited once you both heard a shrill cry echo through the apartment as you both saw a premature, bloody baby being lifted into Desmond's arms. Even though splatters of blood stained Desmond's charcoal gray hoodie, he didn't seem to care as he laughed with tears in his golden eyes before he hugged you with the crying baby in his arms. After letting you look at the baby for a little while, Desmond managed to cut the umbilical cord off the baby with some scissors from the kitchen (he promised to disinfect them later even though you didn't use them for cooking) and got to wrap them up in a white bathroom towel. What made you and Desmond even happier was the fact that you both had conceived, carried, and now brought a baby boy into the world, which meant that you got to use the name you both agreed on: (Son's First Name) (Son's Middle Name) Miles. After getting up to clean off the baby with some water and body wash made specifically for babies in the nearby bathroom, Desmond handed (Son's First Name) back to you as you smiled with laughs in your belly and tears in your (eye color) eyes while the (hair length), (hair texture) tresses on your scalp stuck to your forehead. After a few moments, Desmond moved your blood red strands off your sweaty forehead as he kissed your cheek before you both started talking about your new life together and about your new baby. You even talked about your upcoming private wedding and what would happen with your job at Bad Weather Nightclub now that you and Desmond had a baby. However, you already had the plan that you would use the salary you earned from past productions to raise the child until they were old enough to go to preschool so that you could work as a member of the Broadway crew as the head of hair and makeup (since you had done so before in a production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats) or as a stage manager that handled it all and multi-tasked with everyone backstage. And since children were allowed as long as they didn't get disruptive, you knew that they would allow you to bring a baby backstage to Broadway while Desmond still kept his bartending job at Bad Weather Nightclub.

And that's exactly what you and Desmond did. He kept his job as head bartender at Bad Weather and you kept your job on Broadway, but you both always made time to spend with each other and your son, even if you both were bone-tired and mentally exhausted. (Son's First Name) grew up a happy boy with a loving father and a devoted mother in the forms of you and Desmond Miles. Working as a successful stage manager, you were caring of all employees and cast members and they respected you highly for it. But Desmond was also doing good in his job at the bar, even though he really wanted to spend more time with his wife and son. Even though Desmond knew nothing of the truth of your deal with William and the Creed, (Son's First Name) DID know everything in a round-about way because of the many Medieval-based stories you made up about you and Desmond, where he was your prince turned tavern pub master since he chose to live in exile (because he thought he wasn't worthy for the throne and didn't deserve to be king due to not feeling ready for the large responsibility over the gargantuan kingdom) and you were the king and queen's most-trusted captain of the guard turned strolling minstrel while (Son's First Name) was your son and the next male heir to the throne after Prince Desmond. You even talked of the valiant King William and his benevolent queen, who searched in vain for their son so he could take his rightful place as heir and save the world from the dangerous Knights Templar from the kingdom of Abstergo. You even had to mention the wonderful adventures of the Brotherhood of William's bravest soldiers that consisted of yourself as Captain, Shaun as former human turned Head Sorcerer (from experimentation by the kingdom of Abstergo), Clay as Head Strategist and Underground Networker, (Clay's Wife's Name) as a beautiful Elven Archer, Rebecca as Female Mage, and Lucy as Female Shieldmaiden. But you also had to mention about your Elven heritage and your singing voice, which was enchanted and a true gift from the heavens above in the bedtime story, and the way it captivated Desmond enough to marry and have a son with you until he decided it was time to take back his birthright. And all the while, Desmond would think you were a great storyteller to (Son's First Name) as he wouldn't ponder much about names like 'Brotherhood' and 'Knights Templar' even though they were very familiar to him since his parents pounded the differences between the two international organizations into his head as an innocent kid. So, Desmond would always come inside his little boy's bedroom as you were still telling bedtime stories before he would sit behind you, wrap his arms around your waist with his head on your shoulder, and ask to hear more of your stories. You would even sing  Broadway and other famous songs to your son and husband before you and Desmond would tuck your son into bed with a kiss and his favorite stuffed animal, a little crocheted bunny that was snowy white with a little red bow-tie on and an item that was the first stuffed animal that Desmond bought for his son while he was still in your womb. Then, you and Desmond would spend some time together before bed so you could make up for longs days at work.

But all of those happy times would soon change when Desmond never returned home from work one day. You were patiently waiting for him since it was your fifth wedding anniversary and you wanted to cook his favorite meal and surprise him with a special night at home with a 'special' outfit you found for a good price. (Son's First Name) even helped you with the cooking and decorating so everything could be ready once Desmond walked through the door. You also wanted to tell Desmond the truth about William and your deal with the Assassin's Creed so that he could maybe understand that you decided not to turn him in since you loved him but that maybe Desmond could reconsider living on the run so he could maybe see his parents again, especially his mother since he missed her the most out of anyone from his past. However, you were instead approached by Rebecca at your front door late in the night when you hadn't heard any cellphone calls from Desmond about him working later than normal. You never believed for one second that Desmond would be one to cheat on you and leave you alone with a child since he loved you and (Son's First Name) more than he loved himself sometimes; besides, Desmond never had the mentality of someone who would flirt and cheat, so you never believed he would do something like that with another woman. However, your mind had to be open to all options in regards to why Desmond seemed to be missing. What scared you the most that night was when you called Bad Weather for yourself to see where Desmond was and heard one of his coworkers claiming that Desmond never made it in for his night shift. At first, you thought that Desmond had gotten robbed or killed since New York streets could be dangerous at times, especially late at night, which scared you even more. But as desperate as she sounded, Rebecca claimed that Abstergo had found and kidnapped Desmond for the purposes of unlocking his genetic memories with an Animus in order to find all the pieces of Eden. Since Rebecca was never the type of woman who would lie to you, one of her few female friends, even if she was a secret spy and Assassin on the side, you knew she was telling the truth as many emotions boiled through you. Rage, grief, terror, all of these feelings mixed around in the bowl that was your sensitive heart as you worried about Desmond. Did you want to tear off the head of every Templar at Abstergo? Yes, most definitely! They had kidnapped your husband and the father of your child. Were you upset? Of course, Desmond was kidnapped by Abstergo ON YOUR FIFTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! Were you scared that they would hurt or kill Desmond if he resisted their will to control all or even after he complied and gave them what they wanted out of fear for his life? Well, naw dip, Sherlock! You loved Desmond so much since he was a good man and he was a good husband and father to (Son's First Name), so you were most definitely scared that Abstergo would do something to him.

These bad news scared you so much that you didn't know what to do, so you actually started crying on the floor with your hand over your mouth because you thought you had lost Desmond forever, which upset your son when he found out that the Knights Templar of the kingdom of Abstergo captured his beloved father, Prince Desmond. However, Rebecca grabbed you into a hug and promised that her partner Lucy Stillman would get Desmond out of Abstergo for you since she knew you loved the man so much and you two had a little kid together. Rebecca also believed that William deserved to know that he had a five-year-old grandson now and he deserved to learn why you decided not to turn Desmond in the first moment you learned he was William's lost son. Therefore, you and (Son's First Name) left with Rebecca to go off the grid and meet up with the rest of the team so you could work on getting Desmond back. Surprisingly, even though William was angry that you didn't follow orders, he understood why you refused to turn his son in. He NEVER wanted to hurt his son because he loved him so, but he DID want to save the world from destruction and Desmond was the only human who could do so since he had the highest concentration of First Civilization DNA, meaning he could wield Pieces of Eden without being killed in minutes. He also knew Desmond was confused and scared about the Assassin-Templar War, even though he grew up with plenty of exposure from his parents as to what it truly was and what he should do about it, but he also knew that Desmond wanted nothing more than a normal life with his parents, a wife, and at least one kid. Since William thought that such a life was never possible for his secret occupation as an Assassin until he met his own wife and had Desmond, he could completely piece together as to why you wanted to give Desmond that dream of a normal life. William especially softened a little bit from his normal stoic, no-nonsense demeanor when he saw that you were a good woman for his only son because of how sweet and kind you were, but also when he met your and Desmond's son for himself.

So here you were in a warehouse in Rome, Italy, trying to help get Desmond back and find a way to save the world from destruction. You had just put your five-year-old son (Son's First Name) down for a nap hours ago while you were helping Clay and his wife (Clay's Wife's Name) with the computers and hacking of Abstergo. But now, (Son's First Name) was up and trying to show everyone the little stuffed bunny that his father had given him. Rebecca claimed she wasn't very good with kids but she actually was as she nudged the bunny back to your son and replied, "No, the bunny doesn't belong to me; it belongs to you. Why don't you keep holding onto it?" Your son claimed he wanted to share, so Rebecca directed him to the chair where Shaun was sitting at his desk in front of a computer as she pointed her index finger at the strawberry blonde before she gave (Son's First Name) a big hug after he gave a gentle kiss to her cheek. Honestly, that little boy was too innocent for his own good and yet he didn't know the true dangers of Abstergo aside from your bedtime stories, which he just thought were fantasy. Boy, did (Son's First Name) have a lot to learn! Tip-toeing over to Shaun, the little boy started poking the historian's arm in a rhythm as he kept calling out his name before the strawberry blonde whipped around with rolled eyes, "What is it, (Son's First Name)?"

"I wanna share Bunny with you guys. Rebecca said I could come over here." Your young son answered in his little kid tone as his white smile was evidence of his baby teeth falling out little by little. Man, this little boy of yours looked almost like the mirror version of Desmond aside from the lighter version of the tanned skin tone and the eyes, which were induced by heterochromia because of your irises of (eye color) and your husband's eye color of amber brown (with the majority of the color being Desmond's eye color)! However, Shaun was unamused as he gestured to his computer but still remained polite to your son, "(Son's First Name), I'm a little busy right now to play with Bunny. Besides, I'm not too good with kids."

"Shaun!" Rebecca shouted from across the room as Shaun shrugged in annoyance, "What? I'm really not good with kids."

"And this is why you're never going to be his favorite uncle." Clay remarked cynically from the sidelines as he gave his usual smirk while his wife replied in her sarcastic tone with a small giggle leaving her lips, "Gosh, Shaun. You're being mean to kids now? Not cool, man!"

"I do care about (Son's First Name); I'm just a little busy right now." Shaun answered politely with a roll of his eyes as he turned back to his computer while your son said he still loved the strawberry blonde anyways, which created a small smile on the historian's face as he ruffled your son's hair before the little boy ran over to Clay and (Clay's Wife's Name) at Shaun's instruction. At once, the redhead with a little extra thickness to her body picked up your little son and sat down in her office chair as you went over to help her since she showed the obvious signs of pregnancy such as an aching lower back, sore feet that needed a massage, weird food cravings, cessation of a menstrual cycle for the next forty weeks, and unlike you and your pregnancy, morning sickness. But you also didn't want (Clay's Wife's Name) to get hurt since she was pregnant for the first time herself even though she was only one month along and barely showing. However, she had lots of inner strength like you (even after years of bullying for being smart, red-haired, and thicker than most girls while her blonde lover was bullied for being smart and friends with her) and she didn't mind since she and her husband always loved children, which made you smile as you watched the short redhead play with your son by asking questions about his toy such as what Bunny's favorite color was or what Bunny's favorite TV show was. This resulted in (Son's First Name) answering questions fluently in his childish tone of voice and broken grammar as (Clay's Wife's Name) laughed and gave him a kiss on his cheek before she exchanged a big hug with him. Then, Clay decided to play along with the kid as he called him 'kiddo' and asked him for a high five, which your son obliged to. Then, Clay gave your son a big hug before he pulled him onto his lap and became interested about Bunny and the bedtime stories you told about him and his Brotherhood of Assassin Knights, asking if your son knew everything. You answered all of Clay's questions honestly and said your son knew all of the good stuff as you giggled while the blonde male even got into a playful argument with Shaun over their respective roles in the Brotherhood, which Rebecca and (Clay's Wife's Name) broke up when they learned about their cool roles.

All of these wonderful conversations occurred before you all heard a familiar sound coming from outside the inside of the warehouse. Sure enough, Rebecca kept true on her promise as Lucy brought Desmond back to you, (Son's First Name), and the others in Rome, safe and sound. You were literally elated with joy when you first heard his tennis shoes resounding on the metal stairs of the warehouse and caught wind of his deep voice engaging in conversation with the blonde female about Assassins and Templars and his willingness to help even though he had been through Hell and back. At once, you heard Desmond come into the warehouse as he caught sight of his fellow Assassins and introduced himself to everyone warmly before you called out his name with a shout. At once, he called out your name with a shout as you both almost cried before seconds passed by. Within those few seconds, you and Desmond pulled each other into a large hug as your husband lifted you off the ground while your legs locked around his waist and your arms locked around his neck. Tangling your two sets of fingers into his dark hair, you pulled Desmond in for a passionate kiss as he hoisted you up more securely with one of his hands under both of your thighs while his other hand tangled in your red-dyed tresses (with the bright color fading a little from being on the run and having to rely on bare necessities). After cradling each other for a few moments, you and Desmond had to laugh because you were happily reunited as you asked each other if you were okay with a shared reply that you were before you heard (Son's First Name) happily exclaim 'Daddy' at the top of his lungs while he apologized to Clay for leaving his lap, with the blonde saying that the kid deserved to see his dad after the bad guys caught him with a small wink of his azure eyes and his signature smirk. Then, running towards Desmond with wobbling steps, (Son's First Name) was lifted up in the air by your husband as you laughed with jovial tears in your (eye color) eyes while Desmond and his son hugged, both males never wanting to let go of the other for fear of the Knights Templar of the kingdom of Abstergo hurting the lost prince again. Your son was asking his father all kinds of questions about what the bad guys did to him and if he was okay, and surprisingly, your husband answered every single one truthfully as he winked at you with a smirk and played along with your bedtime canon plots. And after getting a chance to talk to everyone properly and congratulate Clay and his wife on their pregnancy with what they hoped was a baby girl, you and Desmond decided to tuck (Son's First Name) in for the night with another bedtime story and a special lullaby before Desmond had to go back into the Animus to help the Creed. Once you were sure your son was asleep, you decided to tell Desmond the truth about why you were with the Assassins and about the deal with William. But rather than be angry or feel betrayed, Desmond actually thanked you as he pulled you into a hug, which surprised you until you reciprocated his warm gestures. The reason for this reaction was because he eventually wanted to see his mother again and now, he had a personal reason to help the Assassins. It wasn't just about him and what he wanted anymore. If it was to protect you and (Son's First Name), even the entire world, from the power of the Pieces of Eden and the Templars, then Desmond would fight the enemy a thousand times over in order to ensure safety and peace. So, after exchanging a passionate kiss and a promise that he forgave you and still loved you even though you deceived him, Desmond said he was glad you didn't turn him in because now he believed his parents and now he knew why he was probably the only one who could maybe have a good chance at defeating the Templars. Then, holding hands, you two walked back inside the warehouse as Desmond entered Rebecca's 'Baby' while you kept silent vigil over him to make sure nothing went wrong and no signs of the Bleeding Effect occurred.

Months passed and you and Desmond helped your Assassin friends fight the Templars after the warehouse in Rome was attacked by Dr. Warren Vidic, which made all of you flee to a safer place until Desmond could renter the Animus and relive Ezio Auditore's memories again. Eventually, you and your allies found sanctuary from the Templars in the Auditore Villa in Monteriggioni as you discovered many secrets behind the Piece of Eden that Desmond needed to search for in his memories and the true purpose of the Vault in the Santa Maria Aracoeli. What scared you the most was when Desmond fell into a coma because of Juno that resulted in time being frozen for everyone aside from you, (Son's First Name), Clay's pregnant wife, and Desmond once your husband touched the Apple. This also resulted in Juno asking Desmond to kill Lucy, you, and his son as the poor man resisted, but luckily, your singing voice seemed to have a mind of its own as it competed with the Apple. Like two ancient opponents from an age-old battle, your singing voice and (Clay's Wife's Name)'s from Minerva and Jupiter as well as Juno's mind control on the Apple went to war again.  It was just as a female friend of Altaïr's named (Altaïr's Female Friend's Name) did against Al Mualim and the Apple and a female friend of Ezio's named (Ezio's Female Friend's Name) did against the Borgia and the Apple. And just like those two female figures from the past, your voice and (Clay's Wife's Name)'s won out because you both had a strong free will and a secret power from the Isu that you never knew you had until now. With your vocal cords and hers glowing faint white underneath the flesh of your skin, you and the pregnant redhead held hands as you managed to defeat Juno together with your duet induced by free will. All in all, it managed to snap Desmond out of the mind control of the artifact as he dropped the Apple in disgust and collapsed from shock, which resulted in you and your son rushing to his aid as you called out his name in fear that he was dead and the Apple had killed him. Desperate to get Desmond back, William thought it would be best to stuff his son back in the Animus to save him on the guise that he could handle it, which made you and (Son's First Name) worry so much because you didn't want to lose Desmond and you and the others didn't think it was such a good idea to damage his mind anymore since he was already shocked. This even caused a heated verbal argument between you and William until Rebecca and Shaun broke you both up. Luckily for all of you, Clay had hacked into the Animus while at Abstergo with his long-term best friend turned wife, so his data self was able to save Desmond from going mentally insane and from being deleted by the Animus, which in turn allowed Desmond to awaken from his coma. But then this led to your adventures in Turin, New York according to Desmond's behest. The purpose of your new journey with your modern-day Creed was to find a First Civilization site in order to stop the destruction of the world by a Solar Flare, a feat that the Isu failed at many years ago in their own time but tried to help humans succeed at in your time. And with Desmond's high concentrations of First Civilization DNA, you had hope that you were not going to lose.

So, after a long drive to New York and an argument between William and Desmond that resulted in a slap to your husband's face, your father-in-law and husband eventually made up with an apology so they could work together to save the world in the hopes that Desmond could see his mother again after almost a decade and finally have a normal life with you. However, when William went to Cairo, he was captured by Abstergo and held hostage by Dr. Warren Vidic and Daniel Cross. William begged you all not to come after him but you and Desmond were too free-willed and stubborn to listen to the demands because even though the man was a stoic asshole sometimes, he was still your father-in-law and grandfather of you and Desmond's son. He was also Desmond's father too and if it's one thing you learned about being with the Assassins, it's that they formed their own family through the comrades they recruited, but the Miles family specifically was not one to leave members behind, even to uphold one of the three tenets that said not to compromise the Creed. You and Desmond upheld that belief of no man left behind to the utmost degree.

So here you were with Desmond, infiltrating Abstergo to get William back. Even your son (Son's First Name) came along as a stowaway, especially after you and your husband told him to stay with his multitude of aunts and uncles. However, (Son's First Name) promised to stay out of the way and stay by your side at all times while Desmond went after William. Therefore, this plan was agreed upon by father, mother, and son as you began to enact it to the utmost degree without being detected by Abstergo security. However, Daniel Cross just HAD to stop you as he pulled out a gun on you and your husband and began shooting after demanding for the Apple of Eden from Desmond. With your heads down, you ran under a desk as Desmond pulled you back down by the back of your shirt before you heard your son scream, his hands covering up his ears as he crouched down on the ground in fear. You couldn't just leave your son like that, so you snuck around the side of the desk and began to sprint towards your son as Desmond screamed a warning for you to come back and get down while Daniel kept shooting. However, you had a gun that you commandeered from an Abstergo security officer and you emptied barrages of bullets on Daniel as he was forced to duck behind a wall after being shot clean in the bicep. Grabbing up your son and seeing that Daniel didn't catch sight of your new hiding spot, you tackled (Son's First Name) down behind a metal work desk as you stayed down while you managed to look at Desmond, who was crumpled behind another metal desk and ready to strike Daniel at any time if he came up to him.

After he recovered from your perfectly-aimed shot, Daniel cocked his gun again before he started stalking closer to Desmond's hiding spot with silent, feline steps and a voice laced with snake venom, "Let's not draw this out. You've got nowhere to go and I've got a gun. Speaking of which...It's the twenty-first century and you're still running around with only a tiny knife for protection? It's stupid. Alright, Desmond. Game's over."

At once, your son decided to act to save his dad as he squirmed out of your motherly death grip and grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher. You shouted for (Son's First Name) to come back, but he just wouldn't listen to reason as his lithe physique lifted that red fire extinguisher above his head and smashed the blunt bottom of the otherwise-light object against Daniel's hip. With a visible wince at being smacked by hard metal that could potentially crack human bone, Daniel whipped around and saw you and Desmond's little boy as he smirked, "Well, well, if it isn't the little screamer. You shouldn't have done that, little boy, and now I'll make you pay."

Cocking the gun again, Daniel pointed the weapon right at you and Desmond's five-year-old son as (Son's First Name) showed no fear because he was protecting his parents, especially his father, as he announced, "You tried to hurt Daddy, so now I'll hurt you."

"Is that so? Shall we find out, мальчик (boy)?" Daniel asked your son as he aimed the weapon right at (Son's First Name)'s forehead, clean in the center of the eyebrows, as your son proclaimed, "Go ahead, and the Assassins will take you down." Hearing the familiar click of a loaded gun as you saw Daniel's smirk and put his hand down on the trigger, you cocked your own gun after loading more bullets into the chamber before you jumped from your hiding spot to protect your son. Shooting Daniel in the forearm to make him drop the gun, the blonde yelped in pain as he clutched his bleeding forearm in his free hand, pressing down harder to put pressure on the wound, before you tip-toed closer to your son as you shouted to the Templar, "BACK AWAY FROM MY SON!" After regaining control of the situation, Daniel grabbed his handgun and rose to his feet as he faced you before he smirked, "Well, well, well, seems the Miles family has gotten busy and created their own little, happy family. How sweet!...I hate that."

Beckoning your young son to your side, (Son's First Name) hid behind your legs as you aimed the handgun right at Daniel, who was doing the same to you, before you announced, "All it takes is one shot from me and then you're down. Take one more step towards me and my son or even my husband, and I'll end you."

"Is that so?" Daniel asked in defiance as he cocked his handgun and aimed it right at your chest before he announced, "Like I told your little boy right there, shall we find out?"

"I guess we shall." You retorted back as you cocked your own weapon and aimed it right at Daniel's forehead, clean between the eyes. You were most definitely scared about what was going to happen next, especially when the lives of your son and husband were on the line. Daniel was known to snap without any impulse control, especially after you learned of the Anna incident from Rebecca a while back. I mean, granted Vidic was to blame for Daniel's murders of his former girlfriend Anna and the last Mentor to the Assassins, so he was just as much of a victim of Abstergo and the Templars as Desmond and Clay were. But at the same time, if Daniel would've had the willpower to resist Vidic's mind control and resist going back to Abstergo to work for the Templars, none of those individuals would've died. You knew Daniel was damaged beyond belief and felt sorry for him, but that still didn't excuse his mindless murders of innocents. So, that's why you stood your ground with your son at your side as you stared down Daniel with a gun in both of your hands, aimed at each other. Whenever you made a threat, it was never empty and whenever you vowed to protect someone, you would do so even if it meant your death. This moment was no exception.

You could even tell that (Son's First Name) was scared too as he clutched your pants leg and looked up at you with those big eyes induced by heterochromia and that cute, little face that looked exactly like Desmond's. Patting his shoulder with on hand while running the fingers of that hand through the dark hair that reached his shoulder blades, you gave your son a small smile before you death-glared Daniel again. It seemed like several eternities passed by as you and Daniel stared each other down with handguns in your palms, but both of your resolves never wavered. You both stood firm and persistent like trees in the ground, even if a bulldozer or an axe threatened to take you down. However, you could tell that your son was just as scared as you were and as a mother, you wanted to do everything possible to comfort him. The only thing that seemed to comfort (Son's First Name) more than anything was your stories and your singing. Therefore, since you had no new stories as of yet, you decided to hum to your son as your beautiful voice filled your throats and created a pleasant sound in the room. All in all, it made everyone in the room feel relaxed as Desmond visibly remained calm while hidden behind the metal desk and Daniel seemed to regain his mental sanity for a moment as he turned into the man that Anna would've wanted him to be. It seemed that Daniel would drop the gun and surrender willingly and let you go with Desmond and (Son's First Name) rescue William. However, Daniel lost his sanity once again as he clutched his temples with his hands and seemed distressed as he winced and grunted. You could even hear the pain in his voice as he switched from English to Russian as he replied, "Not now...Not now...Есть еще предстоит работа. нет (There is still work to be done. No)! Get out!"

You and (Son's First Name) began to get scared some more as Daniel stalked closer and then stumbled backwards, which made you grab your son and point your gun at Daniel in self-defense. However, this only made Daniel panic and run away down the halls of Abstergo as he kept screaming "Get out! Get out!" at the top of his lungs in a fit of distress. At once, Desmond came out of his hiding spot once he was sure the coast was clear as he whispered under his breath, "What the hell was that?"

"Seems the Bleeding Effect got to him." You shrugged your shoulders as you looked in the direction where Daniel ran off to before you felt Desmond come up to you and (Son's First Name). Clutching your son's plump cheeks in his strong, callused hands while on bended knee, Desmond profusely asked if the little boy was okay or if he was hurt before your son answered that he was fine with no injuries to tote around. This only made Desmond happy to hear these good news as he wrapped (Son's First Name) in the tightest bear hug he could muster while he visibly shook and begged your son not to do anything like that again, even if to protect someone he loved, because it "scared the crap out of him because he thought he was going to lose his son." With a small smile on his cute, little face and small tears in his big eyes, (Son's First Name) promised that he would never scare his father like that again as he hugged Desmond back, who was trying to hold back tears from the fear of almost losing his wife and son. Then, Desmond got up off the ground and came over to you as he clutched your face in his hands before he asked if you were okay, to which you gave the same answer as your son. This only made Desmond passionately smash his lips against yours as he hugged you tightly to his chest in his large arms while you let eyes widened and your own arms dropped limply at your side. Then, you eventually relaxed into the kiss as you clutched his white hoodie sleeves and his hair in your fingers while he kept his arms around your waist until you both pulled away for air. Resting your foreheads against each other's, Desmond whispered a plea to you that begged you not to do anything like what you just did moments ago again because he almost lost you, to which you whispered back that you wouldn't scare him like that again as you two exchanged another kiss on the lips. In the meanwhile, your son stuck his tongue out at the both of you and giggled a small 'eww,' which made both you and your husband laugh together at this five-year-old's growing sarcasm as you both kissed him on the cheeks before you decided to go save William.

Dodging bullets and taking out Abstergo agents, you and Desmond managed to find Daniel again as he was still panicking and yelling "Get out! Get out!" for all within range to hear. Noticing the path ahead with Eagle Vision, it seemed as though the blonde was leading you to where Vidic was holding William, so you, (Son's First Name), and Desmond followed after Daniel from the beams above the metal work desks and the heads of the Abstergo guards. Eventually, Desmond caught up to Daniel as he jumped from a nearby beam and completed an air assassination on the blonde Abstergo agent. In the meanwhile, you were taking out Abstergo guards from above with your handgun to cover your husband's back as you jumped from beam to beam with (Son's First Name) hanging onto you for dear life with his arms around your neck and his legs around your abdomen.

After a few minutes of infiltrating the Abstergo building, you, (Son's First Name), and Desmond found William being held captive by Vidic and a few guards. Fortunately for you two, Desmond had the Apple of Eden, which he used on the guards to make them all aim their weapons at Vidic to end the life of the mad scientist before they committed suicide. After untying William, (Son's First Name) hugged the older man as he breathed a sigh of relief and his little voice gasped, "Grandpa!" Holding the little five-year-old tightly as he knelt on the ground, William hugged his grandson before you came up from behind your son and gave a sweet smile as you exchanged a hug of your own with the man, "It's so nice to see you still alive, Bill. Thank God!" Nodding his head solemnly as he hugged you too, William waited a few moments as he replied with 'Glad to hear that' under his breath before he and Desmond exchanged a glance. At once, William began to protest with his own son as he asked Desmond a serious question, "You never should have come here. You put everything on the line. For what? So you could rescue your father?"

"Yeah." Desmond nodded as he gave a shy nod and a small grin underneath the shade of his hood, which was pulled up to shroud his entire face, before he stalked over to his father to deliver a warm hug to the older, more-reserved male Assassin. Giving his first smile in a while since he met his wife, held Desmond for the first time as a baby, and found out his son had a wife and son outside of the realm of the Assassin-Templar War, William reciprocated the embrace with his son as you and (Son's First Name) smiled from a distance before Desmond and William broke the embrace. Then, your husband looked at you as he suggested, "We should probably get out of here."

"You think?" You joked back with a small laugh as you picked up your son piggy-back style so he had his arms and legs wrapped around you for dear life before you, William, and Desmond took off down the hall. Racing with featherlight steps beating the metal ground and stairs, all of you tried to get the heck out of Abstergo as fast as your legs could carry all of you. However, Abstergo just HAD to send in more reinforcements to stop you as they raised their guns, asked all of you to surrender quietly, and threatened to open fire if anyone took another step forward or said another thing. However, you guys weren't going down without a fight as your son mumbled a simple 'Not a chance,' which earned a gunshot ringing out from an Abstergo guard in your son's direction for talking back against authority, only to be blocked by you as the bullet scraped across your cheek in a clean line that started bleeding red upon impact. That's when you yelled out 'Desmond, now' as your husband grabbed the Apple of Eden and began to use it to your advantage, making the guards within a certain radius collapse from death by mind control as all of you made your way out of the Abstergo building. Eventually, many Abstergo employees made a swift retreat out of fear of being killed by a Piece  of Eden while you, William, Desmond, and (Son's First Name) escaped the facility to go back to your precious Assassins. As soon as you managed to find a getaway vehicle, you all stepped on it as you headed back to your base of operations in New York to reunite with Clay, Shaun, Rebecca, Lucy, and Clay's pregnant wife (Clay's Wife's Name) so you could stop the Isu's prediction of the Solar Flare from happening a second time. It was a long road ahead to save the entire world, this you knew. But Desmond was the chosen one and he was willing to do whatever it took to save the world. And as his wife, you knew you would stand by Desmond along your five-year-old son, (Son's First Name). But you also had hope that there was more than one way to save the world, without any more bloodshed for the Assassin side or even a possibility of nearly losing Desmond again. You also hoped that it wasn't too late to save the world from its fate, but your group vowed to save the world and everyone in it because your Creed protected the innocent. That was a promise.
