Assassin's Creed Modern! College! AU

Levantine Brotherhood x Female Reader Part 2


*You were a (favorite school subject or current major) major at a university that you were happy to be in.

*You created a Facebook to get to know your fellow classmates in your future graduating class once you found out you had been accepted into the university.

*Out of all the people you met, Maria Thorpe was the first one that caught your eye. Her choice of an English Major as well as her likes and dislikes were similar to yours, so you clicked right away. You also liked the fact that she was originally from London until she moved to your area when she was eleven to stay as a permanent citizen, which meant that she could cook traditional cuisine.

*Honestly, she could make a mean Shepherd's pie and Earl Grey tea!

*You and your parents even met her in person in the area near the campus and even invited her back to your house for dinner.

*Over time, she became your best friend in college and you two decided to live in an apartment across the street from the main campus to save money and to have your own place.

*To pay the rent, you worked part-time as a (job) while Maria worked as a self-defense teaching assistant for all students on campus.


Kadar Al-Sayf:

*Kadar is a pure, Syrian cinnamon roll! Plain and simple!

*He's too pure and innocent for this world that it's not even funny. He is mature enough to be taken seriously by other adults in college, but you can tell he's a child at heart.

*Literally, he couldn't even speak three words to you when he first met you. You were his social support as he was going to competition with the on-campus dance team, and you loved to watch Kadar dance because he could move his body and feet to any style of music and make it look like he was gliding on the thinnest of air (unlike his older brother who could barely manage to slow dance in place despite being graceful in every other life aspect).

*Kadar immediately fell in love with how much you loved his choice of extracurricular activities and how beautiful you looked while around him during night practice, cheering him on while trying to dance to music in the distance.

*Being a history major that chose his own path out of a love for the field even while following in the footsteps of his older brother, Kadar had absolutely no communication skills with girls he liked more than a friend even though he was attractive enough to seduce many a college female.

*In all honesty, even when you said something as simple as "Hi" to the man from afar with a wave, Kadar became a stuttering mess with a red face and his mouth unable to form a "Hi" back.

*You wouldn't believe how many times he's tripped over bike racks and benches whenever he's flustered nervously by your very presence. You've lost count after the first ten times of patching up his knee or his cheek from the skin scratching against the concrete sidewalk.

*He tried to get dating advice from Malik and Altaïr, but they told him to just be straight up with you after relentlessly teasing the younger man for having an old-fashioned crush on a girl.

*After many attempts to ask you out only to chicken out at the last second, Kadar finally admitted his feelings to you by getting help from the other dance team members when you two went to his practice. They were all wearing plain white T-shirts with letters printed on them to reveal once they finished their routine and zipped down their hoodies as they stood in a certain order, with the message "Will you be my girlfriend, (Name)?" being spelled out.

*Despite crying a little from how adorable and sweet the gesture was, you did manage to say yes as they all cheered and you exchanged a kiss with your new boyfriend.

*When you two started dating, Kadar even shyly admitted as to why he was so nervous to approach you a while ago to even ask you to date him, let alone hang out as friends.

*His accented stuttering was just so adorable that you only wanted to pinch his cheeks like a grandma to her grandchildren and call him cute.

* "Y-Yo-You were just so beautiful and k-kind that I-I-I...I didn't know how to even say th-thr-three words to you...B-B-But I knew that I-I-I loved you since I first brought you t-t-to my dance p-pr-practices."

*Let's just say you silenced him with a kiss to his stubbled cheek and told him how cute he was, nearly making him pass out cold as his little face went red like a tomato.

*Five words, eight syllables: Kadar is a cuddle buddy! You can't go two nano-seconds in his presence when you two are alone together watching movies, playing video games, or studying without him beckoning for your presence in his arms, his hands flexing in and out while he begs "Come here" like a baby reaching for a toy.

*But you don't really mind. You actually like it because he always gives the best hugs, which make you laugh because his stubble seems to always tickle you. But unlike his best friend Altaïr and older brother Malik, he will literally hug you anywhere and everywhere in public.

*Let's not mention the time he told you to take your textbook off your lap so he could cover you with his entire body on top of you like a blanket. He took a running leap before doing so, therefore, it knocked the wind out of you as you tried to laugh it off while you cuddled him back. Besides, anyone who just came inside the room at the wrong time would think you two were attempting to do the do on campus in public.

*All Altaïr could do was chuckle and tease you both to get a room.

*Malik inwardly thinks it's cute when you two act like this, but he often teases for Kadar to stop acting like a needy child who always needs PDA. This just makes Kadar death-glare his brother and stick his tongue out at him and Altaïr before he gives you a kiss to the forehead, his eye contact never leaving his sarcastic tormentors.

*But don't get me wrong! Kadar will let you rest your head on his shoulder or in his lap because he knows you like his fingers stroking through your scalp. It's so relaxing to you that it's like he was secretly a personal massage artist.

*And if you ever need to go clothes shopping for ANY reason, take Kadar with you. Trust me on this, TAKE KADAR! He will literally look through racks of clothing and take into consideration of what you like and what your budget is, throwing several articles of clothing to you and asking you nicely to go try them on in the nearest dressing room. Who knew this cinnamon roll of a man had a good sense of fashion?

*He claims he doesn't know why he is good at that, but you think that "Project Runway" is his secret guilty pleasure that he will never admit to.

*Every single time, you always walk out with one or two outfits that you deem the best out of all the choices he gave you.

*Kadar is the master of giving piggy-back rides because it makes him feel like a kid again alongside Altaïr, Malik, and Rauf. But he also loves to carry you, whether or not you ask him.

*Kadar is even more of a pack-rat than Altaïr and Rauf, so you don't know how in the world he finds anything in his room. He's not exactly lazy, but he hates getting nagged by Malik to clean. But somehow, he never seems to lose anything in his pile of organized chaos...well, except for ONE pair of socks. But other than that, Kadar hasn't lost anything.

*All in all, you and Kadar are probably the biggest cinnamon rolls and cuddle buddies on campus, but you two are perfect for each other. Many people think your relationship is just that adorable.



*Choosing a tough major, Rauf wanted to gain the skills to be a teacher for young children under the age of eighteen. He loved children and he loved to teach even more, so why not?

*Heck, he even worked around about 20 special needs kids as a teaching assistant and they loved him so much. He even had a special handshake and high-five system for each INDIVIDUAL child.

*But he never expected to try to teach himself how to talk to girls, mainly to impress one girl in particular...You.

*You and Rauf were in an ASL club on campus together so you both could learn the skills to communicate with deaf or mute people in the future.

*You wanted to learn the language because you had always been interested but you never really had the time with your studies and job.

*Rauf wanted to learn the language in case he ever needed to communicate with a special needs child in class.

*Naturally, you needed a little help at signing full sentences since you had alphabetical letters and basic words down pat, so also naturally, Rauf helped you.

*You both introduced yourselves each other in sign language before you got to talking aloud again since you were still learning how to sign complete sentences.

*Luckily for you, Rauf knew basic complete sentences and offered to teach you. He was just involved in the extracurricular club to refresh his memory on past-learned skills and to expand further on the skills he already mastered.

*His exotic Syrian accent and beautiful face was enough to draw you in so you could get to know him better.

*After exchanging contact information, you and Rauf started becoming best friends as you hung out together when you weren't in class or working part-time jobs.

*Sometimes, you even went with Rauf to help out with tutoring the special needs kids in basic reading, writing, and arithmetic. After a period of months, the kids learned to love you too and would miss you whenever you weren't there. They were even so bold as to ask Rauf if he liked-liked you, to which the man would blush and nearly choke on his own saliva.

*As much as Rauf tried to deny it to his friends (who teased him for finally finding a girl) and the little kids, he was a cinnamon roll like Kadar (maybe even more so if one could believe that) and he couldn't deny his budding feelings for you because he was honest to a fault.

*After seeing you comfort a crying little girl who tripped on the sidewalk and cut her forehead while at the special needs teaching center, convincing her that you were a magical princess who could heal minor injuries with a simple kiss to the wound, that only further cemented Rauf's loving opinion of you.

*Therefore, you could only imagine your reaction to Rauf asking you out in sign language during ASL club hours. Although you couldn't understand every single solitary word, you could piece together bits little by little until you got the gist of the message. After kissing Rauf right then and there while he sat across from you in his own chair, you signed the words "Yes, I will. Thank you" before you exchanged another cute kiss with the man.

*Just like Kadar, Rauf is a cuddler in private or public, but it depends on the situation and who he's around. Around friends and people he knows very well, he's very affectionate to the point where Altaïr, Maria, and Malik tease him to get a room. But around strangers, Rauf will just hold your hand discretely. It's a simple enough gesture that no one would be able to judge you for and it still satisfies the need for physical contact on both your parts.

*On top of that, he's also the master of the Eskimo kiss and he always greets you with one whenever he sees you, regardless of who is around. You think it's adorable because his stubble always brushes against your neck somehow and it makes you giggle because of how ticklish it is.

*Rauf is kind of in-between Malik and Altaïr as far as keeping things clean and organized goes. On one hand, he can be very organized to a tee when he is very focused to the point where he's almost like Malik to a certain degree. But when he does get exhausted or distracted, he becomes a pack-rat like Altaïr if he's in a big hurry to pick up after himself. But you don't really mind because it's not like he lives in a pig sty.

*He also gives really good hugs, and most times, he lifts you off the ground when he does so because he likes to be similar to the way manly men in cheesy Rom-Coms act.

*You honestly think it's adorable because no man you have ever met has done that for you before. So you just play along as he affectionately refers to you as his princess and himself as your prince.

*The special needs kids that Rauf works with have even called you pretty princess which never fails to make say your hands on cheeks while blush.

*Needless to say, you and Rauf really love each other and no one can convince you two of otherwise. Both the special needs kids and your shared circle of friends would agree to such a conviction.
