Assassin's Creed Modern! College! AU - Part 7

Modern! College! AU Headcanons - Egyptian Brotherhood - Part 2


Author's Note:

Greetings everyone, I hope everyone has been enjoying my fanfictions so far and I'll try to crank more out as soon as I can. So, here's the last Assassin's Creed Modern! College! AU scenario for the Egyptian Beotherhood so that you all can read it and I hope you all enjoy. The Spanish Brotherhood with Callum Lynch, Aguilar de Nerha, and Maria will be the last scenario for the Modern! College! AU series of Assassin's Creed before I start doing individual character oneshots of each Assassin saving the female reader from danger in some way. I'll also keep working on oneshots for Sam Drake from Uncharted and I've even got ideas for some oneshots involving a female reader for the following video games: Prototype, Watch Dogs, and the InFAMOUS series. As always, comments and requests are welcome.


Aya X Male Reader:

*Aya is a scholar and a bookworm, no doubt about it. This is why she decided to use her Theatre major cousin Phanos as inspiration for her career choice so she could hope to one day be a college professor at a university, specifically for either Philosophy and English, her favorite subjects to double major in.

*Aya was the first to greet you when you moved into the apartment she shared with Bayek and Hepzefa, her childhood friends. There you were, carrying boxes and all that to the room you'd be sharing with Bayek and Hepzefa. She was very polite and pretty, which made you fall for her instantly. So it was no surprise that after a year of living in the apartment with your three roommates, you asked Aya to go to get some Starbucks with you so you could ask her out before her morning class. And after talking for a while about life and school, you asked her out and she said yes.

*Aya is fluent in Greek, English, and Arabic because of her mixed heritage and she's always willing to teach you the languages if you so desire. What's remarkable to see is that when Aya is around her family, they are all so loud that once you hang around them for a while, you'll eventually become loud too if you're not already. It's also amazing to see Aya when she's really angry, Greek curses and shouts in high speeds start pouring from her lips like honey dripping from honeycomb. It's hilarious when you're not on the receiving end of the angry Greek words, but when you are on the receiving end, it's best to just let her rant and scream until she allows you a chance to speak once she switches back to English (especially if she knows you are not fluent in Greek).

*It's no surprise that Aya used to race horses with Bayek when they were kids or that she's a dog person too since she had lots of childhood dogs as pets when she was a little girl. So dogs and horses are definitely Aya's second go-to aside from you, her number one go-to, when she's under a lot of stress since taking care of them or spending time with them distracts her from life's many trials. Her favorite dog breeds include Retrievers (Golden or Labrador) and Great Danes while her favorite horse was always and still is the one from her childhood, a pure white mare named Leuko ("white" in Greek). If you're thinking of buying a pet for you and Aya to raise as your fur baby, then Retrievers or Great Danes are a fantastic idea.

*Aya is pretty fashionable if the colors and clothing that compliment her figure are anything to go by. Also, the way she does her hair is phenomenal because she takes her time doing each intricate braid every other morning after a shower the night before. She's so good at braiding that you (if you have long hair) and other friends have asked her to do their hair if she has the time and she makes it look effortless. She also is a tomboy who has very healthy skin naturally so she doesn't require makeup on a regular basis because of it, although she does look very good when she does wear a dress and heels as well as when she puts on makeup.

*Aya literally has the cutest facial freckles ever and the most beautiful amber eyes. That's why it's almost hard to pay attention to her because that's the first thing you look at once you take notice of her presence before she slaps your arm to get your attention again. Because she knows you can't resist her face, she often uses that against you when she does the puppy-dog eyes to get what she wants from you because she knows once she does it, you're putty in her hands. But she also knows that you love her freckles and this fact causes you to kiss her face more whenever you two are cuddling together, not that you wouldn't kiss her face more if she had no freckles at all.

*Aya loves water, especially the beach, and loves sports associated with water. From kayaking and white-water rafting to boating and surfing, Aya loves water so darn much that you almost think she's part mermaid. When someone even subtly mentions going to the beach, Aya already has a beach bag packed with towels, sunscreen, an extra change of clothes, and an extra swimsuit. Aya also likes to walk on the beach because she loves the feel of the sand under her bare feet, the smell of the salty air in her nostrils, and the feeling of the cool breeze blowing on her face as well as the feeling of the cold water on her skin. So dates on the beach on a nice day are a definite must in your relationship.

*If Aya had to do a sport, she would probably do track and field with Bayek and Hepzefa or even women's basketball. As far as extracurricular clubs go, Aya would probably be more inclined to do something educational like a debate club or a team that went to competitions to test their knowledge over many different subjects.

*Aya is a well-rounded person behind the wheel because she knows how to follow the rules of the road. However, she knows backroads in areas like she knows her childhood home address and home phone number from long-term memory since she's very good with directions and winging it in regards to finding her way around an area, even one she's unfamiliar with. So you know that when you're with Aya, you're not gonna get lost and you're gonna be safe.

*Aya's friends and family were so excited to finally meet you the moment they heard from Aya that you both were an official couple. Since Hepzefa and Bayek are your roommates, of course they like you. They think you are an intelligent individual and a good match for Aya because you show her love, respect, and trust beyond words imaginable. In the meantime, Aya's parents, cousin, and aunt absolutely like visiting you because they think you two are so cute together but they also see the innate and even manner-guided qualities that Aya likes about you the most and learn to love you too. Sure, you're gonna get questioned about your intentions for dating Aya a lot by her father and cousin, but once they get to know you better and see nothing but pure intentions from you, they become like the best big brothers you could ever ask for. Aya's mother and aunt adore you almost immediately because they see how happy their favorite girl is with you since they know that many men flock to Aya immediately for her outer beauty but not for who she really is while you see past her physicality to know the person for their heart.

*Your parents absolutely adore Aya because she is so intelligent and thoughtful when it comes to solving problems or being there for people in need. Aya is patient and always willing to help if you have personal problems that need solving and if you don't want direct help but would like Aya's company, then she'll do that too, for both you as well as your loved ones. Your favorite interaction was watching Aya with your littlest family members. She loves children and that's evident in her interactions with them, and this cements your relationship with her even more.

*Aya loves your dearly and is always hungry for time and PDA with you. She will literally pounce you like a puma in order to get some PDA. However, she is very gentle and willing to take her time to make sure you are safe before she goes any further. You also do the same for her because Aya is your goddess and you don't want to cause harm to your goddess, even if she's a tough one.

*Overall, the dating relationship between you and Aya is one that I envision to lead to marriage and children if you keep trusting, loving, and respecting one another. So I highly recommend that you and Aya stay together because you both are perfect for each other.
