Rwby OC: Regis Aldrich

Name: Regis Aldrich

Ailas : Aura Master

Gender : Male

Race : Human

"Freedom Is The Right Of All people you have no right to take that away from them"

Age: 20 Year Old

Seven Aura

Explanation: allows the user to manipulate their aura in seven aspects as follows:

Red(Muladhara): Physical
Physical Augmentation: The user can channel their aura to increase their physical aspects.

Bodily Attribute Augmentation: The user can use their aura to enhance specific bodily attributes of their body and their physical and mental condition to any level,enhancing their capabilities to massive levels.

Optimal Finesse: The user can use their aura to enhance their finesse to the highest potential.

Orange(Svadhishthana): Emotional

Empathy: The user can empathize with others for better understanding.

Animal Empathy: The user can empathize with any kind of animal.

Combat Perception: The user can predict the foe's movements by reading their emotional pulses.

Ecological Empathy: The user can empathize with the surrounding ecosystem.

Indomitable Emotions: The user has unusually strong emotions, enabling him to bear extensive emotional damage without succumbing to its effects.

Emotional Consistency: The user's power is dependent on certain emotions.

Emotion Aura: The user can turn their emotions into pure aura.

Emotion Empowerment: The more of an emotion the user feels, the stronger they become.

Emotional Trigger: The user can activate and utilize powers based on emotions

Yellow(Manipura): Self-Energy and Willpower

Aura Generation: The user is able to generate their own unique aura.

Aura Constructs: The user can form their aura into solid constructs, capable of reforming them with complete control and creating anything at will.

Spiritual Weaponry: The user is able to solidify their aura and shape it into any kind of weaponry.

Spiritual Armor: The user can form their aura into durable armor.

Energetic Pressure: The user can destroy the surrounding area with nothing except the force and intensity of their aura.

Energy Duplication: The user can duplicate themselves by using their aura.

Ergokinetic Combat: The user can channel their aura into their arms and/or legs to create power energy enhanced strikes.

Ergo-Telekinesis: The user can use their aura to manipulate matter.

Life-Force Beam Emission: The user can project their aura in the form of a destructive beam.

Aura Infusion: The user can infuse their aura into an object and/or person.

Green(Anahata): Healing

Disease Detection: The user can use their aura to sense the pain, disease, etc., in others and themselves.

Healing: The user can heal or regenerate themselves or another.

Regenerative Healing Factor: The user can heal rapidly to his or her optimal state.

Empathic Healing: The user can heal the emotional and traumatic pains.

Mental Healing: The user can heal the minds of themselves or another.

Blue(Vishuddha): Knowledge

Intelligence Augmentation: The user can channel their aura to gain a higher level of enlightenment which enhances their intelligence.

Causality Perception: The user with this aura can deduce cause and effect relations and create appropriate and effective countermeasures.

Hypercognition: The user can utilize their aura as a medium to perform complex mental operations beyond those of a normal human mind.

Occultism: The user can gain wisdom of the supernatural to by channelling their aura.

Indigo(Ajina): Mental Communication

Spiritual Meditation: The user can be at one with their aura in order to keep control of their abilities.

Astral Projection: The user can separate themselves from their physical form.

Dowsing: The user can use their aura to track and locate objects, resources, and people.

Intuitive Aptitude: The user can learn the complexities and develop the perfect methods for any field of expertise without taking much time.

Mind's Eye: The user can use the indigo aura to access the third eye.

Psychic Energy/Psychic Force Manipulation: The user of this power possesses and is able to use the fuel and or force behind psychic/mental abilities/powers.

Psionics: The user can use various forms of psychic/mental abilities/powers

Telepathy: In a meditative state, the user can mentally communicate with others.

Tranquil State: The user can quiet and clear their mind, allowing them to focus on only the task at hand.

Violet(Sahasrara): Awareness of Illusions and Higher Consciousness

Aura Reading: The user can read the aura of another and gain information of one's emotion, health, and gain information of the special abilities of others.

Higher Consciousness: At a higher level, the user can spiritually ascend into a developed state of awareness.

Inner Power: The user is able to awaken the hidden potential that has slept within them.

True-Self Recognition: The user is able to connect with their true higher selves within themselves.

Illusion Awareness: The user can become aware of false realities and break free of the Illusion.

Enlightenment: The user can comprehend the whole universe and beyond.

Semblance Type: Active
