Endgame - PA 3 good ending rewrite

The sky is a frighting blood red as everyone stares in amazement at the dalmatian. So Patches had truly returned... A frightening skeletal figure looms over the entire yard. Everyone stares on, speechless at this being.

"That...that shouldn't be possible" Mittens says in disbelief "this is my family's power! I knew it that dogs only deserve to die!"

"Grrrr" Mittens growls silently.

"Ha!" Whiskers teases "looks like you're not so special afterall, but lucky for me, no one comes close to looking as dashing as me". Whiskers flips his hair and strikes a pose at Mittens.

"Hey, shut up, you can't even do magic" Mittens says angrily back. They then start to chuckle to themself as they are reminded at the fact that Whisker has no magical ability at all.

"Hey- uh-" Whiskers stutters. The two then launch into clawing at each other both physically and through insults.

Meanwhile Coco is fully aware of the fact that life and death is all up to Patches. She surveys everyone around her but her eyes fall upon Angel, who is only looking on at Patches. As she looks at Angel, she feels overwhelmed with her failures as a sister and to all those present, but now was a moment to get *something right*. Better late than never she reminds herself and at the end of it all, it was time to let Angel know that she loved him. She really did and regretted every second after he was gone, but not this time. If death was inevitable then at least the final moments should be spend with the brother she always loved. Going up to Angel, she turns him around. Their eyes meet each other and Angel is fearful for a second, though all is understood when Coco hugs him tight and cries over his shoulder. Not a word spoken, just a loving embrace.

Brownie looks on at this scene and puts her apron up to cover her face. It was too late! If only she had told Coco sooner, instead of being in a constant sugar rush mood. Only when it was too late had she finally learned that it was important to slow down and enjoy what value is before you. Now it was too late, because who would interrupt such a tender moment between siblings? Brownie and Coco, relationship that was never lived; all a heartbroken corgi can do in her last moments is cry.

Elsewhere, Ginger rests her back against the fence, curled up into a ball. She feels all alone again, just like when she had no choice but to curl up into a ball and wait all alone in a bathroom stall, only to be killed by a cat demon. Feeling as if this was always her fail, Ginger sighs and closes her eyes, ready to be sent back to the infurrno and be all alone once more. She feels a warmth pressing on her back, so she opens her eyes figuring that the deed had been done, expecting to see the flames of the infurrno. Instead it's still the field of the school. She looks down to see two grey paws wrapped around her. Sparky! She turns her head to look over her shoulder and her uncovered eye meets one of Sparky's.

"I'll always be here for you Ginger" Sparky says softly.

Ginger looks away and blushes. She smiles knowing that someone does care for her. If this is the last moment, then at least it was death while being embraced by someone who cared for you. The pair fall silent as they embrace each other and wait for whatever comes next.

At the frontlines, Olive makes their final plea. "Patches!" Olive shouts.

Patches looks over and stares coldly at Olive. "Patches, you will bring everyone back, right?" Olive asks, tearing up.

Patches stares in silence and then fixes his gaze back on Bawpawmet. "I-I'm sorry then" Olive says, trying to battle through all their sniffling as tears run profusely down their face. As Olive cries and cries, they feel weaker and weaker, as reality sinks in, as they have to confront the possibility that perhaps all is not purrfect. They lay flat, belly down upon the ground and cry into the grass. Hope had finally met defeat. It was up to the dalmatian to decide the fate of everything.

"Speak now your wish and it will be granted" Bapawmet's voice booms.

Patches surveys the scene before him, as he hesitates to make a decision. This was the first time in a long time he had ever hesitated to make a choice, but it was easy to understand why, for the scene before his eyes was one of utter chaos and suffering. Up until this moment, perpetrating an apawcalypse was only something he had envisioned in his mind. But now, here it was, manifest before him. The real sight of apawcalypse was not that of a glorious triumph over foes, it was only immense pain and suffering.

Patches could finally see the amount of suffering one decision can bring. There was no more solace to be found from fulfilling your darkest desires because it only brings suffering. While the darkness in his mind desperately implored Patches to kill them all, a new voice broke into the scene. A voice that had been whispering to him all throughout the day, the glimmer of light amid the darkness.

"Shall we go there a second time?" this voice askes to Patches. Amid all the chaos of the world, Patches retreats to his mind to seriously ponder the question. He is presented with memories of a caring mother who was lost all too soon, and then the image of a cat that reminded him of that mother and all the nurturing he never got, but the image then turns sour as Patches confronts the image of a dead Angel in his mind.

"Did you get anything positive from that? Why do you pursue the same outcome now?" the voice in his head inquired upon confronting this image.

Looking at the scene before him again, of everyone suffering by his paw, Patches is reminded of the emptiness he felt after killing Angel, and surely this would be felt again if he embraced the darkness once more. He already knew the outcome from the first time around, so second time around, surely there's another way and we can start again...

"Bawpawmet...I command of you...bring back...all my FURRIENDS!"

After such a mental struggle, Patches feels weak and collapses onto the ground. Someone then offers a paw to him. He sees the shadow it casts on the ground; he fails to look up but takes the paw. Helped to his feet, he finally looks forward to see that it's Angel. Angel takes both of Patches' paws and looks him right in the eyes.

For once, the shy, white Serbian looks ahead confidently. The glow in his eyes is lively. Patches fails to acknowledge Angel; he looks away from Angel, as Angel always would to him before any of this mess happened. Angel pulls Patches close. He whispers in his ear "All is forgiven."

He lets go of Patches and Olive rushes in for a giant hug. It's a new chapter. Indeed we can begin anew. The time is now.
