
"One with a heart as pure as snow
One with a soul that flies in the sky
One with hair, brown as dried leaves
One who will save all our kind," Elder Myanna breathed out in her raspy voice. Mason listened intently beside his Alpha as the old wolf spoke of her prophecy. Her eyes were clouded as she spoke, but finally, in her brown eyes, a dark shape appeared, the shape of a wolf.

Elder Myanna's eyes cleared, and she looked around at her spectators. "It is almost time," she whispered to the Alpha. Alpha Drake ran his hand through his black hair in frustration. He turned away with a low growl rumbling in his throat.

Mason turned back to the elder. "Elder Myanna, what does it mean?"

The old wolf gave a low chuckle. When a werewolf grew old, they would begin to have more and more difficulty shifting back and forth between their human and wolf form. So, once they grew old, they decide which form they wish to stay in for the rest of their life. Elder Myanna had chosen to stay in her wolf form. She was a brown wolf with an old, ruffled pelt, and her fur had turned white, especially around her muzzle, with age.

"The end is near for our kind," she began. Mason and the others who had heard her prophecy leaned in closer. "But our savior is coming. She will come. And she will save us all."


Hey, you guys! Welcome to my new story Prophecy in the Eye of a Wolf! I hope you guys enjoy it! The picture is the image in Elder Myanna's eyes. Have fun! Vote and comment! :)
