Chapter Eight

My first shopping trip with Abi had been amazing. It was also the first time I had seen humans before. I don't really see how there's that much difference between us except they are generally ruder and more independent. And of course, we can shift into big, furry wolves. But overall, it was awesome, and I got some cute clothes that I wouldn't have gotten with my parents since they only ever bought me jeans, t-shirts, and tank tops. Nothing fancy like dresses and stuff.

But as the days progressed, Abi, Mason, and I became a threesome. We were pretty much always together. Mason was this playful, caring guy, Abi was the sweet, beautiful girl, and I was the new girl that had no ideas about true life but was taught by my friends.

Now, the three of us were sitting in the game room, no one else in the room, lights off, and watching a movie. We sat on the black couch side-by-side, Abi on the far left, Mason in the middle, and me on the far right.

"OMG, I love that outfit she's wearing!" Abi exclaimed, almost jumping out of her seat at the purple strapless, flowing dress the girl in the movie wore.

Mason laughed and grabbed Abi's arms, holding her down. "Calm down, Abi. It's just a dress in a movie."

Abi gasped. "How dare you not appreciate the pure beauty of that dress?! I will have you know-" Abi continued on, but I zoned out as a small sound whispered in my ear. A howl.

"Guys," I said in a firm voice. Both of them stopped and turned to me. "Do you hear that?"

Abi and Mason strained to listen; Mason's eyes widened. "Someone's in the territory." Before any of us could say anything else, Mason and I shifted and ran out of the room.

"Could it be rogues again?" I asked Mason as we ran for the south border.

Mason shook his head. "It's something else. Maybe they are rogues, but they aren't the same ones that we fought a week ago."

Mason and I pushed ourselves harder to run faster. As we neared the border, I heard barking and growling. That's when I saw them. No, no, no, no, no... I thought. Why, oh, why did they have to come?

Surrounded in a circle of growling wolves, two werewolves stood in human form when they saw me. "Samantha?" The man stared at me in disbelief. "I swear, Samantha, you are in so much trouble," he growled.

I shrunk back on instinct at his growl. Mason growled and walked around to stand in front of me protectively. His hackles were raised, his body rigid as he growled. "Who are you?"

My father's eyes flashed. He growled at Mason, "Who are you, and why are you with my daughter?"

Mason relaxed slightly, but not in relief. "You're her father? Josh Felman, Beta of the Crystal Moon Pack?" My father froze and so did the other wolves. "You were my father's Beta."

"Drake...Mason..." My father whispered. Everyone stood silent, tension and confusion hanging in the air. Finally, my father sighed. "Yes, I was the Beta of the Crystal Moon Pack, but we only came to take Samantha home. She is coming with us."

Mason growled, "She belongs with the pack. She is home."

My father growled and stepped forward, but a sharp bark stopped him. A huge, black wolf ventured out of the trees, standing tall and confident as he approached my father. "Well, it's been a while, hasn't it, Josh?" My father didn't say a word, averting his gaze from the wolf. "Running away in the middle of the night with Sara and Samantha, so you could try and escape a prophecy that you can't stop." My father tensed at the mention of the prophecy. The wolf went to stand right in front of him, the other wolves parting to let him through. "All those years, you were hiding away with your family while you left your pack behind. I truthfully never would have expected that of you, Josh. You were never one to run."

My father gave a small growl. "I would do anything for my family, even if it meant leaving everything else behind."

Alpha Drake shifted into his human form. "Even your best friend?" Silence descended upon us again. No one so much as breathed as we waited for what would happen next.

My dad dropped his head. "I hated it. Leaving you," my father whispered, but then he raised his head again, sorrow in his eyes. "But I cared too much about my daughter and her life. I didn't want to lose her to some prophecy."

My mother smiled sadly and stepped forward, putting a hand on her husband's shoulder. "Drake, we really missed you." My mom walked forward and wrapped her arms around Alpha Drake, pulling my dad with her. Alpha Drake hugged them back.

Alpha Drake pulled back. "It's great to have my friends back." My mom and Alpha Drake smiled while my dad frowned.

"We can't stay," he said, his voice flat.

"Why not?" Mason asked. The three turned to look at him. "Why can't Samantha choose for herself? You have hidden her away from everything her entire life, but you never gave her a chance to choose."

Mason shifted into his human form, and I followed, coming to stand beside him. "Thank you," I whispered in his ear.

Mason gave a small nod without turning away from my parents. My mom turned to look at my dad. "Maybe, for once, we should," she said, placing a hand on his arm.

My dad looked at my mom with pain and disbelief before he sighed in defeat. "Fine. Sammie," he looked at me, "What do you want?"

I thought for only a moment. I knew what I wanted. I had known ever since I got here, since I met Mason, since I met Abigail...since I came home. "I want to stay," I said. "These are my friends, my family, my pack. And I won't leave them." My dad nodded. "Plus," I started with a smile, making everyone turn to look at me. "The future Beta of the Crystal Moon Pack can't leave her pack behind, can she?"

"That's true," Mason added. "I'm going to need my Beta when I'm Alpha of the pack." Mason winked at me and laughed. I laughed as well until everyone began to laugh with us.

"Well, since there's nothing else to do..." I said with a mischievous smile as I turned to Mason. "Race you around the border?"

"Oh, you're on," Mason growled before we both shifted and took off.

I heard the adults laughing behind us, but I tuned them out. I had to focus on this. I gained speed, starting to overtake Mason. "I'm going to win this easily," I teased Mason. "But thanks for helping me out back there."

Mason smiled at me. "Of course, Sammie. I'll always be here. No matter what."

I smiled at his words. "Thanks, but you know, I'm going to beat you."

Mason laughed. "Yeah, right. Come on, let's see how fast you can really run." And with that, Mason sped up, his gait growing, his legs moving faster.

"Oh, no, you don't!" I yelled, laughing as I joined him as the two of us, the future Alpha and the future Beta ran side-by-side as one.


Hey, you guys! I know I have already updated today, but hey! Here's another one! I got this chapter done really quick, which I'm a little surprised, but anyways, I hope you guys are having a great Father's Day with your dad! I get to see mine later! He's awesome, and I'm glad I get to spend some time with him! And he's going to take me and my little brothers to see Finding Dory! Yay! Anyways, have fun, you guys! Vote and comment! :)
