Chapter Twenty Four

Images flashed in front of my eyes. Hybrids hissing, Sebastian howling, Veronica laughing, people screaming. But one image scared me the most. A familiar face with blue eyes, framed with blonde hair staring at me, frightened as she held an arm over her side that was leaking blood.

I jerked up in my bed screaming. Beads of sweat fell down my face, I was breathing heavily, and tears were spilling down my cheeks.

"Sammie?" A voice asked in my head. "Are you okay?"

I took a deep breath, so even through the mind link, my voice wouldn't sound too bad. "I-I'm fine," I said, but my voice still cracked.

"I'm coming down," he said.

"Mason-" I tried to stop him, but he cut me off.

"No arguments." It only took a minute for Mason to get downstairs and come into my bedroom. He was wearing an old t-shirt and some shorts. He ran over to my bed and pulled me into his lap as I cried. "'s okay. I'm here. It was just another nightmare."

This had started to become a regular thing after two weeks of me waking up in the middle of the night, screaming from nightmares. Mason would always come down and calm me down. He would stay with me pretty much the rest of the night since it was hard for me to fall asleep again after the nightmares.

"You don't want to talk about them?" He asked. I shook my head against his chest. "Okay." I curled up on his lap, holding the wolf charm in my left hand while Mason rubbed circles on my back to calm me.

I sighed softly and relaxed. My eyes finally fluttered closed in the safety of Mason's warm, familiar arms.


"Another nightmare?" Abi asked while we sat at the kitchen table, noticing the dark purple circles under my eyes. I nodded. Concern filled her eyes. "What are they about?"

Just thinking about them...and about who was in them made me shiver in fear. I gasped as the image flashed in front of my eyes, and I fell out my chair. "Sammie!" I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Mason in fear. "It's okay. It's me. I'm not going to hurt you. Are you okay?"

I shook my head to clear it. "Yeah..." I said quietly, my voice shaking. "I'm okay."

Mason helped me back up onto the chair while Abi apologized. "I didn't realize it was that bad."

"It's pretty bad," Mason said as he rubbed the back of his head. He was almost always watching me since the images flash in front of my eyes in the middle of the day and I get so tired that I sometimes fall from exhaustion.

"Are you sure there is no one that can help with this?" Abi asked.

I shrugged. "Who could help?" Mason asked. "Zoey doesn't understand what is going on, and there isn't really anyone else we can ask."

Abi looked at me sadly. "Well...let's just try to get your mind off of it. Come on." Abi stood up. "Let's go out and do something."

"Are you up for it?" Mason asked. After a moment, I nodded. The three of us went into town to shop, but I wasn't really in a shopping mood.

The day whipped by without me really paying attention to anything. Mason kept his worried gaze on me as Abi tried to distract me with little success.

But it was no use. I would just go to bed and continue to have those horrid nightmares. I wouldn't get any sleep. I would wake up screaming, and Mason would come and calm me down. It was just no use.


I cried as the images flashed back and forth in front of my eyes. I tried to run, but they followed me wherever I went. I dashed left and right before I suddenly crashed to the ground as I covered my ears against the painful screams that erupted around me.

"That's enough!" A voice boomed through the screams. A wave whipped past me, blowing the images away with it as I was enveloped into darkness.


"Sammie," an old, gentle voice whispered in my ear as a cold, wet nose touched my arm. My eyes slowly fluttered open. I was laying on my side in the soft grass of the forest next to the old brown wolf.

I sat up on my knees as the memories of the images continued to swirl around my mind. The tears involuntarily began to spill as I wrapped my arms around myself, and my hair fell over my face.

"Shhh..." Elder Myanna's voice was soothing as she rubbed up against me. "You're okay, Sammie. Everything's alright."

"B-but it's not," I choked out. "These nightmares just won't go away!"

"Shhh..." Elder Myanna calmed me again. I raised my head to see her giving me a sympathetic look. She gestured for me to follow her as she said quietly, "Come."

I staggered to my feet and followed Elder Myanna through the forest to her little cottage. I went to sit on the couch while she went into the kitchen.

I heard the clattering of dishes before she came back in with a silver tray in her mouth. On top of the tray was a little cup, bowl, and teapot. She put the tray on the table and took her seat on the opposite couch. I grabbed the cup filled with tea. "Now, let's talk about these visions of yours, dear."

"I'm sorry; did you just say visions?" I asked, freezing as I raised the cup to my mouth.

Elder Myanna nodded. "Yes, those were visions. Not nightmares as you have been perceiving them as."

I sat the cup down; I shook my head. "No," I whispered as my eyes teared up. "No, they can't be visions. They just can't!" I yelled.

Elder Myanna didn't stop me from screaming. She let me get it out as I cried out. I finally calmed down enough for her to speak. "Sammie, those were visions, and you know that. You knew that all along." I shook my head, but I knew she was right. This whole time, I had denied it. But I had already known the truth.

"They were messages. It's a sign. You're becoming more powerful, Sammie. And with those new powers, you must be careful and strong," she said.

I hung my head sadly. "If they are messages...then what are they telling me?" I asked in a small voice.

"You know I can't tell you that, dear."

I sighed. "I know."

"However, I can help you." I raised my head to look at the old wolf. "What do you think they are telling you?"

I thought for a moment, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath as I let my thoughts whirl around ideas. "I think...I think that something is going on with the hybrids."

Elder Myanna nodded. "And?"

"And...and..." My eyes widened as the realization hit. I gasped, "They're coming."

Elder Myanna smiled. "Well done. However, there is more to it than that, but I'll help you with that part. The hybrids are indeed coming but not yet. These visions are telling you to prepare. There will be a battle that will end all of this. A battle of werewolves versus hybrids. But before that, there will be fights. And you must be ready for what is to come."

My mind drifted to the image of the injured Abi. My face grew determined, and I stood up, my fists clenched by my side. "I will never let anything happen to Abi or any of my friends."

Elder Myanna sighed and hung her head. "But you must understand that you can't stop everything, Sammie. Somethings just happen."

I growled. "Nothing. Will. Happen. To. Abi."

Elder Myanna shook her head with a sigh. "Well, you best be waking up. Mason is worried about you since you didn't wake up screaming for once."

My hands loosened at that. "But what about the nightmares?"

"Visions," she corrected. "And you won't have them anymore, or at least not those. You have your message now. But you will receive more visions if you need to learn another message. Now, you better get going. Good luck, Sammie."

I smiled and dipped my head at her respectfully. "Thank you. Will I ever see you in real life though?" I asked jokingly.

Elder Myanna chuckled. "Not likely, dear. I like to keep to myself in the real world. Stick to my little cottage in the woods. Plus, it's better that we meet here anyway." I nodded in understanding. "Now, go." And everything faded.


Hey, you guys! What's up? Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Not much happened except for possibly a hint that something is going to happen if you can figure it out. *evil laugh* Now, I only have 4% left on my phone, and my phone charger broke yesterday. So, I have to get a new one. Well, have fun! Vote and comment! :)
