Chapter 9

Kenny pov:

"You three can head back to kupa keep, tell the humans we didn't Lady Y/n back. I need to talk With Princess Kenny"

The grand wizard waited for everyone to leave

"Lets take a walk in the garden"

"Now, why did you give lady Y/n to the elves?"

"I already said. I didn't want them to hurt my sister and I thought since Y/n is the kings sister, they wouldn't hurt her. I was wrong."

He sighed

"As my best warrior, I can forgive you. But don't do it again."







Y/n pov:

At the elven kingdom, I was bought to the kings tent so he can tell me the rules

"Rule one, ranger stan marshwalker will be with you at all times. When he has to do a mission or something. 3 of my good soldiers will be"


"Chill out, could of been a lot worse" Stan butted in, leaning on a wall

"Anyways, rule 2, you are not to leave the elven kingdom unless I said you can, in which case both me and stan will be with you"

"This is ridiculous.." I muttered under my breath

"And rule 3, Don't do anything dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt."

I fainted twice today, both of the times i got injuries on my head and just all over my body from whatever Stan did!"

"Yeah sorry about that, didn't want to be late"

I rolled my eyes

"Stan, show my sister her tent, ill go and tell the elves the daily news"

"This way princess"

We went into a tent right next to the tent we were just in and I sat down on a chair that was in it. I can forgive princess kenny for giving me in. She was just trying to help her sister. If it was Ike and I was the one being forced to give someone in, I would do it.  

"You do know your brother cares about you a-"

"Dont. Dont call him my brother. I hate him"

"Well, he really cares about you. He was just really disappointed when he realised that you were on the humans side. Betraying your kind and cutting off the tops of your ear to be like the humans, it really made him sad"

"How is that a good excuse for the fact he went totally psycho, kidnapped a poor little girl, got me knocked uncontious twice-"

"The you being knocked out bit wasn't his fault though"

"It was exactly his fault. He forced princess kenny to bring me to you. Her only choice was to knock me out. and he told you to not be late with bringing me to, well where ever you took me before we got to that Jason White kids' house. You couldn't be late so you had to knock me out. Both of those times are his fault"

"But he didn't do the knocking out himself"

"He was the reason. And in my eyes, thats worse."

He sighed in defeat

"Do you want to have a walk around the kingdom again?"

"No, now everyone will be staring at me in a bad way. They all know about what happened."

"Then to cure both your and my boredom, I will call the bard and ask him to come here, that way you wont have to to embarased by the elves, the bard is one of the nicest elves in the kingdom"


"Ill also ask him to get some snacks"

Princess kenny pov:

I need to get her back. But I can't today. Its going to be dark in 30 minutes so I will use this time to think of a plan.

Kupa keep doesnt feel the same without her, many of its members can agree with me, even though she was here for only a few days, she has done lots of things to help the kingdom out. Everyone loved her

-- 30 minutes later --

"Alright guys, thats all for today, you guys can go home now!" The wizard king shouted

"Well those 30 minutes to "plan" really went to waste. I can not think of a single thing. The elves really thought this through. Maybe some sleep will help.

Kyle pov:

"Alright fellow elves, it's getting dark now, so you guys can all leave" I told the elven kingdom through the microphone

I cleaned a bit of my tent, because it was a mess and finally went inside the house to my room. Seeing Y/n on her bed just lying down, thinking about something

"Well, how was that?"

"Probably the most eventful day, wont lie"

"Just remember, after school you need to come back here and we carry on where we left off"

"Don't worry Kyle, I will remember

"Well goodnight"


-- Next morning --

"Rise and shine, get up lazy ass"

"Ughh, Kyle let me sleep"

"We have school, you don't want to be late do you?"

She got up and I went downstairs and ate my breakfast

-- At the bus stop because im really lazy --

"Hey guys!" I shouted

"Oh hey Kyle! Hey Yn!" 

"Hi Stan, hi Kenny and Cartman!" Y/n said, in her usual, cheery voice. 

"Mrph hmr rmph!" (Hey Y/n!)

The bus finally came and Y/n sat with Kenny, Cartman with Butters and me with Stan. Im going to admit, I am kind of jealous of Kenny's friendship with Y/n, but I'm also glad she has some friends other than Bebe and the other stupid girls.

Y/n pov:

"Hey Kenny!" I said as I sat next to him

"Hmrrrrph!" (Heyyy!)

Ugh, another day of school
