Chapter 12

Y/n pov:

(Everyone got changed into their normal clothes and the people who are helping plan the party are in cartmans back yard)

"Yes, that will be perfect!" I said exitedly

"Alright, now that we have everything planned, I'll get my mom to put everything up and set up everything tomorow when we are at school" Cartman said, muching on a bag of crisps

"Okay.. Guess we can head home then?"

"Yeah, yeah you guys can leave"

"Alright bye Cartman"

Everyone left Cartman's house and headed home

"See you at school Kenny?"

"Mmrph!" (Yep!)

I smiled

"Well bye then!"

"Mrph Mm Mr!" (Bye Y/n!)

It was dark, so I decided to run back home before I get grounded again

"Y/n! Why were you out so late!"

"Sorry mom. Lost track of time"

"Thats fine, I forgive you just go to sleep now"

"Alright, good night mom!"

I head upstairs and check if Ike is asleep. Once I'm sure he is, I head into mine and Kyle's room

"Oh hey Y/n"

"Hey Kyle, what are you doing?"

"Nothing much, just doing some elven kingdom stuff"

"Cool, well I'm going to go to sleep, goodnight"


I wonder what he could be doing. Maybe I could peek over once he's asleep? Or not, I'm tired as fuck

-- In the morning --

I wake up to my stomach hurting like crazy. Kyle was sleeping in his desk, on some pieces of paper, so I couldn't see what he was doing

I suddenly hear a loud noise coming from downstairs

I unplug a lamp and take it with me downstairs, ready to fight whatever is in my kitchen

"Dad?! What the hell are you doing? Is that cat urine?"

"Peh, mra wha"

"Nevermind, I'm going back upstairs. Have fun"

Mom was probably asleep right now and I didn't want to wake her up to just say im sick. She can get very mad when woken up early

I check the time, it's 2am. Maybe I could sneak out, do something I guess

I head outside through the front door which was stupidly left open and I decided to head to the playground.

-- At the park --

After a while, I needed to do a number 2 so I went into the playground toilets, to find what looked kind of like a court room, just covered in pink.

"What the fuck" I said quietly to myself as the automatic lights turned on

I looked at all the desks, they all had names of girls in our grade, a year above or a year before on them.

At the front it was writen 'Wendy Testaburger / Bebe Stevens' 

I guess they take turns being the person in charge or something

I found a bunch of papers with things they probably had their little meetings on such as 'Hottest boys in the 4th grade' Or 'Who is the 2 faced lying bitch' 

Then one finally got my attention, some papers just labeled 'Y/n'

It had a bunch of different papers stapled on to it, many of them dating to the last week

There were multiple papers linked around me. One of them was about me maybe having a boyfriend and one was about why the boys let me hang out with them. Nothing too interesting

Then I found one, it wasn't labeled, but it was just a plan. One that was literally just to spy on me from tomorow to Tuesday. 

Well nice to know it's not only elves who spy on me

I keep on reading the page and it has stuff like: Cartmans house?? Wierd costumes?? Kyle?? 

Just a bunch of question marks, most of them right about what I do.

"Alright why am I even here." I finally said to mysef

I started cleaning up until I heared some footsteps, outside in the playground, they were coming closer and closer to the girls toilets

I quickly finished tidying up and hid behind a big pink box

I peaked out to see who it was, it was Bebe.

She went straight to the papers and erased some things on a phew of them, then wrote something new in. 

After about 10 minutes, she finally put the papers back left

Once I was sure she left the playground, I grabbed the papers and had a look at the ones with my name. No surprise here, she replaced the stuff on the papers about me.

Some of the differences were simply changing 'Bebe bitch?' to 'Y/n bitch?' and stuff like that, while others were changing 'Spy from Saturday to Tuesday' to 'She hangs out out Kyle's house with some boys'

I changed the notes back, keeping the ones I didn't remember or didn't see as important as they are

Then I put the papers back and finally left

-- Outside the house --

I went inside to see dad still in the kitchen, getting high on cat urine like he was when I left

I wrote a note saying that I feel sick and won't be going to school today next to my bed so if mom or Kyle try to wake me up, they'll know im sick, or I'm pretending

I hop into my bed and go to sleep for as much of the rest of the night as I can
