Chapter 10

Y/n pov:

At school, Bebe tried coming up to me again

"Mrrph rph mrr rpph mph mrph rph mrph mph? Mrf mrrph mph mrr?" (What the hell do you want from her? Another ass beating?) Kenny asked

"If you wouldn't mind, giant orange airpod, I would like to talk to Y/n alone."

"It's fine Kenny, I can talk to Bebe"

We then went into the toilets

"What do you want from me this time"

"I want you to stop talking to the boys"

"No, now what else did you want to talk about?"

"Look.. I didn't want it to come to this, but if you stop hanging out with them, I'll make sure no one hates you anymore and you can hang out with us again"

"Still no, why the fuck would I want to hang out with your friend group after they said they all never really liked me?"

"Well, I can get them to like you"

"No, it's my final decision, now I don't want another detention so if you do not mind, I'll be leaving now"

Geez what is her problem? Why does she suddenly want me to hang out with the girls?

"Y/n Broflovski! Why are you late this time?!"

"Im so sorry Mr Garrison, the cleaner asked me to put away one of the brooms and I couldn't tell a nice old lady no"

"Alright, just next time get a note"

How dumb is this teacher? I swear half the class is smarter than him

-- At lunch --

"So Y/n, what made you late for class this time?" Kyle ran up to me and asked

"Bebe wanted to talk to me, it was just about her not wanting me to hang out with you guys and that if I stop she will let me back in to the girls group"

"Why did she even think you would accept? All of them were bitches to you and now she expect you to want to come back?" Stan said

"I honestly don't understand some people's logic"

"Hey.. Umm Y/n" Wendy started as she came up to me

"What do you want"

"I wanted to apologise.. I realise how we acted to you was really harsh. We just found out that Bebe lied about everything and we want you in our friend group again!"

My whole table started laughing at the offer

"Yeah, no thanks Wendy"

"Stan, why the hell are you laughing at me. STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" She screamed the last bit and everyone in the cafeteria went silent

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT!" She kept on screaming as everyone went back to their normal conversations. Then she finally went back to her own table

Why the hell do they want me in their group so bad?

-- After school --

"Hey, Red"

"Oh hi Y/n! Thinking about coming back?"

"No, I just wanted to ask a question. Why the fuck do you guys want me back in your friend group so bad?!"

She sighed

"Look, ever since we found out Bebe was lying about pretty much everything, we realised that you being friends with the boys would really help us"

"Then why did Wendy ask me about it when I was with them all?"

"Because if the boys think that your betraying us, they are more likely to tell you stuff so you can report them back to us and tell us everything"

"I get it, you want me in your friend group so you can use me"

"No thats not-"

"Save it Red, I understand fully"

I ran to the bus just in time and went home to change and carry on the game

Kyle pov:

"You ready sis?!"

"Nearly! aand done!"

We went into the backyard, got into our places and waited for the rest of the elves to come, when they finally did, we carried on the story

"Everyone! Welcome to a new day in the elven kingdom! Start doing your jobs and missions, we have a long day ahead of us!

I went into one of the tents to find Stan and Y/n in it

"Hello Stan, hello sister"

"Don't call me your sister."

"Not getting any better I see?" I asked Stan and he shook his head

"You need to accept the fact that your heart belong here, not in the human kingdom. You may think the elves are the bad guys for 'Kidnapping' but we simply took back our princess, you can't say we are the bad guys for that"

"Yes I can, because you are, I was with the humans and cut of the tip of my ears for a reason, I was ashamed to be related to you. In the human kingdom I was free to do what I wanted when I wanted it"

"And you will be here too, once we trust you enough to not escape"

"Ridiculous.." I muttered under my breath

Kenny pov:

"We need a fool proof plan to get her back, Wizard"

"No, need to point the fucking obvious"

"Anyways.. I got one of the humans to spy on the elves for a bit and they managed to hear the rules of that Lady Y/n has to follow, one of them being: 'You can only leave the elven kingdom if the king gave you (Lady Y/n) permission and both him and stan marshwalker are with you" Maybe if they are far away enough, with no other elves, we can ambush them"

"Maybe, thats a good idea princess. Your elves will tell you when they'll leave?"

"Yep! Hopefully it won't be in too much time, she can be hard to trust the human told me"

"But since its both the king and the best soldier, theres a big chance it wont be"

"Yes, now all we need to do is wait"
