#4 He Hates Me

(Y/n)'s POV

Yesterday, when I came back home from visiting Bakugou, I still couldn't sleep. We... actually had fun. It was nice talking to him when he's not shouting. And I told him that. He just shrugged it off, but I think that he'll give it some thought.


I'm walking down the road of the city, enjoying the fresh air, when suddenly I spot a familiar hair colour.


I run up to the male, shouting his name. He turns around and gives a smile when he noticed me (notice me senpai). And... he's doing something, that I didn't expect him to do. He's hugging me. His warmth gave off a nice feeling, like, this day was going to be a good day.

"Hey (Y/n)! What a coincidence to see you. Do you live somewhere around here?" He asks me nicely.

"Hi, Kirishima! Yeah, I live not far from here. You too?" I ask with my sweet voice. He nods and we continue walking to U.A.

~A bit later~

When me and Kirishima reached the high school, some students were looking at me with fear seen in their eyes. I got a bit concerned.

What's going on?

Kirishima noticed too but said to shrug it off. Suddenly, a student comes up to me with an amused look an her face.

'I'm confused'

"You're (Y/n) (L/n), right?" She asks, her voice sounding sassy and slut-like. I nod, feeling a small wave of fear run through me. "Oh em gee!! You're in so much trouble!" She says.

"Why?" I ask, turning to Kirishima. He shrugs at me with the same unknown reason.

"You know there are cameras here, right?" She asks again. I nod, and at that moment I know what she meant.

'The cameras saw me trespass when I was visiting Bakugou yesterday! And.... Kirishima doesn't know about it...'

I walk away from both of them and into U.A. While walking I see some students keeping their distance from me.

'What have I done...'

I walk the hallway to my class room, and when I need to turn a corner I bump into someone. And that particular someone is All Might. I quickly apologize and he keeps insisting that its his fault. But then...

"Wait. (Y/n)? You attacked young Bakugou?" he asks me. I look up at him and see his wide smile, but I can sense his concerns for Bakugou. What is Bakugous first name anyway?

I nod at his question and he scratches the back of his ripped neck. He, then lets out a sigh and looks at me, concerned a bit. What doest this man know?

"You remind me of your father..." ... what does he mean? "You two are... definitely alike." he says. How does he know my father? (lol, I am ur father xdd)

"You...you know him?" I ask. I need answers. I practically knew nothing of him and now All Might says that he knows him??

"Umm... knew him."I lower my head, feeling my heart sink. So he knows. "You and him looks as if you two had similar childhoods. Your father was also reckless and... felt unstoppable. He had lost his mind when he and your mother were car chasing a criminal and..." So that's why they...

"Oh..." I simply say. He keeps holding his brave smile and he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"But don't be sad! If not that, then you wouldn't be here!" He says, trying to brighten the mood. I nod and give him a sad smile. "And... be careful. I don't want the same happening to you, (Y/n)." he says in his deep tone. "Now, give me a real smile." All Might says nicely. I look at him and smile. Sincerely. Saying goodbye, I walk back to class and all eyes fall on me. Everyones' eyes are filled with fear and terror. I quietly sit back to my seat and put my headphones in. Smooth jazz makes me relax a bit.

Finally class starts and when everyone got to their seats, I noticed an empty seat right beside me. The chair is pushed by the desk and is sitting there quietly.

It's Bakugous.

Suddenly, an idea pops in my head, but I'll have to wait for classes to be over.

~After School~

3rd Person's POV

(Y/n) runs out of U.A as fast as she can, reaching the flower shop she buys a bouquet of white lilacs and goes back to the school. As she almost reaches the door to Bakugous room she hears faint screaming. The girl eavesdrops on the conversation happening inside.

A woman, screaming at her son and a distressed father trying to calm both of them down. (Y/n) quietly enters the room and all three people quiet down. They all turn to look at the (h/c) hair coloured girl and she feels a wave of awkwardness run through her. She quickly speedwalks to Bakugous bedside table, places the flowers down and says: "get well soon" and speedwalk out after giving him a sweet smile. Reaching the door to exit, the woman stops her and turns her around.

"Who are you...?" She asks, surprisingly quiet. Not something that (Y/n) heard before.

"M-my name is (Y/n) (L/n) miss." She answers with a slight stutter. The woman immediately smiles at her and puts her hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders.

"What intentions do you have with my son, (Y/n)?!" She asks, louder this time.

"MOM, I'M RIGHT HERE!!" Screams Bakugou. That stupid idiot. That's no way to treat your mother.

"SHUT UP MORON!" She screams back. Anyway....

"I-I-..umm.. I-I don't have a-any intentions with your son m-ma'm!" (Y/n) answers her previously asked question. The elder woman gives (Y/n) a warm and cheerful smile, also giving her a hug.

"Well then why did you bring him flowers that represent love silly?!" She says again, a tad bit louder.

'Represent love..?' (Y/n) thinks.

Yes, white lilacs represent love. The lilacs colour represents the meaning of the flower - purity and youthful innocence. Truly a magnificent specimen.

"I-umm.. I didn't know they r-represent love." (Y/n) stutters, speaking with the woman.

(Y/n) hadn't noticed yet but the woman looks very similar to Bakugou. Speaking of Bakugou, he's been really quiet.

(Y/n) turns her head to sneak a peek at him and sees his father patting his back as Bakugou covers his face with his hands. Probably from embarrassment. The woman then gives a grin at (Y/n) and starts wiggling her eyebrows.

"Are you his girlfriend..?!" She asks. (Y/n) immediately waves her hands in front of her for defence as to saying ,,no" to her question. "What? Why not?! You seem Katsuki's type, am I right Masaru?" The woman turns to her husband and he suddenly gets nervous.

"Well, yes Mitsuki. I guess you're right." At that moment Bakugou uncovers his face, which is red from embarrassment.

"DON'T TALK ABOUT MY PERSONAL LIFE DAD!!" He shouts at his father, Masaru. (Y/n) tries to poke the woman's named Mitsuki, shoulder. (Y/n) bows her head respectively.

"I'm sorry Mr. and Ms. Bakugou but I have to get going. In any case, you seem like you have a lot to talk about." She apologizes and walks out of the room.

While walking she heard a sentence that she might regret hearing.


'So his name is Katsuki...'
