#36 Remember

(Y/n)'s POV


I put my own written letter into an envelope and glue it shut.

Since Izuku was so kind to send a letter to me I decided to reply, which was surprisingly difficult. I kept thinking about what Eijiro said the day before.

"Then think carefully about the things you do while I have my back turned to you."

When I'm out of here, I'm coming after you Kacchan! How could that ass hat tell Eijiro about the rejection?

It's been hard to compose myself not to break the walls of my jail cell and run away, far. I knock on my own door and see Rob turn around. He walks over to me and I hand him the envelope, he nods and sprints further. I sigh and walk back to my table, opening ,,Dear Future Husband" again.

This jail doesn't necessarily have any other books, so I've only had to reread the book Izuku sent me. Yet trying to reread it my mind keeps wandering.

'What exactly did Kacchan say?'

'Does anyone else know?'

'How will everyone act around me, knowing that I've sort of cheated on Eijiro?'

I close the book and push it aside, feeling my head fill up with unwanted thoughts. My heart rate getting faster with each second.

I lie down on the bed and try to fall asleep, all headaches are cured like that, right?

I fall in a deep sleep.


"-----, w-k- --."

I get my consciousness back, slightly opening my eyes form being disturbed by a sound.

"(Y/--, wa-- -p!" My eyes flutter softly as I turn around, trying to find the source of the sound. "(Y/n)! Wake up!" Rob shouts as he's about to smack my face. Right before his hand reached my cheek I grabbed his wrist.

"I'm awake." Sitting upright I walk after Rob out of my cell. I hold onto the railing right beside me, the open territory at the middle of this prison is very therapeutic. Looking down I see a portion of grass at the bottom floor, with flowers growing around. I look back at Rob, wondering, "Hey, where are you taking me? Breakfast hasn't started yet." We start walking down some stairs, other jail-cellars are still sleeping in their cells. Rob's and my footsteps echo through the prison.

"I'm just as confused as you are. I've only been told by a friend of mine to take you to the entrance." I feel at a loss, to my knowledge, I was due to be released in three more weeks. What is this prison up to?

We walk out through the entrance, the sky is cloudy, but some sunrays find their way out. The smell is less than refreshing, considering the garbage trucks a few feet away from me. We quietly adventure for a few minutes. I glance around the area, a huge wall surrounds this whole private territory, looks similar to a military base.

Rob opens a door of a separate building, aside from the actual prison. Walking inside there's a long and narrow hallway and at the end of it a single, metal door with guards, keeping it secure. I start to sweat.

"I'd appreciate it if you would tell me what this place is." I quietly whisper to Rob, but he just turns back and closes the door that we've just entered through, leaving me in the dimly lit hallway. "Helpful, thanks." I turn back around and hesitantly walk to the end of it. A guard on my right opens up the metal door and pushes it open, moving to the side for me to enter.

The inside of the room is covered in white bricks, in size it's slightly smaller than my room, not considering the, very much possibly, bulletproof window across the middle of the room.

A chair sits in front of me and on the other side of the glass sits...

One of the men signal me to sit down. I do as instructed, which is an old habit.

"What brings you here, boss?" I ask one of the men. His face has gone old and wrinkly, since the last time I saw this son of a bitch. The person I'm talking about is the military commander, the one who made me a testing bunny and has tortured me for what seemed like an eternity.

Oh, how many hours I have planned to make his boring-ass life into an eternity in hell.

I punch the bulletproof window, getting extremely close to it and looking straight into the ass-hats eyes. "This, this is where you belong, you fuckin-"

"I see you've learned how to control it." The other man beside the ass-hat spoke, his voice...weird. I move away from the glass and move slightly towards the other mysterious man. His voice isn't the only weird thing about him. His head seems to be, almost, overgrown with skin, only the mouth is visible... he's also wearing a suit and all around him there are some sort of tubes, some connected to his face, others to his chest.

How did I not notice him when I walked in?

"What did you say?" My heart thumps harder the longer I look at him, his aura is extremely threatening. Unlike ass-hats.

"Your siren quirk, it seems to be working smoothly." I cock an eyebrow, skipping a beat. 'How does he know that?'

I narrow my eyes at him, "Did ass-hat over here tell you?" I ask, gesturing to the man next to him. "And who are you anyway?" I cross my arms, as I loom over both of them. They are sitting quietly and peacefully while I wait for them to answer.

"Oh no, I know you have it because I'm the one who gave it to you." My mind goes blank.

"No! No, you're not! I saw how this man right here injected the fucking serum or whatever that was!" I scream in confusion.

'I know I saw him do it, that's when I first started seeing things, right? That's when it happened!!'

"No human has got the same exact quirk as their parents. The only logical explanation is that I gave it to you." He continues speaking.

"Yeah? Well, surprise. I got the same exact quirk as my mom, so suck it!"

"How do you think she died?"


"What did you say...?"

"How do you think she die-"


"No, she did not." I start to lose control again."One of my allies has teleported your family to safety, but that wasn't for too long..." My knees suddenly feel weak and I fall back onto the chair behind me. He puts his hands together and smiles wickedly. "I made your mother suffer, made her watch your brother die in front of her as I sucked her quirk from the pits of her soul."

My lips quiver.

"Who...Who are you?" He smiles and crosses his arms.

"All for one."

