#1 First Day

You, the reader, are (Y/n) (L/n). You're 16 and you live in a world full of heroes. While 80% of them are actually worth something, the other 20%, and by that I mean you, are not. You were born quirkless.

It's not like your parents had really bad quirks... Oh, wait! They did.

Your mother had sort of a siren quirk, by that, I mean she can sing and take control of whoever hears her voice. You didn't know your father because he was never home, but by what your mother told you he had a jumping sort of quirk. The name speaks for itself. They weren't heroes because they didn't attend good schools and you could really see that rookie vibe coming off of them.

Unfortunately, while you were just a little, defenseless girl your family died in a car crash, yet for some reason you couldn't cry. You wanted to, but you couldn't.

You love them more than anything in the world, and yet you couldn't.

Time passed as you tried to survive with the cruel world in which no one needs a worthless being like you. You hated yourself for that. For being here.

You wandered the empty streets for ages and soon enough, a man in a suit with different shades of green walked up to you.

"Hello there, little one. Would you like to make yourself useful?" his words stabbed your heart, but he said it in such a nice and calming tone, also giving you a smile. You smile back and nod at the strange man. He takes your little hand in his and you two walk to the unknown.


Oh, and how you hated that decision.

The man you've grown to know was a military soldier and he took you in, because he needed test subjects for a new experiment. And how you've grown up to hate it.

To not make the other 20% of the human population worth something, they decided to try and create quirks. They've tried so so many times. Almost seemed as if it was too many. Your body couldn't take it anymore, it's been 5... maybe 8 years? You don't have the strength to remember anymore.

And so, one day, you couldn't take any of that anymore.

You use every single drop of hope and energy into escaping, and somehow... you did. You did eventually escape the horrid place called ,,hope for the world".The fresh air never smelled better.

You walked around the streets of the city for a couple of weeks now and it looked like lady luck was on your side, you found a job. It was just enough to get yourself proper meals and a place to stay. Granted, the place wasn't as good as the dumpster, but you managed. You worked countless hours, worked overtime just so you could properly live a life you lost. And one day, something arrived at your door.

A newspaper in which was written all about the high school U.A.. A high school for teenagers with skill and power.

And when we're talking about power, you've got a lot of it.

You signed up, magically got on the list of high schoolers who passed, you having the point value of 58 points. Most of them - rescue points. You didn't know how to feel.

Why did you even do this...?

You have no skill, you're worthless, nothing.


Maybe you don't have a quirk, but you do have power.


(Y/n)'s POV

I stand in front of the mirror I bought not long ago and look at my naked body. Scars fill 50% of my skin, making me look horrible underneath. Dread filled me everyday from things like a cut in the arm or things like that. I put on my school uniform that I was given and try to hide every peace of skin as I can. Putting on yoga pants so that my legs could be covered. But the scar on my face can't be hidden.

That scar... I got it on ,,accident". It wasn't supposed to happen like the other ones. I was bullied, even in the military. They would make fun of me for being worthless and one of them cut me with a knife ,,By accident". The scar goes from my nose down to my right ear. It's noticeable, but I guess it's all right.

After covering the scar with my long (h/c) hair, I take a small notebook and a pen, putting it in my backpack before leaving my home. I walk the empty streets of the city, remembering that it's early in the morning. Not even the birds are up.

I decide to put on my headphones and listen to some tunes.

Reaching my destination, the U.A. high school, I walk inside seeing no one. Taking out my headphones I try to listen for footsteps, chatter, anything, to be honest. I do see some cameras on some of the ceilings, but I shrug it off. It's quiet. I try to look for class 1-A and find a pretty big door with huge writing ,,1-A".

'I see they're enthusiastic with the signs'

I slide the door and walk inside, seeing a wave of desks, neatly placed in different lines, and of course the teachers desk. I pick one by the window and put my stuff down, looking out the window with a sigh. A few drops of water fall from the sky, and soon they turn into big and loud drops of rain. No thunder, just.... rain.

The calming sounds of droplets hitting the window fills me with delight. Rain always made me want to sleep, It's like a beat without a melody.

I put my head in my hands and close my eyes, just for a short period of time. But after a while I surrender to the calming melody of my tunes and fall asleep.

Aizawa's POV

'ugh.. another day at the stupid high school with a bunch of stupid and crummy kids.'

I walk inside and see a lot of different colored hairs, skin tones that belong to these kids. I walk to my desk and clap my hands.

"Okay everyone! Calm down!" I shout. They're all sitting in their chosen places. "It took you all 8 seconds to calm down! If you came here to make friends then you can walk out of here right here and now. This isn't a place to ,,make friends". Anyway, I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. You all are here because you've been chosen for the hero course. And here's a warning for you guys." they all look weirdly at me. "This wont be easy." I say, looking over the sea of students and their stupid reactions. A glimpse of (H/c) hair lies on the table in front of her, as her head is against it. "Hey you."I try to get the attention of the girl. "Hey. listen!"I say again. Nothing. I walk to her and shake her by her shoulder.

(Y/n)'s POV

All I see is black. Nothingness. Suddenly, I hear faint shouting. Like someone's calling someone and at that moment I knew, I fucked u- I felt pain in my shoulder. It hurt so much that I couldn't help it. I raised my head in a fast pace and immediately squint my eyes at the change of lighting. Everything's blurry and after a few seconds of me rubbing my eyes I see... a class full of teenagers, all looking at me and a very ,,rested" man with long, black hair. Note the sarcasm.

"U-um...I.." Then it hit me. "Oh! I-I-I-I'm so so sorry! I accidentally fell asleep an-!"

"It's fine, just don't shout." the man says. I bow my head towards him apologetically and sit back at my desk, listening closely. "Anyway, class dismissed." what.

"W-w-wait! Sir?" He turns to me with the same tired expression.


"I-I... u-umm.. can I.. know your name?" I ask quietly.

"No." I get confused.

'okay, what's his deal.'

"You've been sleeping in class. As punishment go ask someone else. I'm sure you don't know anyone and you look like the shy type."

'Ugh! Stop assuming! Seriously. Couldn't he have just saved that whole sentence and said two words?'

I look around the classroom and see a lot of students.

'Ugghhh... which one should I pick..?'

I spot some girls talking to each other in the corner.

'Should I ask the girls..?'

I turn to another group, this specific group is made of men.

'..or should I go for guys..?'

Then, my eye lands on an ash blond haired boy, sleeping with his legs on the table.

'I guess he wont hurt.'

I walk up to the guy and gently pat his shoulder. "U-um.. excuse me.." he opens one of his eyes and looks at me. After a few milliseconds he jumps to his feet, his eyes wide open, his teeth grinding each other and a glare that is too familiar to me.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HUH?! INTERRUPTING MY TIME!" As he shouted those words, it seemed like another voice over shouted his. That voice belongs to one of the military soldiers.

He would've always beaten me if I didn't do something right or if I looked too bad for his liking, the list just goes on.

I look at the angry teenage boy in front of me. My face showing a shocked expression and my face - red from frustration. I look down to my feet and clench the end of my skirt, trying to keep the feelings in. This was the first day god damn it! I can't make a bad impression.


"I just wanted to ask the homeroom teachers name.." I mumble under my nose.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" the ash blond shouts at me again. I rise my head to meet his gaze and immediately furrow my eyebrows.

"I said I just WANTED TO KNOW THE TEACHERS NAME!" I scream back at him while charging towards him and pulling him towards myself by his collar. My voice being all cracked I let out a cough away from his face, to not make him more annoyed at me. The boy looks at me, almost shook. But I can still see the hatred in his crimson red eyes. Before he said anything else I walked away to the bathroom.



.....That's what I am to everyone...........
