
*Sorta spoiler this does have content from the latest season on MHA but also i don't stay completely true to the anime/manga i wanted there to be a somewhat happy ending to all this this is the second to last chapter and i hope it meets your expectations. I've written and rewritten these hoping to not end in a sappy or short way. Hope you enjoy**

You didn't know a lot about Endeavors past, mostly rumors sometimes Keigo would fill you in. As you watch the hair dye wash away you can help but think of Todoroki.

~few weeks ago~
All Might and some of the class 1-A came to visit you. Everyone sat on the ground as Sho shuffled around. "How are you holding up?" All Might asks "It's been odd switching from being constantly in danger to now being secluded away but I'm okay. Just doing what i can to keep Sho safe" you say watching the students play with your baby. Sho smiling and excited seeing new faces he crawls to Todoroki and tries to climb into his lap. Todoroki stares at him, unable to climb into his lap Sho sits down in front and starts to tear up.

You quickly walk over and sit down in the middle of the circle of students picking up Sho comforting him.
"Nice going Icy hot you made the baby cry" Bakugo says in a scolding tone. Todoroki looks away. "Is something wrong Shoto?" You ask "trust me you didn't hurt Sho's feelings too bad he's just used to getting his way. Probably do him so good to learn that's not how the world works sometimes." You try cheering him up.

Todoroki looks up at you can tell he's trying to think of his words carefully. "Doesn't it bother you that your son doesn't have Hawks quirk?" The question catches you off guard, you think for a moment. "You know a baby with cute little wings would be adorable, but it would make me sad if he could fly like Hawks they would be able to experience a world i can't. We don't know what quirk Sho is going to have the doctors couldn't even begin to guess what he's going to be able to do." You smile holding Sho "whatever he ends up having for a quirk I'll be happy for him even if he does miraculously grow wings or if he has his very own unique quirk"

Todoroki fidgets with his hands a little before getting up and walking away. You feel concerned and quickly get up to follow him "Bakugo can you watch Sho for me" you say gently passing Sho to Bakugo, "Shoto wait!" You say following him out the door. You catch up to Shoto grabbing one of his hands "I'm sorry. Did i say something wrong?" You ask him Todoroki pulls his hand away shaking his head. "No, don't worry about it" he says coldly. You can tell he's got a lot on his mind "Is this about your dad?" You ask carefully. Todoroki looking at the ground doesn't respond to you "I don't know what he put your family through i don't even know what he could have possibly put you through, but you need to understand parenting doesn't come with a manual." You sigh remembering all kinds of terrible rumors you'v heard of the Todoroki family. "Shoto you've grown a lot as a hero in training. I remember seeing you at the sports festival and when you used your flame it was amazing what you accomplished, every training since I've seen you grow in potential. You even started training alongside your dad"

Todoroki looks at you "I still can't forgive him" he says annoyed. "You don't have to forgive him for what he did but give him a chance to at least help you now. What he did to you wasn't fair to you. He knows that now and he's trying. All i can say is your the only one who can break the cycle treat people the way you should have been treated and someday when you have a baby treat it with love and care. Hawks is overly protective of Sho because of what happened to him as a kid and it's a little much for me to deal with at times but its a process for all of us to work through." You grab Todorki's hands "This with your dad is your process to work through and I'm proud of you for giving him the chance" 

Todoroki looks at his hands as you let them go. He doesn't say anything to you but follows you back inside and rejoins the group eventually playing with Sho.

~present time~

"You know it hurts me that some black hair dye and new piercings was all it took to disguise myself from my own family. Downright depressing. I thought about how this day would come where everyone would know what you did to us as kids. You may have forgotten about me but i always kept a close eye on the family."

Endeavor stands there speechless a thousand thoughts running through his head. His lost son had never been far away, his son became a villain who's caused many deaths and he did this to him.

"I'm surprised Shoto is even working with you. Hell im surprised any of your children continue to put up with you. You sent our mother in a downward spiral that caused he to lash out on Shoto and then you sent her away. Doesn't sound very number 1 to me. You got the whole to city thinking your their savior yet you can even keep your family together."

"Stop!" You shout from behind him Hawks looks at you worried about what your doing. You stare Dabi in the eyes. "People can change Dabi you say Endeavor is a terrible person, however he's been working on himself he's been spending time with his family he's been working hard to keep this city safe. It's not right to judge him for what he's done knowing he's been trying to make it right."

Endeavor looks at you despite everything your defending him. He looks at Dabi and walks towards him "I cant take it back. I can't change what i did no matter how much i want to." He stumbles on his words unsure what to say or if there's words to say to make Dabi feel better.

A loud explosion happens in the distance everyone looks over A gigantic monster walks towards the Hero agency the main league of villains riding on its shoulders. You feel a strong unsettling feeling in your stomach. All hell is about to break loose. You hold Sho tightly.

Gotta keep everyone safe
