Eating Me// Liam Payne//

Its eating me...

Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute and secind by second.

Its been eating me for more than 4 years now, but never this... bad

I begin to cough harder everyday. My lungs seems to have grown smaller. It begins to slowly eat me.


"I'm so sorry, Thea, but you've got 40 days left to live before the cancer eats you completely" the doctor told me with pity lingering in his eyes.

I remained silent... 40 days, not even two months..

"I-Is there a possibility that I could... survive?" I asked hoping, hoping he would say 'yes'.

"There is..." he spoke softly, as the beat of my heart began to slow its phase.


My chest began to hurt again, but held it in. "... but its not very likely to happen" he apoligized.

I slowly stood up from the chair.

The door slammed opened. I  looked at the person, to see non-other than Liam Payne, panting.

"Doc, m-my friend..." he didn't have to continue for Dr. Jules to walk out of the room, leaving me alone with Liam Payne from One Direction.

One word: Awkward



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TYSM for the support *hart hart

