His Cuts // Ashton Irwin //

I never thought I would see someone do it right in front of my eyes.

He was cutting in front of my eyes. He seemed to have noticed my presence. His eyes widened as they stared at me, but he never did stop.

"W-What are you doing, Ash?" I managed to spit out.

He remained silent, but he was still staring at me as the blood still dropped down from his wrist. His gaze traveled back to his wrist.

"Leave me be, Jane" he bitterly told me as he began to tap lightly on his cut.

"Ash, stop that! You know how many people look up to you! How many girls love you, why are you doing this?" I told him as I slowly made my towards his direction.

"That is none of your business" he pulled out a band aid from his pocket and placed bracelets on top of the cut. "Leave me alone, Jane" he told me as he walked pass by me and outside the hotel room.

I never thought Ashton Irwin would be THIS insane.
