
Dearly Beloved,

You know somewhere in my sadness there's a part of me that worries about you. Its irrational and illogical but somethings are just out of my control. Thoughts of you in my head are one of those things. And i have come to the conclusion that if anybody in this world deserves happiness than its you. And i swear i will fight life itself if it isnt treating you kindly. But Love, I've also learnt that it doesnt work that way. For some people, no matter what you do, it just doesn't work. Because it isnt meant to be.
I once moved the heaven and earth for someone. Atleast thats what it felt like i did. Thats what i knew i did. But for them, it was nothing. Nada. They just couldn't see it. And thats why its said that you shouldn't waste your energies over people who just cant see your worth. And its not their fault either. They're a different breed altogether. Hard wired to see things differently. And so when they shatter your heart completely they do not realize it. So who's to blame then?
Me, maybe.
