
What do you write when you've lost all your words
When the feelings that once came so easily to you
Now seem to be the hardest things to hold onto
You're not sad
You're not alone
You're not empty
Just this nameless and endless
Nagging in the corner of your mind that tells you to shut up mid-sentence
That fills you up with infinite darkness
And you stop mid-laughter
And you look around
See all your friends
Your people
And don't see anything at all
You try to remember what was it that had you laughing so hard a moment ago
Instead you see black holes
You ask yourself: what is it?
Do you miss it now?
After everything
Your heart says no
You do and you dont
So you take up a paper and pen
And then try to put it down
Everything you've been feeling lately
But the words they seem
So out of reach
But the paper remains stark white
And empty
While your heart fills up
With darkness//

