
-Location: Spain
Folkin Apartment Complex

Soft and thick brush glide across the canvas leaving trails of green.The spacious room is filled with the smell of paint and lots of both finished and unfinished pieces of art either hanging on a wall or just on the floor. A sudden knock stops the hand from brushing further. "Ian dear,are you here? "

The red haired man puts away his brush and walks towards the door greeting the old woman with a smile. "Yes nanny Maria, do you need help with anything? " The 70 years old woman shook her head and holds out with her wrinkly hand a letter. "A letter came for you. Looking at the envelope there it seems to be a special one"

Rhemian stares down at the black envelope for a few seconds before taking it. "Thank you nanny.Do you need help with cooking dinner tonight?" "Ah, what are you saying? I can do it on my own I'm still strong at this age you know! you can continue your work" The male let out a chuckle and replied with a little 'alright' before Maria energetically goes down the stairs. His soft eyes then turns cold as he glance towards the envelope in his hand.

-Location: Paris,France
Studio Délos

"Great job today Grayson! Your pictures turns out fantastic as usual! " said a photographer with his eyes sparkling as he look through the result of the day. Grayson let out a scoff and sassily walk towards his chair "Hey, you're talking about THE Grayson after all, so of course I look fantastic. Andrew, where's my towel and water? "

The manager hurrily scurry towards the blonde male as he holds a bottle of cold water and a handful of small towels. The blonde snatches the water bottle and glare at his manager for his tardiness before urging him to wipe his sweats off of him. "What's my schedule after this? "

"You're done for today so you can go home now. Also... a letter came for you. Looking at the fancy envelope it doesn't look like a fan letter" Gray's eyes bulged before quickly grabbing the awfully familiar envelope tear it open. There was silence for a few minutes before he opens his mouth to speak. "Andrew,tell the company I'm going on a long break. "

Lovan Private Studio

A pair of slender fingers move along the piano keys, making a sweet melody that sounds as if it could hypnotise people to just close their eyes and relax to the song and forget about everything. The brunette bob his head following the melody he created. His movement then froze as he heard his doorbell rings.

He calmly gets up and opens the door to see a mailman. "Ah, good afternoon sorry to disturb you sir. Here's your package, you may sign here please. " Alexander takes the pen from the mailman and proceeds to give his signature before taking the box. "Alright then, thank you for your hard work. " As he was about to step back the mailman suddenly calls for him again.
"Wait sir, there's also a letter for you" the mailman then takes out a black envelope from his bag said as he hands it out.

Alex proceeds to take the letter with a smile and a little 'thank you'. "Wait, I have something for you" He then put his package on the floor and extends his arm out to take two apples from a fruit bowl on a desk near his doorway. "I know it's not much but please accept this. You've work hard today" The mailman was flustered by the kind gesture and held out his hands to accept them. He then thanks Alex before waving goodbye which Alex waved back with a smile. As soon as the mailman was out of sight his expression turns dark as he rips the letter open. "Good grief what do you want now uncle Lucius.. "

Few days later
Location: Chronos Auction House

Xaver fixes his suit and hair for the last time before glancing at his watch."3 more minutes. I should go now" he mumbled before heading towards his reserved VIP room and showing his invitation to the security. Soon after he went in, he immediately sat on his chair then shift his attention to the stage.

The auction room went dark and the stage lights lit up revealing a man in a suit. "Good evening,Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Chronos Auction House! I, Eduardo will be your host tonight. Now then let's begin the auction! " The stage turns dark again with the host standing under a spotlight as his assistants starts pushing carts with items that will be auctioned. "Now for the first item... "

After 30 minutes of pure boredom, Xaver finally got up from his seat and exit the room informing the guards that he's going to the restroom."Fuck I might've pass out if I stayed in that boring room any longer" The dark blue haired male head towards a quiet and dark area before putting on a mask and a pair of black gloves before checking his weapons under his coat. After that he sneaks into a secret door which leads into the backstage, professionally killing a few guards along the way.

He then hide behind a curtain, watching as a staff member push a cart which contains the item he's targeting. Suddenly, he felt a cold metal pressed againts his neck. "Who are you? " asked Xaver. The person behind him lets out an amused hum "That's my question. Don't move or I'll slice your throat with my dagger" "Not if I shoot you first" the mysterious male then felt a gun pressed againts his stomach making him curse under his breath. They both eye each other intensely.

The two men then moves away from each other when a spear suddenly was thrown towards them. Due to the speed of the spear the man with the dagger barely escaped and ended up with a shallow cut on his arm. "Hah this fucker!Who the fuck are you now!?"he said glaring at a man holding a spear on top of a stage prop. Xaver took out another gun and points them towards both of them. "Who are you guys?" the man with the spear said loud enough for the other two on the floor to hear. "You know, I might consider telling you if.... you two tell me your identities first and why you're here"

Xaver who figured they were here for the same reason he is was about to open his mouth when sounds of the audiences screaming stops him. The trio heads towards the stage to see the host and his assistants are laying on a pool of blood on the stage as the audiences runs towards the exit. A black silhouette then jumped down from one of the VIP room balcony with a sniper on their back. "Grab the diamond I know you guys are here for it too. Go to the rooftop and let's talk!" the sniper yelled before exiting the auction room through a secret door. While the other two were stunned, Xaver immediately ran towards the stage and grab the item on the floor.

Chronos Auction House,Rooftop

Four men in black stood on the rooftop with their weapons out, keeping their distance from each other. "Who are you guys? " the man with the spear asked finally breaking off the silence that has been going on for what felt like an eternity. A frustrated groan was let out by the man with the dagger "Not this question again" the other three turned their attentions when they heard a sniper being thrown on the ground "You know,at this point I'm sure everyone knows each other's identity by now. " The man then proceed to take off their mask, revealing the dark red haired Rhemian. "Fair enough" Xaver mumbled taking off his mask too which then Alex, who is the spear holder followed next.

The three men without mask then stared at the last person who was still wearing a mask. In a pitiful voice he then said "Who are guys? I don't know any of you at all" "Shut the fuck up Gray, we all know it's you" Alex snorted. Gray chuckled and rolled his eyes before finally taking off his mask, revealing his face.
"Now this is a family reunion. "
