
Lucius massaged his temple looking the pile of paperworks in front of him. His reports increases day by day ever since the brothers are back, most of them are about the money they spent or about the medical expenses of members of their mafia getting injured by the brothers during 'training'. His head throbs even more as he saw a report of the brothers using the mafia money to go to a casino club and spent thousands. "I shouldn't have bring them back here" he groaned.

A loud bang suddenly made him jump then look towards his door. His door was wide open and there stood Gray with his leg up after kicking the door open. Rhemi snickered looking at his uncle surprised look and pat his brother's shoulder praising him'good job'.Xaver and Alex shook their head trying to hold their laugh and enter the room with the other two soon follows after. "Who told you to kick my door!?! "

The blonde brother shrugged his shoulders and cross his leg on the sofa "It was Alex's idea" The said brother let out an offended gasp and his hand on his chest. "I did not...ok maybe I did, but I didn't expect him to actually do it" he complained whike looking away. Lucius sighed and pinch the bridge of his nose "Fine,whatever. Anyways,I expect the operation is successful since I've received quite a large amount of compliments and gifts from Sergeyev"

"Well, the operation is successful but unfortunately the diamond is fake as we expected" Xaver explained putting the diamond on the glass coffee table. "Well fortunately we didn't waste $3 million on a fake diamond like a certain someone almost did" Rhemian rolled his eyes towards a certain blonde who shrugged in response.
"I was only trying to bait him"

"At this pace how are going to find the real diamond" the middle aged man grunted. Then the sound of Alex clearing his throat made everyone turn their head towards him."I might have a useful information" "After our exchange with Igor the manager said something about the diamond they auctioned were given by their boss' friend"

"Does he know their identity? " Xaver asked with his hand rubbing his chin. "Unfortunately no. But I hope this helps"
"Yes it does,thanks Alex. I'll have my men look into this" their uncle responded with a grateful look on his face. "Alright, this meeting is over now right? Can we go now?" Gray beamed and jump to his feet and stretch his sore limbs.

"Not so fast young man. Care to explain why do I keep receiving reports about our men keep getting injured during 'training' with you four?" This question made the brothers snickered. " It's not our fault that they're weaker than us. Besides,it has been a while since we had a duel "
Xaver shrugged with a smug smirk painted on his face.

"I agree! Plus it's also their fault for running their mouth as they like. it's as if we don't have ears or something.. " Rhemian said with a raised arm and an annoyed look. Lucius sighed for the nth time today,  suddenly feeling his blood pressure rising "The casino and the large amount of money you guys spent? " "We got bored"  Gray's short and plain respond made his uncle almost lose his balance and drop to the floor."Do you guys hate me? Is this your way of getting back at me after those four years? "

"Hate is a strong word uncle." Alex said in a calm tone but his heart actually aches with guilt but also slight anger. The other three brothers also went quiet and stare at their uncle with no emotions in their eyes. "I've been wanting to ask... why do you need the diamond so bad? Is it perhaps connected to her? " Rhemi leaned forward with his clasped hands resting on his knees. " Now is not the right time for me to tell you yet" the middle-aged man said quietly with his head down. The red hair nodded his head understandingly with a small 'I see' and get up from his seat with his brothers soon followed after and head to the exit. "Don't forget to send us the gifts" Gray, being the last one to exit said while lazily waving his hand to his depressed uncle.


"Mary Houston, the wife of senator Garrot Houston. Known to have great fascination and interest with collecting diamonds. Currently have over 3,000 collections of diamonds including the Ocean Tears and of course the what she claimed to be the original pink diamond" Xaver explained while pointing at the displayed image of a man and woman from the projector. "Damned rich people" Gray mumbled scratching his head with a pen while reading the file in his other hand.

"So, how are we going to take it this time? " Alex asked. "This Sunday, Mr and Mrs Houston will be having dinner at the famous Lavender House restaurant to celebrate their 20th anniversary and she'll be wearing the pink diamond ring according to one of our spies who disguised as her stylist" the eldest, Rhemian explained.
"So we're gonna try to steal the diamond ring? " the second youngest brother asked again in which he received a confirmation nod from the older two.

"How did they get this diamond by the way? Why didn't we steal it while it was auctioned like the one before? "  Gray asked curiously.  "Well that's because we found that Garrot Houston bought the diamond from an seller that we can't identify" Xaver answered and passing a few pages of papers for his brothers to read.
"And so, our job is also to obtain any information we can get from the buyer himself. Well it's not that unusual for rich people like a senator to have connection with the undergrounds anyways" Rhemi tap the pen in his hand onto Gray's head in which the said brother responded by slapping his hand away with a glare.

"Hey,  I've been thinking about it since yesterday...Why do you think he wants the diamond? " Alex pondered looking at each of his brother's faces. "Who cares? That bastard probably want to get richer or something" the blonde rolled his eyes while spinning on his chair. "I don't know, maybe he have a secret girlfriend so he needs a gift? or jokes aside, maybe it's as what Rhemi had suggested " the blue haired male said looking at the quiet eldest brother who has his arm crossed. "What do you think Rhem?" Gray tilted his head towards the brother.

The red head shrugged and sighed "I'm not that sure too. But by judging on how he reacted when I mentioned her, it probably does.. well atleast some part of it?" his response made the other brothers nod their head in agreement.


Xaver stood in front of a body mirror while drying his wet hair with a towel, staring at his own reflection.  His movement stopped when his eyes locked onto a gunshot scar on his hip. He dropped his hand to trace the said scar while remembering the pain he felt back then and the warm blood on his hand when he first got the wound.

A sudden knock on his door made him flinched and turn his head to see Rhemian leaning on the door frame. "Sorry, did I disturbed you? I'm here to return your hair dryer " Xaver shook his head and point towards a small table, intstructing his brother to put it on the table then continue to dry his hair with the towel. The brother let out an 'ok' and proceed to do as told.

"Oh that... I'm glad it healed well though it leaves a scar" "Don't worry about it. We work for the mafia after all, of  course we're gonna get some scars here and there. "
Rhemian nods and sat at the end of Xaver's bed.

"Do you think it's our fault? The people who died during that mission, do you think they blame us? and her"  the older leaned back on his arm and tilt his head up to the ceiling guilt,regret and sadness in his eyes. The younger stares at his brother and stays silent for a few minutes before he finally replied "I'm not sure... they probably do?" Rhemian let out a long hum "Is that why you stayed? "

"Half of it. The other half is just me wanting a big salary and easy job" the dark blue haired male joked with a silly grin on his face trying to change the atmosphere of the room which successfully made the red head snort.
"Let's go the pizza is probably here"
