First Operation


A man ran and shout through the hallway before bursting open the large door. "I.HAVE.NEWS" the same man then slams both his hands on the "boss' " table at each word. "Slam your hands on my table again and I'll make sure you walk out of my office without them." said a deep voice sitting on a large chair.

The first man swallowed his saliva and slowly taking off his hands off the table laughing awkwardly in fear squeezing out a little apology."So what is this big news you want to share with me? I sure hope it's not wasting my quality time with my little Jacqualine here" the man on chair spin his chair so that he's facing his surbodinate with his hand caressing a thick furred Siamese cat on his lap.

The other man bowed his head "I'm sorry for bothering you and the madam. But I just got some news that the Chronos Auction House was attacked and the pink diamond was stolen although it hasn't been confirmed if it's the real one or not but I'm sure that it's one of the copies" The boss let out an intrigued hum whilst his hand still softly caressing the purring cat "Who stole it? " "By looking at further investigations it seems that the Wong brothers are back."

Location: Wongs Mansion

"Uncle Lucius just sent new details regarding where the other pink diamond will be auctioned next. We don't know if it's the real one or not so I guess it's our job to find out" Xaver explained handing out a document containing the said information for the other three people to see. "It's also stated that someone is also interested in the pink diamond. Igor Sergeyev the distant cousin of the Sergeyev mafia leader" Alex read out.

"Aren't we on good terms with the Sergeyev? If we accidently kill him wouldn't that cause any problems. Besides isn't he one of the powerful person in that mafia or something " Gray point out. Rhemi let out an 'evil' and dramatic laugh and slam his hand on the table "Fortunately for us we got the permission to kill him from the great leader Sergeyev himself! " The younger two let out a shocked and confused 'huh' and stared at their eldest brother as if he was crazy.

"He's not crazy this time it's true. Igor's position and power have been a threat to Sergeyev for a while so he happily let us take the pink diamond and assassinate Igor at the same time" the dark blue haired brother explained and also earning himself a glare from the red head. "So the plan? "

"For roles Xav,Alex and Gray will enter the auction house. Gray will join the event to keep an eye on Igor during the auction. Alex will disguise himself as a staff member at the backstage to secure the diamond and Xav will assist Alex in securing the diamond through the security control room."

"And what will you be doing Rhem? " Gray squint his eyes at the older man. "Oh I'll be staying at home and lay on my bed" Rhemian flash his brother a sarcastic smile which made Gray stick his tongue out mockingly in retaliation.

Alex and Xaver shook their head watching the other two's childish behaviour. "Rhemi will be our eyes on the outside of the venue and for backup if something were to happen outside. Any other comments regarding the roles? " The brothers shook their head to the question thus moving on to the actual plan.


"What are you doing? " Grayson peek his head into the music room to see his older brother Alex standing in front of a violin collections shelf. Alex turned his head to the door and smiled at the younger "Nothing, just reminiscing something" Gray hummed in response and sit on a stool. "Is it the time when uncle Lucius teach you how to play violin? You were really terrible back then I even remember crying everytime you picked up the instrument"

The older playfully scoff and glare at
the younger's statement "Hey, I'm a musician now okay. I'm an expert "
"Play me something then " Gray sent a cocky grin to his brother's confident tone to tease him and then settle down on a sofa. Alex who knows that his brother is teasing him pick out one violin from the collection and prepare his stance. He took one last deep breath and finally play one his self produced song. The soothing and gentle melody made Gray lean back on the sofa and close his eyes relaxing his whole body.

Suddenly Gray jumped awake in surprise as he felt something poking on his side. The blonde who is still processing and is still in shock turn towards his older brother who was laughing and rolling on the ground. "What the hell?! " Gray exclaimed and tackle the wheezing Alex on the ground and proceed tickle and sometimes jokingly hit him while laughing. "Alright alright I give up I'm sorry! get off me please"

"That's what I thought. how dare you scare me" Gray let go of Alex and lay on the floor next to him catching his breath from all the laughing. "How was the song by the way? "
"Hmmm it was trash"

"Oh come on you were clearly enjoying it. you even dozed off for a few minutes there" The brunette rolled his eyes and hit the blonde lightly on the stomach. "Having fun there? " a voice from the entrance make the duo turn their head towards it to see their second brother leaning on the door frame. "Hey Xavy! do you need something? "

"Nah, just coming to tell you lunch is ready. Me and Rhem cooked pasta" Xaver informed. The younger two cheered and jump off the floor then run out of the door passing Xaver just in few seconds. Seeing the two excited brothers he smiled and shook his head before closing the door and heading towards the dining room.

-The day of the auction
Location: Stolin Hall Auction House

"You okay in there bro? " Xaver asked Alex through the communicator. "Yup, all thanks to Gray's disguise and makeup skill" Xaver replied with a 'good' and proceed to watch the security cameras. "Got your invitation ready with you Gray? " Rhemian asked while watching Gray coming out of a limousine in a suit through his sniper scope. "Of course I do. I'm not old and forgetful as you are, you dementia patient" the younger whispered to his communicator which made the elder clicked his tongue. "Watch it kid or I'll blow up your fucking brains from up here"

Gray stopped walking and look up at the rooftop of a building next to the auction house and send his red head brother a middle finger and then continue walking. Rhemi's eye twitch at this. "I see our target just arrived" Rhemian inform his brothers while looking at the target's every move. "Great. I'm checking the item list to find the diamond right now" Alex updated. "Noted. how about you Gray? "

"Just got into the event hall. Igor's people are already here. I can see like 4 men." the blonde explained while carefully eyeing them. "Good job.He's on his way to the auction hall now with 6 guards"
The brothers then cringe as they suddenly heard loud crunching sound from their earpiece. "What the hell Rhemi! " Alex whispered shout to his communicator. "Heh sorry I was eating something" the brother giggled.

Grayson rolled his eyes and turn his head towards the entrance when he hears it opens which reveals their target walking into the room. Igor Sergeyev greeted few people around him before taking a seat that is located a few rows and column infront of Gray. "He's in his seat now "

"Good evening, may I sit next to you? " a voice of a man who just magically stood next to him made the Gray turn his head. A large statured man in a dark blue suit with jet black hair stood next to him with a smile. Gray looked at the man weirdly wondering why the man decide to sit next to him even though the auction hall have a lot of empty seats and just nod in response. "So first time here? " the man asked again. "Yes, I'm here on behalf of my uncle. How about you? "

"Indeed it is. I have something I'm interested in and I heard they'll be here" The blonde intently observe the attractive male's feature in front of him and only manage to reply with a dazed 'I see'.The black haired male noticed how focused the smaller blonde staring at him he tilted his head and raised his eyebrows with a charming smile. Realising how rude it is to stare the apologize and turn away.

"Good evening everyone! I Welcome you all to Stolin Hall! So today.. " Gray yawned at the host's introduction and rest his face on his palm. He turned his head towards the seat next to him to see the person sitting there staring at him as if he's an interesting item which made him raise his eyebrows. "You look familiar. I feel like I've seen you often"

Remembering his identity as a famous model before this current mission had him properly prepare himself using his disguise and makeup skills to change few parts of his feature, hoping that people wouldn't be able to recognise him but after the male next to him telling that he looks familiar made him feel slightly nervous that the mysterious man might be an undercover paparazzi or an obsessive fan. "You must be mistaken sir " Gray smiled.

"Oh please, how rude of me. My name is Arashi " Arashi held out his hand towards Gray for a handshake. The blonde accept the handshake giving his best smile and intrigued by how big the other man's hand is compared to his own "I'm Sei. Nice to meet you Arashi"
Gray decided to use a fake name since he's not sure about Arashi's real identity and which underground gang he belongs to. "A pleasure to meet you too"

"Oi quit flirting with the guy! the pink diamond is next" Xaver scolded through the communicator after about 20 minutes of the two talking about random things and sometimes casually flirting. "Now ladies and gentlemen, this is one of today's special item. A beautiful rare item the Pink Diamond. Let's start the bet with $5k!" A woman in a blue dress raise her hand to bet $5.5k which then cause a few other people to join in and raise the bet but Igor hasn't even raise his hand once.Once the bet reached 1.5 million Gray then raised his own hands to bet 4.3 million. "Are you crazy?! we're not here to buy it dumbass" Rhemian scolded to his brother's ears.

"4.3 million going once! going twi-" the host was cut off when their target Igor suddenly raise his hand "8 million" and with that the diamond is sold to Igor Sergeyev. "Why did you give up? didn't you want the pink diamond? " Arashi ask with a puzzled face looking at Gray who doesn't seem bothered and only respond with a shrug. Suddenly the target stood up from his seat and walk away with his guards towards the door . Grayson also get up from his seat and bowed his head towards Arashi excusing himself "I'm sorry but I need to go to the toilet"
"Oh alright. "

Gray heads towards the door and pressed on his communicator "He's leaving and heading towards the backstage for the diamond"
"Noted, I've also switch the item" Alex responded holding a briefcase following behind the auction manager heading towards Igor and his men. "we've got your item now Mr. Sergeyev " the manager said. "Show me the item first then I'll give the money" Igor instruct one of his men to bring out a briefcase containing $8 million.

By the instruction of the manager Alex steps forward and open the briefcase revealing the diamond. Sergeyev nod his head and wave his hand towards his men to hand over the money briefcase. The both party exchange briefcases before the manager and Igor said their thanks. "Manager is that the real diamond? " Alex asked while walking along side the manager carrying the money briefcase.

"Beats me. The boss got the diamond from a friend who told him to auction it" the manager shrug. "do you know who's the person that gave boss the diamond? "

"How would I know?! I'm only a manager after all. Why the fuck are you asking alot of question newbie just get back to work" Alex bowed his head and apologize and hurriedly walk towards the staff room putting the briefcase on a table. "Bomb has been planted. I'm done with my task" he informed taking off a silicone skin mask from his face.

"Great work Alex. You can head to the van now, I'll erase the security cameras. Your turn now Rhemi " Xaver said through the communicator while his hands busy on the system in front of him. "No problemo" Rhemi lined his sniper and watch as Igor walk out of the main entrance.

Rhemi points his sniper towards Igor's forehead and pull the trigger as soon as the man reach the door of his car. Before the guards could even react they are all blown away by a large explosion coming from the briefcase and the car. "Operation complete"
