One Good Scare Ought to Do it

Phineas POV
We were in the backyard and we did a mariachi.
"Ladies and Platypuses, introducing the latest party craze to sweep the nation" I said and everyone lost their balance and feel out of the tree. I looked at Ferb and Blakye. "I think the lesson here is never drink so much chocolate milk before planning our day's activity. Bye, guys. Sorry. Good work there, though. There's that smile, Arturo. Gracias." I said. Isabella came up to all of us.

"Hi, Phineas." Isabella said.

"Oh. Hi, Isabella." I said.

"Whatcha do-- (Hiccups)" she asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just came by to see whatcha do-- (Hiccups) --ing." Isabella said.

"Wow. That's a bad case of hiccups you got there." Blayke said.

"I know. They're driving me crazy. (Hiccups)" Isabella said.

"Not to fear, Isabella. Ferb, Blayke and I will help you cure your hiccups." I said.

"Hey, where's Perry?" Blayke asked. We were thinking and then we knew what to we just had to ask what scares Isabella.

"Okay, Isabella. The best way to cure the hiccups is to scare them away. So what scares you?" I asked.

"Hmm... (Hiccups) Well, there was this haunted house at the state fair-- (Hiccups) That was pretty scary." Isabella said.

"That's it! Ferb, Blayke and I are gonna make you the scariest haunted house ever! Zombies, werewolves, and ghosts, and vampires, and witches!" I said and I turned around and saw Candace.

"Oh, hey, Candace." I said.

"Phineas! The only way you're building a haunted house in this backyard is over my dead body." Candace said.

"That's the idea. Blah!" Blayke said trying to scare Candace. Candace went down to her level which that means business for Candace.

"That's it, you little psycho! I'm calling Mom! And I am not using the banana this time!" Candace said and slammed the door.

"You guys heard that, right? It wasn't just me" Blayke said. We then got ready to build our haunted house and Candace came out. She was in a different outfit.

"Hey, boys and Blayke! I'm off to the Johnson's book club. Jeremy invited me over." Candace said.

"Uh, when you see Mom, could you tell her some snakes got lost in the house?" I asked.

"Okay! You boys have fun. See ya!" Candace said.
Everyone of friends came to help us.

"Okay, troops. Thanks for coming on such short notice. Buford, I know this is cutting into your canasta game." I said.

"This better be good, pointy." Buford said.

"Oh, it is. Isabella has been cursed with hiccups! Worse case I've ever seen. We're building this haunted house to scare the hiccups out of her. To do so, we must dig deep into those terrible places any sane man shoves into the darkest, twisted corners of his mind. Each of you must find out what scares you the most. As you can see, today we're building a haunted house, electronically controlled by this giant organ. Every room is monitored on these screens. And by playing the keys. I can trigger all sorts of surprises. So with your help, my friends, we can build this house with enough horror to destroy the involuntary contraction of Isabella's diaphragm muscle once and for all! Oh, there you are, Ferb Okay, people, let's get our scare on." I said.
Isabella came and tried to find me.

"Hi, Phineas. Whatcha do... Ph--Phineas?" She asked and I tried to scare with a costume and she knew it was me. "Darn. It didn't work, Phineas. What else you got?" She asked.

"Oh, we've got plenty, if you're up for it." I said.

"I-- (Hiccups) g-g-guess so." Isabella said. We went into the haunted house. We went up some floors. First we saw Baljeet that was in this weird paper costume.

"Boo, boo, I say!" Baljeet said.

"Baljeet?" I asked.

"Oh, I am not Baljeet. I am the scariest thing known to man, a failed math test." Baljeet said.

"Yeah, right. We're just gonna move on now." I said taking Isabella to the next few rooms.

"You can run, but it won't be to the college of your choice, I tell you!" Baljeet yelled. We went into another room and we saw Buford.

"Hello? Buford?" I called out.

"Behold; the face of evil." Buford said.

"Buford, are you supposed to be Jeremy's little sister? You said you were gonna be something scary!" I yelled.

"She is scary, man. She gives me the willies." Buford said.

"Little Suzy Johnson gives you the willies?" I asked.

"You don't know, man. You don't know." Buford said.

"Um...we'll catch up with you later, okay?" I asked.
We went on a rollercoaster and then we saw Ferb and Blayke.

"So, Isabella, did it work?" I asked and Isabella stilled has the hiccups. "I was afraid she would say that. Well, there's one more thing we could try.
Okay, Ferb, raise the antenna. Let's see if we can up the scariness factor. You see, our haunted house is powered by static electricity. Maybe we can get a lightning strike to fire things up." I said. While we were doing the antenna we saw Candace.

"Candace?" I asked.

"Phineas! When Mom sees that you've built a haunted house in the backyard with werewolves and vampires and a Giant Floating Baby Head? What's that even about? Not now! And then there was a giant Jack-in-the-Box with a suit of armor that nearly took my head off, and you--you just drive me crazy! When I tell Mom what you've been doing, you are going down! Down, down, down!" Candace yelled.

"Isn't there any chance that that cured your hiccups?" I asked. We felt the the haunted house lifting. And we all got out except for me. "What's happening? Uh, guys? A little hellllllllllllp...!" I yelled.

"Phineas!" Isabella yelled. I fell out and I was falling.

"Quick, everyone! Sashes!" Isabella said. All the Fireside girls flipped their sashes and made a trampoline out of it. I bounced on the trampoline and landed in Isabellas arms. "Now that...was scary. Hey, my hiccups are gone!" She said. After everyone left and Candace again try to bust us. We all sat under the tree.

"That was a great day, Ferb and Blayke . What did you think the scariest thing was?" I asked.

"Definitely the Giant Floating Baby Head." Ferb said and Blayke nodded in agreement.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Yeah, where did that come from?!" Blayke asked and Ferb shrugged his shoulders.
