It's a Mud, Mud, Mud,Mud World

Phineas' POV

We were all outside playing with our remote control cars. 

"Hey, boys. Hey Blayke." Linda said. 

"Hey, Mom!" I said. 

"What are you up to today?" Linda asked us. 

"We're racing our remote-controlled monster trucks." Blayke said. 

"I don't see any monster trucks." Linda said. 

"Oh, that's 'cause we rigged them to go light-speed. You how those stock motors are. They never give you enough action." I explained. 

"You three have such active imaginations. You must get it from your father." Linda said. She left while we kept playing with our cars. We then heard Candace in her room complaining about the problem with parallel parking. 

"Oh my gosh, Ferb. Blayke I can't believe it! I've never noticed how soft our carpets are." I said. Blayke butted in 

"But more importantly, we have to help Candace get her confidence back. Any ideas?" she asked. 

Ferb pulled out a blueprint. "This is perfect! The Candace Crusher! Nothing says confidence like a monster truck." I said.

"Hey, where's Perry?' Blayke asked. 

We got started on building what we need to do for Candace. 

"Take it all the way back. Keep it moving. Waterfall, the orange cones, parts, left to the garage, bleachers, right, um, ... any where's good." I said. 

We went to the window where dad was painting. 
"Oh, hey boys. hey Blayke." Lawrence said. 

"Dad, you might want to wipe the queen off your face." Blayke said. 

"Oh, oh, yeah, thanks. CRIKEY! A monster truck!" Lawrence said. 

"Yeah! Isn't it sweet?" Blayke asked. 

"It's to help to teach Candace how to parallel park and stuff. We figured out if she learned how to drive on of these monsters, she's got the confidence to drive anything." I explained. 

"Oh yeah, brilliant. But I better check with Mom about this. Uh, hello honey, yes, yes, oh gosh, I love you too, darling. Uh, are you aware the boys and Blayke have a monster truck in the backyard?" Lawrence asked. 

"Honestly, you're as bad as Candace." Linda said. 

"Okay, okay. Just checking.  It's a go, you three! I'll get your sister!" Lawrence said. 

"Oh, this seems like a good idea." Candace said. 

"I gotcha." I said. 

 "Oh, what's the point? I'm never gonna be able to parallel park." Candace said. 

"Don't worry, sis. It's just to build your confidence." I explained. 

"Okay, don't forget to buckle up." Lawrence said. 

 "But we can't drive here. It's just the backyard." Candace said. 

We showed her the course that we have made for her and she was shocked. We guided her on what to do with the monster truck. 

"All right, Candace. All you have to do is maneuver through this traffic cone course." I said. 

"Oh. So I put it into drive... AAH! AAH! AAH! AAH!" Candace started to scream. 

 "I don't think we're gonna get a deposit back on those cones." Blayke said. 

"Okay, Candace. All you have to do on this test is go up this gentle incline." I said. 

We were having fun watching Candace have a great time on the monster truck that we have built for her. We knew this was not the finish. We had to do the parallel parking challenge. 

"It's a photo finish! The winner will be decided by our final event: The Parallel Parking Challenge!" I said to everyone. 

A lot of the other drivers were having a hard time doing the parking challenge but Candace managed to parallel park perfectly. We gave the track to someone else because we were done with it and we put the car back to normal and mom came back and she noticed that we were all covering in mud. 

" Hi, Mom." Blayke said. 

"Candace, why on earth are you all covered in mud?" Linda asked. 

"Because she's a tire-spinning, gear-grinding, clutch-burning, backfiring, paint-trading, red-lining, overheating, throttle-stomping truck drivin' girl." Ferb said. 

"And I learned how to parallel park!' Candace said. 

"Great!" Linda said as we all went inside for some snacks. 
