Get That Bigfoot Outa My Face!

Phineas's POV
We were all on our way to camp. I always looked forward to this.

"Hey, we're almost there. What's the first thing you're going to do at camp, Buford?" I asked.

"Find a nerd, take his underpants, and run 'em up the flagpole." Buford said.

"I don't think camp Phineas and Ferb has a flagpole." I said.

"Then I guess I'll just find a nerd and take his underpants." Buford said.
Baljeet looked a little worried.

"You may have my underpants. They just got very messy all of a sudden." Baljeet said.

"Thanks, but it ain't the same if Buford don't rip 'em off of you." Buford said.

"What about you, Isabella?" I asked.

"The fireside girls and I are going to work on our accomplishment patches." Isabella said.
All the Fireside Girls cheered for what they were going to do.

I looked over at Candace who was sitting next to Blayke. "How about you, sis? What's the first thing you're gonna do at camp?" I asked.

"First of all, it's not camp. It's just Grandma and Grandpa's cabin, and it's boring." Candace said.

"But we made T-shirts." I said.

"Secondly, I don't like the outdoors, okay? I don't like bugs. Phineas, are you even listening to me?" Candace asked me as I was looking around for my Ant farm.

"I seem to have misplaced my ant farm." I told Candace.

"Mom!" Candace complained.

"Yes, Candace?" Linda asked.

"Do I have to go to Grandma and Grandpa's?" Candace asked.

"Oh, I think it's rather sweet the Grandma Betty Jo and Grandpa Clyde invite you kids and all your friends every year." Lawrence said.

"But I'm not a kid. I'm a young adult. Can I do something with you guys?" Candace asked.

"Of course you can, Dear. You can join us at the antiques symposium. This year's keynote address will debate Shellac vs. Lacquer." Linda said.

"Woo-hoo!" Lawrence said. Candace went back to her seat.

"I'll take one of those shirts." She asked. I gave her one and she started crying into it. This made Blayke startled and she tried unstrap her car seat buckle to move away from her.

We finally arrived at the camp.

"Hey!" Grandpa Clyde said.

"Hiya, Grandpa!" I said.
Grandpa picked up Perry.

"Well, hello Phineas! You haven't changed a bit" grandpa Clyde said.

"Grandpa, that's not me! That's Perry!" I said.

"Huh? Huh? Oh, right. Looks like I need to get my glasses fixed!" Grandpa Clyde said.

"With the glasses." I said.
Ferb got off the bus.

"And Turbo Ferb-o! Put 'er there, put 'er there, put 'er there, put 'er there, put 'er there, put 'er there! Still a man of a few words, I see." Grandpa Clyde said.

"Well, actually I--" Ferb said.
Blayke got off the bus.

"Oh there is Blayke oh my I could put you in my pocket." Grandpa Clyde said.

Blayke laughed. "No you can't do that, I'm too big" she said.

"So, where's your sister Candace?" Grandpa Clyde said.
Candace was on top of the cabin trying to get a signal to call her friends.

"Hello? Hello! What do you have to do to find a cell signal in this place?" Candace asked.

"Candace?" Betty Jo said.

"Oh, hi Grandma. How can you stand living out here in the middle of nowhere?" Candace asked.

"Oh, come on, honey. It's not so bad. You'll see." Betty Jo said

"Alright, nature lovers! Time for vittles!" Clyde said.

" "Vittles" is "Grandpa-ese" for "food"." I told Isabella. "Hey, where's Perry?" I asked.

Candace was over away from us and she was not having fun at all.

"Oh, quiet, you pesky bugs! I am trying to tan here!" Candace said.

"Hey, Candace. I thought I'd bring my favorite camp counselor a Phineas special." I said.

"That is just a glass of limeade. And I am not a counselor." Candace told me. Isabella then came up to me.

"Hey, Phineas. The girls have finished pitching the tents. Can you sign here for our Tent Pitching achievement patches?" Isabella asked.

"Sure thing." I said.

"What are you doing?" Candace asked.

"Well, as camp director, I'd say I'm "Doing my job"." I said signing the paper.

"Gather around, kids. There's an old legend, well, not that I believe it, about the Sasquatch. A race of giant, hairy creatures living up here in these very woods. If my memory serves, I think there was a song written about it." Clyde said.
Grandpa sang the Bigfoot song to us. We were having a great time and it was time for all us to be at the campfire. I ate a marshmallow that Isabella made.

"Ahh. Just how I like 'em. You just earned your marshmallow patch, my friend." I said. "So, Grandpa, what should we do now? Tell scary stories? I got one!" I said.

"Oh, Phineas, you always start. Why not give another kid a chance?" Clyde said.

"Yes. How about you, Candace?" Betty Jo asked.

"No." Candace said.

"Okay. Anyone else? Uh, Baljeet?" Baljeet asked.

"W-what? Uh, uh, oh. Thank you. Well, this is a story about a kid who comes to this country, and goes to camp. He, like, has to share a tent with a bully. It's really quite terrifying, actually. Quite terrifying." Baljeet said and we all stared at him.

"Take it away, Phineas." Clyde said.

"All right, Grandpa. I've got a good one. It's about Bigfoot!" I said.

"Bigfoot?" Everyone said.

"Bigfoot?" Buford said.

"And when the moon is full, like it is tonight, Bigfoot will return, and exact his revenge. Huh? What was that noise?" I asked.
Everyone gasped and then everyone screamed.

"You guys crack me up!" I said while laughing.

"Phineas, what are you talking about?" Isabella asked

"There's no Bigfoot! It's just Ferb in the tree! Look! See? They're just dummies! Nice rope skills, my friend!" I said.

"Then... who is this?" Blayke asked.

"Ah, it's an inflatable Ferb. Sounds like Ferb too." I said.

"That was awesome!" Buford said.

"Whoa! That was a good one, boys. You sure got us." Clyde said.

"I can't take it anymore!" Candace said.

"It was just a joke, Candace." I told her.

"You're a joke, Phineas!" Candace yelled.

"Candace, Honey, calm down!" Clyde said.

"Calm down? Calm down?! I don't wanna calm down!" Candace still yelling.

"But your screaming might attract a real Bigfoot." Blayke said.

"A real Bigfoot. Oh, give it a rest, Blayke! Everyone knows that there's no such thing as a real- Oh, fine. What's this one made of? Popsicle sticks and glitter?" Candace asked.

"Uh, no." Blayke said looking worried.
The Bigfoot ate Candace and we all screamed and ran away from the fire. We were all at the cabin having hot chocolate and Candace was talking to us.

"I sure got you guys! You should have seen your faces! Only unsophisticated, immature brains would believe in monsters. Yes, it takes a mature, such as myself, to know that there's... no such... thing... as... BIGFOOT!" Candace yelled and ran inside.

"Oh, I do not believe her one bit. Too much overacting." Baljeet said and we all agreed with him.

Blayke picked up Perry.
"Hey, Perry. Why are you all covered in lipstick?" she asked and Perry chattered at her.
