the new avenger

As I slipped on my clothes I heard a lot of commotion outside my door. I slowly open the door to see everybody huddled around the door across from mine. Nat look at me and smiled knowing I would be exicted to see the new avenger. My dad turned around at me and gave me a look. 

"what do you think your doing?!?" he asked me in a angry tone.

"w-what did I do?" I look around trying to find out what I did wrong.

"why are you wearing that?" he said in a angrier tone.

I opened my mouth to protest but I was cut off again by him. 

"since this avenger is moving in there will be some new rules ok you and the avenger will meet me in my office in 20 minutes go change now." he said 

I was shocked by this. as I turned around and closed my door a million things ran through my head. Why are there new rules? Why are the always saying new avenger and not their name? I didn't have to follow any special rules when the others moved in why now? it just didn't make any sense to me. But my father is my father so I have to listen to him. I looked around my room trying to decide what to wear. I put on jean shorts and peter's jacket. The only problem I could think of was that his jacket was so big it covered my shorts but I don't think it will matter. I sit for 10 more minutes on my bed waiting till I have to leave. 

peter's pov

As I walked into the tower I looked around taking in everything, it was stunning the high ceiling and advanced technology everywhere. it was unreal how expensive this placed looked. I saw Mr. Stark across the room walking my way. I assumed it was to show me around but boy was I wrong.

"Parker we need to talk." he said in a dead serious tone.

"y-yes sir, what's wrong?" I asked concerned by how serious he was.

"Meet me in my office top floor last door on the right." he said as he turned around.

"When Mr. Stark?" I asked.

"10 minutes don't be late." he said as he walked into the elevator.

I started to freak out what did I do wrong? what if he doesn't want me to live here anymore?

I started rushing to the elevator and replayed everything he said in my head. I pushed top floor on the elevator and it spoke to me scaring me just a little. 'top floor sir?" it asked me.

"uhh uhh yes i'm going to see Mr. Stark." I said in a nervous tone with my voice cracking toward the end.

"oh well good luck sir." the elevator said in a concerned tone. I know it's going to be bad when the elevator is wishing me luck. Everything I have ever done wrong flashes in my head and I start panicking. I calm myself down with some deep breaths. The elevator comes to a stop and I walk to his office. I walk into the door and see a big table with Mr. Stark at the head of the table so I sat in the middle seats. Then the door opened.

your pov

I walked down to my dad's office and opened the door excited to see the avenger finally. I looked up and saw Peter and I was really confused. I took a seat across from him neither one of us breaking eye contact. He looked at me from head to toe and his cheeks had a light shade of red. Why was peter here instead of the new avenger guy?

My dad cleared his throat breaking me and Peter from our gazes. I didn't know if Peter know I was his daughter so I acted like a intern.

"Yes Mr. Stark you called me ?" I asked him in a questioning tone. 

"Y/n you can drop the act I"M here to explain everything ready?" he asked us. We looked at each other and nodded not knowing what was about to happen. 

"Ok so Peter this is Y/N she lives here, she is also my daughter that nobody besides the other avengers know so you must keep that a secret it is for her own safety. She is my world I don't want anything bad to happen to her. Y/N this is Peter he lives here, he is the new avenger. He is also Spider-Man and you already know to keep everybody's true names and stuff a secret. He will be training here as well." He finished out of breath. I didn't know what to feel. I was mad at my dad for letting him fight before me and I was mad that he didn't tell me who it was right away. But I was happy because peter is staying here and I get to spend more time with him. I looked up and saw Peter staring at me jaw dropped and multiple emotions behind his eyes. 

Peter's pov

I was so surprised. Y/N acted very well I had no clue what so ever that tony even had a daughter. As the shock went away it turned to happiness I get to spend everyday and moment with her. But that is iron man's daughter how do I even know I'm allowed around her anymore.

"Alright so now for the real reason you are called here. There are some rules that have been in placed. Y/N I know these rules will be new but they must be there. 

1. Curfew is 10pm weekdays 11pm weekends. 

2. Clothes must be on at all times except in shower 


4. If you two are in a room doors must be opened at ALL TIMES

5. No going into each other's rooms

6. No eye contact for longer then 20 seconds

7. No borrowing clothes 

8. Last but not least no liking each other only friends.

"oh dad I broke a rule." Y/N said.

"WhAT rULe dId You BReAk!?!?!?!?" he asked in a panicked tone.

"Rule 7" he looked at the jacket then at me then her and gave me a death glare.

"take it off then." he said still killing me with the glare.

"I really can't it wou.." Y/N started to say but her dad cut her off.

"I don't want to hear a excuse take it off now." he said getting angry.

"fine!" she said mad. She lifted up the large sweatshirt and we realized why she didn't want to take it off. She had short ripped jeans on and a sports bra no shirt. As she lifted It up it revealed a amazing 6 pack you could tell she worked hard to keep. I couldn't break my eyes from her.

"Kid stop staring at her if you know what's good for you." Tony told me giving me a chance to live a little longer. Y/N tossed my jacket back and sat back down in her chair. 

"Does everybody understand the rules?" he asked in a calmer tone.

We both nodded and we were almost off the hook till Y/N said something making Tony and I stop in our tracks.

"what happens if we don't follow the rules since it is our lives?" she asked still mad. 

Tony and I looked at each other unsure what to do.

"I don't think you want to know." Tony said in the coldest tone I have ever heard. "now both of you leave." 

As we were in the elevator Y/N started her rant. why would she be so mad about this I don't think she likes me like that.

