so what now

My dad started walking to us and I pushed peter further away. I walk up to my dad and put a hand on his chest to push him away. So there I stood in the middle of the boy I just met and my dad keeping them from killing each other. My left hand was on my father's chest feeling his heart at a rapid beat. My right hand in Peter's hand squeezing it for reassurance. Peter looked at me and saw my frightened look and something came to life in him. He let go of my hand and stepped to my father.

"Mr. Stark this is putting a lot of stress on her shouldn't you care what she wants I thought you said you trusted me. You don't even know what we feel. It is our life shouldn't we get a say. You fight for people to have freedom but you are blocking ours." He said in a angry tone. 

"That is my daughter I know what is best for her." my dad said but I cut him off.

"Peter isn't the best for me. Dad he is funny, very smart, and super protective. If anything he is perfect friend for me. Maybe I would have never even liked him and maybe he would never like me." I said as calm as possibly. I pull Peter into my room and lock the door behind us because I didn't want to deal with anyone else. I turn to him and he is sitting on my bed looking down. 

"He is going to kill me isn't he?" Peter asked nervously. 

"Look let's just tell them we are best friends so we can at least hang on with each other and take it from there." I said looking down. He looked up at me confused.

"Its not like we were together or anything. You are my best friend and will always be just my best friend." He stared at me with a sad look. I moved to my desk facing away so he wouldn't see my tears rolling down my face. I can't believe he would say that after everything.

"Yeah because it doesn't matter how anyone else feels it's always got to be the males way. Because girls never get a say in it. Why should anyone care how I feel. You know maybe I thought we were something more but I guess I was just being a stupid teenage girl with emotions sorry." I said in the coldest voice with my voice cracking every now and then.

"Y/N I-I'm s-s.." he started.

"Just get out now!!" I said yelling at him. He stood up and slowly walked to the door. Once he was out I slammed my door shut and went to my bed and fell asleep crying my eyes out. Why was I getting so upset it's not like I liked him I could never love anybody because nobody ever loved me. All Peter did was just prove it further.  

The Next Day

I woke up and my pillow was soaking wet. I guess I did cry a lot. But it didn't matter nobody ever really cares i'm almost positive they will forget about this in a week. I got up and decided it was time for a different me. I have always tried to be the perfect daughter but now I am going to do things my way. It's time to break the rules and have some fun. I pumped my self up getting ready to do this. But then I sat on my bed. How was I suppose to do this? Then it popped in my head. I AM NOT GOING TO MAKE MY BED!!!! So I sat down again after messing up the sheets more and thought "so what now?". I went over to my closet looking for inspiration to be a rebel for a few days. A voice in my head told me to wear something my dad always hated so that's what I did.

My father hated this outfit to show to much. But I loved this outfit and that's what I am focusing on is making myself happy for the day. I know I couldn't leave the tower in this because I would freeze to death so I planned on a having a lazy day. I left my room and heard everyone downstairs. I started walking down to get a water bottle. I made it probably half way down the stairs and Steve rushed up to me and threw me over his shoulder. I was freaking out cause I had no clue what was happening. 

"Steve can you put me down now?" I asked laughing at him tickling me. He put me down and scanned over my outfit.

"First good morning. Second where is the rest of your clothes?" he asked glaring at me. 

"you are aware it is freezing outside?!?" he continued. 

"Yes I am aware however it is very warm in here and that's where I plan to stay today."

I pushed past him and went to the fridge not caring who was looking. I knew everybody was down here in the morning unless there was a mission and nothing came up today. As I turn around I meet the gazes of everyone. The one's that stuck out were my dad, Peter, Nat, and, Steve. I could see the anger in my dad's eyes as they examined my outfit and calculated exactly how much skin was exposed. Steve still gave me a disappointed look. Nat was in shock at how amazing my outfit was I guess I really don't dress up a lot like a normal teenager would. I usually wear baggy shirts and sweatpants. And this outfit was for sure different. I looked up to Peter. He was blushing hard and his eyes scanned over every inch of my body. Once they reached my eyes we locked. I was staring deep into his eyes and I could feel the stomach pains starting again. As we gazed into each others eyes from across the room a smile came to his face. He knew exactly what I was doing and he approved of it. My dad stepped in front of Peter blocking us from seeing each other. 

"Just exactly what was that for?" my dad asked us both. I walked over to the couch and sat next to Peter. Everybody circled around us waiting for someone to make a move. My dad surprisingly wasn't glaring at me but Peter. I did feel bad for Peter the poor boy was being dragged right into this. My dad stared right into his eyes and instead of looking down like Peter usually did he looked right back into my father's eyes. It was almost like he was challenging him. But my father did not like to me challenged.

"Ok before anybody is hurt how about we try this to solve this conflict in a safer room with less sharp objects." Nat said as she pointed to the office room. Everybody stood up in perfect harmony and walked to the room and took a seat. Nobody said anything for a handful of minutes instead we all stared at each other. My dad was staring at Peter. Peter and I looking into each others eyes from across the table. My dad stood up.

"Ok so obviously letting you live here was a mistake. Kid I trusted you and we had this talk before you moved and you agreed to everything and said you wouldn't dare to break the rules." my dad said pacing back and forth.

"The only reason I agreed to that was because you horrified me and also because I didn't know who you were talking about." Peter looked at me and smiled and I blushed just a little. 

Peter's pov 

Mr. Stark began to walk over to me but luckily Nat pushed him back into his seat and he didn't dare to disobey her. Nat walked to the front of the room. 

"So Tony we need you to understand you can't stop somebody's feelings and they never even said they liked each other." Nat said in a calming mother like voice but was stopped by Mr. Stark.

"Look at how they look at each other Nat. Nobody stares at someone like that unless they like them a lot. I refuse to allow it. They will not be seeing each other like that. She is my daughter I have to approve who she is with and I don't want her dating yet. They are still kids and kids make mistakes a lot. I like Peter a lot and I don't want have to have to hurt him if he hurts my daughter, I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!" Mr. Stark finished and sat back in his chair.

"you know dad it's my life not yours. Also I am not a little kid anymore. I am in high school I have tried so hard to be the perfect daughter for you all the and always agreed with you. I have done everything I can to make you happy. Peter makes me happy dad. He makes me laughing and relax and I always get this weird feeling in my stomach when I am around him and I use to hate it but now I love it. I love being around him. Why can't you let me have something that makes me happy?!?" Y/N said from across the table and all I could do was smile. I never knew she felt that way about me. I was happy because....
