Future Plans

Peter's POV

We are all currently on a plane heading to some location that I wasn't paying attention too. I am kind of stressing over this mission considering Y/N is going with us. I know she can handle herself but I don't want any harm coming her way. If I think for even a second she cant handle something I am going to do what Mr. Stark said and swing her as far as I can. I can't wait to try our new suits though, Tony really out did himself. We have been flying for a few hours and all Bruce has done is blab about the safety measures we need to take while using our powers. He has gone over new battle strategies we will do and refreshing us on what emotions cause what powers.

"Do you think we will be able to change our emotions on the spot?" Y/N asked Bruce.

"I think the emotion factor is temporary. It's just an easy way for you guys to tap into them. Once we land I'll start doing some research and I'm gonna find a way to fully unlock your powers." He said and me and Y/N nodded. After a little he left us alone and began researching stuff.

"Are you nervous?" I asked Y/N.

"Hell no we got this." She said as she grabbed my hand. I brought her hand up to my lips and pressed a soft kiss there. She smiled and looked out the window but I kept my eyes on her. She's so beautiful and amazing, I don't know how I was lucky enough to end up with her. Just trying to picture my life without her is so hard now. My main goals before I met her was to become an avenger, graduate school, and take care of aunt May. But now I want kids, a house, a beautiful family, and I want Y/N to be my wife. I want to grow old with her and one day ask her father permission to marry her. But that's in the future and I want to focus on the present with her as much as possible.

"Peter are you ok?" Y/N asked me snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Oh yeah I am." A big smile spread across my face just looking at her.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked me while smiling.

"Oh nothing you'll find out sometime later." I said and she dropped it knowing she wasn't get an answer. After awhile it got dark out and I heard Y/N's soft snores next to me. I moved the arm rest and pulled her next to me. My arms were around her waist and my head lied on top of hers. I breathed in her amazing scent and quickly drifted off to sleep. I am so in love with this girl it's unreal.


We got off the airplane a hour ago and we were all currently unpacking in a hotel Tony booked out for everyone. The place was massive and fancy. Everyone had their own rooms but by the look Y/N gave me I could tell we were sharing a room. I was finishing putting my clothes in the closet when Y/N walked out with a wet head and I toothbrush in her mouth.

"Do you know where I put my mouthwash?" She asked but it was muffled my the toothbrush. I laughed and pointed to an extra bag on the bed. She thanked me and ran back to the bathroom. Someone knocked on the door and I went to answer it. Tony walked in and collapsed onto the bed.

"You know I've been thinking kid," he began as I sat in a chair across from him "once we get home we should all take a vacation. Get away from this crazy life for a bit how does that sound?" I smiled a the thought.

"That sounds great Mr. Stark." I said and clapped his hands together while standing up.

"Great! You and Y/N think of a place and when and we will do it." Then he left without another word. I guess I had a shocked face on because when Y/N came out she asked me what was wrong. After I told her she started jumping around and squealing.

"Yayyyy we are going to have some much fun." She walked over to me and sat in my lap while cuddling up to me.

"So where do you want to go?" I asked her as I rubbed her back softly.

"Anywhere with a beach." She said and I laughed.

"Ok that's a lot of places. Be more specific."

"I want to stay in the United States so how about Florida?" She asked and I nodded.

"Sounds Great now when?"

"A week after we get back home." She said and I nodded.

"Alright I'll tell Mr. Stark when I see him."

"You know you can call him Tony around me." She said standing up to go lay on the bed.

"Ok." Was all I said as I plopped down next to her. She turned on spongebob and within 20 minutes she was out. I turned down the tv some closed the curtains and sat next to her again. After a few minutes I wrapped her up in a blanket and walked out of the room to tell tony about the plan. Seeing her this excited for something makes me equally excited for it. I'm sure tony will love the idea and after I tell him it was Y/N idea I know he will say yes. I found him in the lobby shoving a bagel into his mouth.

"Hey Mr. Stark, Y/N came up with a plan." I yelled and he walked over to me.

"She said she wants to go to Florida a week after we get back home." He nodded and smiled. I think the beach has something special between them but it seems personally so I'm not going to ask.

"Ok kid I'll tell FRIDAY to make the plans thanks but go keep an eye on her for me." He said patting my shoulder I nodded and headed back to our room. I walked in and she wasn't on the bed. The tv was still on and the curtains still closed. I started panicking and went everywhere looking for her. She walked out of the bathroom and gave me a really confused look cause I probably looked like a mad man.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I didn't take a moment to hesitate and wrapped my arms around her.

"Don't ever scare me like that again."

"I just had to pee don't get your panties in a twist. I'm fine they can't get me anymore." She replied and I just sighed. I don't know how she's so confident. Ever since she was taken I slept a little closer and held her a little tighter cause now I know how easily she can be ripped away from me. But I won't let it happen ever again.

So has anyone seen far from home? I have and I don't know how to feel but the movie was amazing!!!!
Also thank you guys for the comments on my photos it really made me happy:)
Yes I will be continuing the story but please be a little patient I'm sorry.
If you guys have any ideas, request, or questions please feel free to comment them.
Also what do y'all think about Tom's "girlfriend"? They haven't confirmed anything but you know the internet. Ill be happy if he finds someone but also upset my husband is moving on :'( I'm joking lol.
Hope you guys enjoyed thank you love you guys!!!!!!
